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  1. So I am having a weird issue with an armor I'm trying to create. In 3DS the armor looks like this: http://i63.tinypic.com/moora.png In NifSkope it looks like this: http://i66.tinypic.com/14boytf.png And then in game all you see is this.... : http://i68.tinypic.com/2ymeo9c.jpg Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  2. So, I'm working on a mod that is basically another "You can learn any enchantment and put it on anything" mod but mine has an MCM Menu where you can choose if you can disenchant Daedric artifacts and Amulets (Later Aetherial too), I figured that out on my own through lots of googling and research. The problem I've got is this... I have never scripted in Papyrus before so... I have no idea how to set the "Worn Restriction" property of an enchantment via code, and I have no idea how to remove/add the "DisallowMagicEnchanting" Keyword from an item... Any advice would be helpful. Right now, all I have is: ScriptName MoreEnchantOptMCM extends ski_configbase GlobalVariable Property MoreEnchOpt_LearnDaedric Auto GlobalVariable Property MoreEnchOpt_LearnAmulet Auto GlobalVariable Property MoreEnchOpt_EnchEverywhere Auto event onPageReset(string page) SetCursorFill(TOP_TO_BOTTOM) AddToggleOptionST("OPTION_lEARNDAEDRIC","Learn Daedric", MoreEnchOpt_LearnDaedric.GetValue() as Bool, 0) AddToggleOptionST("OPTION_LEARNAMULET", "Learn Amulet", MoreEnchOpt_LearnAmulet.GetValue() as bool, 0) AddToggleOptionST("OPTION_ENCHEVERYWHERE", "Enchant Everywhere", MoreEnchOpt_EnchEverywhere.GetValue() as bool, 0) endEvent state OPTION_LEARNAMULET event OnSelectST() MoreEnchOpt_LearnAmulet.SetValue(!MoreEnchOpt_LearnAmulet.getValue() as Bool) as Float) SetTextOptionValueST(MoreEnchOpt_LearnAmulet.GetValue() as Bool) if(MoreEnchOpt_LearnAmulet) { DA02EnchPoisonCloak.GetPro } endEvent event OnHighlightST() SetInfoText("Select this option to be able to disenchant amulets such as Amulet of Akatosh.") endEvent endState state OPTION_LEARNDAEDRIC event OnSelectST() MoreEnchOpt_LearnDaedric.SetValue(!MoreEnchOpt_LearnDaedric.GetValue() as Bool) as Float) SetTextOptionValueST(MoreEnchOpt_LearnDaedric.GetValue() as Bool) endEvent event OnHighlightST() SetInfoText("Select this option to be able to disenchant Daedric artifacts.") endEvent endState state OPTION_ENCHEVERYWHERE event OnSelectST() MoreEnchOpt_EnchEverywhere.SetValue(!MoreEnchOpt_EnchEverywhere.GetValue() as Bool) as Float) SetTextOptionValueST(MoreEnchOpt_EnchEverywhere.GetValue() as Bool) endEvent event OnHighlightST() SetInfoText("Select this to place any learned enchantment on any item. (Note: Does not allow weapon enchants on armor or vice versa.") endEvent endState
  3. Can nobody tell me how to get that stat? I just need the number it says in your inventory when selecting a weapon. x:
  4. Just to throw it out there... if you multiply 100 by 0.8, you get 80, which would actually decrease the value unless you're doing attack + (attack *0.8 ) but I always found value * 1.8 easier. x:
  5. Well I'm doing what I have yet to see done to werewolves yet that I would really like... I'm trying to change the set up to where, instead of getting x amount of attack bonus and x amount of defence based on level, all of your stats are equal to your human form gear that you normally wear and then the werewolf perks (Like 20/40/60/80/100% more damage) stack on top of that, essentially making the werewolf more viable late-game with stats that are always a bit better than your human form self. So I need to change the process that calls the spells "PlayerWerewolfChangeLvl50AndAbove" and the others, and make it set the stats in my custom spell, then cast my spell instead.
  6. Or not, MeleDamage and UnarmedDamage figures in base stat I guess? It returns 0 every time. x:
  7. Well, I actually discovered that SKSE has exactly what I need to dynamically set the spell power with SetNthEffectMagnitude(Int index, Float value) But I still don't know how to get the value for bow damage. MeleeDamage returns swords and such. UnarmedDamage is self explanitory... but is there like a "RangedDamage" or something?
  8. To elaborate a little bit more, I'm looking for something like: Actor Property SW_Player auto Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) SW_Player = Game.GetPlayer() akSpell.Effect[0].Magnitude = SW_Player.GetActorValue("DamageResist") akSpell.Effect[1].Magnitude = Damage_To_Call() EndEvent Function Damage_To_Call() Int Damage01 = SW_Player.GetActorValue("UnarmedDamage") Int Damage02 = SW_Player.GetActorValue("MeleeDamage") Int Damage03 = SW_Player.GetActorValue("BowDamage") If Damage01 > Damage02 Then If Damage02 > Damage03 Then return Damage02 else return Damage03 endif else If Damage01 > Damage03 Then return Damage01 else return Damage03 endif endif EndFunction Something sort of like that, with some obvious corrections to it. x:
  9. So basically, here is what I'm attempting to do, I need to make a spell then set the spell's effects based on the player's DamageResist and attack. I have two questions... What is the name of the value for the character's attack after all the calculations that I can call, and how do I set a spell's effects from them? I'm absolutely lost on how to edit a spell via script. Any help would be much appreciated.
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