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Aerin Morth

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About Aerin Morth

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  1. *continued* I hope this clears everything up for people who were wondering where I went. I'm still on Planet Elder Scrolls, however, so you might spot my pictures around there.
  2. To all of those who didn't already know, I am no longer allowed to participate on the forums of this website. As such, my private messenger has been blocked. If you see a visit from me on your profile, don't freak out. It was probably me just checking up on old friends. I'm sorry I wasn't able to notify every one of my friends of my previous and continued absence. I hope this
  3. too bad you didn't treat both your kids equally. I'm sure you let your son do whatever he wants.
  4. Sorry, anger is making me blind. Have just noticed it says 'men'! I shall out all them, then!
  5. tried to pm you, rightly concerned father. Know this. If you pm me the name of the vile piece of ordure who did this thing, I will publish his name. I will drive the scumbag out of here. And then, maybe, you may feel able to reevaluate your perfectly understandible decision to ban Aerin from here. We miss her , sorely. Chesto.
  6. Please, rightly concerned father of Aerin. If you haven't, read my post #596, in the general oblivion forum, 'I like...' thread, if you havent already. And read my most recent post, today. Who ever it was that posted those kinds of pms to Aerin shall be outed, and roundly horsewhipped. This I promise. Please, reconsider. We miss her here.
  7. I did not take this action lightly. It was based on some PMs my 14 year old had received from 40 year old men. I am not a prude, I am a gamer also and support my daughter in every way. I would advise those who choose to make "raunchy" comments to consider how they would feel if their child were the recipient of such comments and PMs.

    Regards, Concerned Father.

  8. To whom...,

    This, admittedly raunchy, playground could be just one of the safest, most caring, out-in-the-open playgrounds that you could hope that your daughter would play in. Think on't. Regards, and some undertanding, Chesto.

  9. I like getting back from a camping trip. I like being completely and totally exhausted. I like that people think I'm freakishly spunky. I like Subway. I like soda. I like my dirt bike. I like not crashing on my dirt bike. I like laughing at the idiot who rides past my toyhauler fifty times every day trying to impress me and failing utterly. I like being clean and not dirty. I like my very own blue eyes.
  10. I like that I get to go on a week-long vacation and ride my dirt bike the whole time. However, I don't like that I won't be on here from tomorrow until Thursday or Friday.
  11. I like that I'm strangely energetic after getting only four hours of sleep. I like grape-flavored lip gloss. I like swimming. I like nighttime. I like how weird my entire family is. I like that people think I'm spunky.
  12. Cheating doesn't count, huh? In that case, probably 50k or so. I might be wrong, I haven't played a character without cheats in a really long time.
  13. Yeah, and right after that a zombie walked around the corner and started running at me, only to get sliced up by the swinging blades. Then I started laughing. Poor, pathetic undead zombie man.
  14. Be warned, I'm easily scared, so this might not seem remotely frightening to anybody else. I was dungeon crawling in an Ayleid ruin, crouched down with my bow out. It was really dark, since I have the Darker Dungeons mod enabled, and the only light came from around the corner. So I just kept walking forward slowly, ready to fire an arrow at any moment. I was about halfway down the hallway when I got hit by those swinging blades that come out of the walls. I fell out of my chair and screamed. Of course, the suspenseful music I put in the 'dungeon' folder didn't help much. :sweat:
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