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Aerin Morth

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Posts posted by Aerin Morth

  1. I like getting back from a camping trip.

    I like being completely and totally exhausted.

    I like that people think I'm freakishly spunky.

    I like Subway.

    I like soda.

    I like my dirt bike.

    I like not crashing on my dirt bike.

    I like laughing at the idiot who rides past my toyhauler fifty times every day trying to impress me and failing utterly.

    I like being clean and not dirty.

    I like my very own blue eyes.

  2. I like that I'm strangely energetic after getting only four hours of sleep.

    I like grape-flavored lip gloss.

    I like swimming.

    I like nighttime.

    I like how weird my entire family is.

    I like that people think I'm spunky.

  3. Yeah, and right after that a zombie walked around the corner and started running at me, only to get sliced up by the swinging blades. Then I started laughing. Poor, pathetic undead zombie man.
  4. Be warned, I'm easily scared, so this might not seem remotely frightening to anybody else.


    I was dungeon crawling in an Ayleid ruin, crouched down with my bow out. It was really dark, since I have the Darker Dungeons mod enabled, and the only light came from around the corner. So I just kept walking forward slowly, ready to fire an arrow at any moment. I was about halfway down the hallway when I got hit by those swinging blades that come out of the walls. I fell out of my chair and screamed.


    Of course, the suspenseful music I put in the 'dungeon' folder didn't help much. :sweat:

  5. I like when I can sit at home alone.

    I like root beer.

    I like green eyes.


    I don't like that I can't read whatever Mos wrote before he edited his post. Don't hide things, Mos! I'll find out somehow.

  6. It's not the food coloring, Chesto. It's the cupcakes. Cupcakes are bad.


    I like Aerosmith. Awesome band, there.

    I like making smiley faces out of coins.

    I like getting massages.

    I like explosive material.

    I like Disneyland.

    I like that I will be one year older than I am today next Wednesday.

    I like imagining that someday I'll go to Europe.

  7. Chesto, keep your trap shut! People around here think I'm older than I am. Let's keep it that way, I don't want to attract weirdo perverts. *coughlikemoscough*


    I like making science experiments out of apples.

    I like rocks.

    I like taking pictures.

    I like painting.

    I like writing.

    I like food coloring.

  8. I fail to see how wheelchairs make better skateboards than canes, Mos. And I'm not that blonde.


    I like being bored enough to watch Disney Channel.

    I like acting.

    I like parodies.

    I like that summer is finally almost over and I can go to school.

    I like telling myself that someday I'll teach myself to play the guitar.

    I like getting my hair cut.

    I like my shampoo.

  9. I like getting gift cards in the mail.

    I like making lists of things I like.

    I like being disorganized.

    I like living in what most people would consider a complete mess.

    I like the fact that Mos likes talking about chunky smoothies.

    I like making canes into skateboards.

    I like stealing people's laundry.

    I like that I inherited the nosy, spying-on-people gene from my mom.

    I like that people like my lists.

    I like strawberries.

  10. I like planning to do bad things with my friends.

    I like getting my hair cut.

    I like irritating my family with loud Japanese voices.

    I like dreaming about going to college and escaping my parents.

    I like having lots of money.


    And Mos, you can have your cane back now. It wasn't working as a skateboard.

  11. I like driving fast, with the windows down, and the music turned up loud.

    Any victims yet? :)


    My eardrums. Try listening to Linkin Park with the volume all the way up, it's torture on your ears.

  12. I like cookies.

    I like it when people reply quickly to PMs, emails, IMs, etc.

    I like hiding my cell phone.

    I like strobe lights.

    I like vampires.

    I like driving fast, with the windows down, and the music turned up loud.

  13. I like banana splits.

    I like dry ice.

    I like that Mos isn't the boss of me, even though he likes to pretend he is sometimes.

    I like that everyone seems to think I'm unintentionally funny.

    I like that people always guess my age wrong, even in real life.

    I like watching The Dark Knight trailer over and over again, since I'm currently unable to see it in theaters.

    I like technology.

  14. I like infiltrating Toys R Us and going on a covert stealth mission to the Barbie doll section. Don't ask, seriously.

    Sorry, but you've piqued my curiosity. What exactly did you mean by that?


    I meant what I said. I went on a covert stealth mission in Toys R Us with my friends. We had to infiltrate the Barbie doll section armed with airsoft guns and large teddy bears. And then we celebrated the success of our mission by throwing all the little kids out of the jungle gym and taking it over for ourselves. Then we bought candy and left Toys R Us. Fun day, that was.

  15. I like a certain creepy old man.

    I like stealing said old man's cane.

    I like being much younger than that same old man.

    I like discovering that if I was a weather, I would be lightning.

    I like Starburst candy.

    I like making messes.

    I like infiltrating Toys R Us and going on a covert stealth mission to the Barbie doll section. Don't ask, seriously.

  16. Exactly right. Why don't you leave the front door open, too, and put a sign out that says 'Please come in'?

    Good idea, it'll let some fresh air in. You're just bursting with good ideas aren't you? What would I ever do without you?


    That's me, the idea girl. Can't live with me, can't live without me.

    Awesome! I'll keep you in mind if i'm ever in need of the services of an Oracle of Wisdom again.


    I like a good story(sci-fi, fantasy, etc.)

    I like cats.

    I like that i'm completely independant.


    Oracle of Wisdom, huh? I can live with that.


    I like confusing people by speaking several different foreign languages in one sentence.

    I like having breakfast for dinner.

    I like daydreaming.

    I like tide pools.

    I like turning up my music very loud and blocking out the rest of the world.

    I like when other people cook for me, because I can't.

  17. Exactly right. Why don't you leave the front door open, too, and put a sign out that says 'Please come in'?

    Good idea, it'll let some fresh air in. You're just bursting with good ideas aren't you? What would I ever do without you?


    That's me, the idea girl. Can't live with me, can't live without me.

  18. ...there are people outside my window talking about fence replacement...

    There are people outside my window talking about garbage cans.

    There are people outside my window talking about arson and murder. I think I smell gasoline........Should I be concerned??????


    No, that's nothing to be worried about. I'd be more concerned if someone was talking about cupcakes. Cupcakes are bad.

    You're completely right. I must be paranoid or something. I'm gonna go unlock all my doors and windows and take a nap.........


    Exactly right. Why don't you leave the front door open, too, and put a sign out that says 'Please come in'?

  19. ...there are people outside my window talking about fence replacement...

    There are people outside my window talking about garbage cans.

    There are people outside my window talking about arson and murder. I think I smell gasoline........Should I be concerned??????


    No, that's nothing to be worried about. I'd be more concerned if someone was talking about cupcakes. Cupcakes are bad.

  20. I do not like this MasterAub. I do not like him at his job. I do not like him next to Bob. I would not, could not with a fob.

    No seriously, no offense. Just that mental image freaked the hell outta me.

    I like how the spellcheck thinks "outta" is a word, but "spellcheck" isn't.


    @Aerin: Him? Who is this mysterious "him" you speak of?


    ...there are people outside my window talking about fence replacement...


    You already know him. The creepy old guy.


    Ooo, fence replacement. Fun. There are people outside my window talking about garbage cans.

  21. I like this video: http://www.vimeo.com/1211060


    I like feeling happy.


    I like it when I hear a certain someones voice I go weak in the knees.


    I like feeling certain when it comes to matters of the heart.


    I like that I've found the love of my life.


    I like it that people are on to us.


    You really love him, don't you? How sweet.


    I like not crashing on my dirt bike.

    I like sleeping in.

    I like getting lots of new mails. It makes me feel special. :biggrin:

  22. I like that Worm think a certain 2 members are "subtle", and that they "like" each other. Makes me laugh.

    I personally don't enjoy thinking about said messages, mostly because one of the senders is a creepy old man. Though I do like that they feel free to send us tiny little snippets.


    Agreed. 'Subtle' and 'like' doesn't describe it quite right.


    I like kool-aid.

    I like torturing Martin Septim.

    I like taking full advantage of the havoc system in a room stuffed full of small objects.

    I like that a certain awesome pairing is still the most popular even if it isn't canon.

    I like pretending to know Japanese.

    I like taking pointless personality quizzes online.

    I like clothes shopping.

    I like being a ninja. :ninja:

  23. I like homemade burritos.

    I like browsing the computer game section at Best Buy.

    I like getting good reviews on my stories.

    I like periods of intense inspiration.

    I like daydreaming.

    I like completely ignoring my parents.

    I like multi-tasking.

    I like expensive milk chocolate.

    I like imagining that my parents don't treat me like a child.

    I like downloading clothing mods for my characters.

    I like being obsessed with male characters in video games.

    I like impressing my friend on Guitar Hero.

    I like it when my friend's email is working so she doesn't feel the need to call me every single day.

    I like sleeping in.

    I like painting cars and then destroying them.

    I like smoothies.

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