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Aerin Morth

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Everything posted by Aerin Morth

  1. You really love him, don't you? How sweet. I like not crashing on my dirt bike. I like sleeping in. I like getting lots of new mails. It makes me feel special. :biggrin:
  2. Agreed. 'Subtle' and 'like' doesn't describe it quite right. I like kool-aid. I like torturing Martin Septim. I like taking full advantage of the havoc system in a room stuffed full of small objects. I like that a certain awesome pairing is still the most popular even if it isn't canon. I like pretending to know Japanese. I like taking pointless personality quizzes online. I like clothes shopping. I like being a ninja. :ninja:
  3. I like homemade burritos. I like browsing the computer game section at Best Buy. I like getting good reviews on my stories. I like periods of intense inspiration. I like daydreaming. I like completely ignoring my parents. I like multi-tasking. I like expensive milk chocolate. I like imagining that my parents don't treat me like a child. I like downloading clothing mods for my characters. I like being obsessed with male characters in video games. I like impressing my friend on Guitar Hero. I like it when my friend's email is working so she doesn't feel the need to call me every single day. I like sleeping in. I like painting cars and then destroying them. I like smoothies.
  4. I like saying random things that confuses everyone around you, including yourself. I like spending all day watching marathons of nerdy shows on TV. I like doing things that people don't expect me to do. I like it when people think I'm older than I am. I like becoming so engrossed in playing a computer game that I completely forget the real world exists. I like typing freakishly fast. I like banging my head on a wall for no reason at all. I like using strange and unreadable fonts in my stories. I like watching people play violent video games. I like totaling expensive European sports cars. I would go on, but my fingers are turning into blocks of ice because the room is so cold.
  5. If I'm remembering right, I believe he was a doppleganger who posed as the emperor in Battlespire. I've never played the game, so I'm not entirely sure, but I think that's right.
  6. See, I could do that, but I have the bad habit of taking too many screenshots and forgetting to actually play the game. So very few of my characters have any worthwhile spells.
  7. In situations like that, where the will-o-the-wisp turns invisible, I'll pull out my sword and hack at the air, hoping to hit it. If only there was a see invisibility spell like in D&D.
  8. My personal choice would have to be destruction. I dislike close combat, so I tend to stay back and hurl fireballs at my enemies. Plus, it's always fun to mess with the havoc engine and blow up a room full of small objects. You make a good point about conjuration, though. I've never been a big fan of summoning creatures, though, seeing as how I inadvertently hit them with a spell while they're fighting. They don't appreciate that, and they'll either die or turn and start fighting me. So I try to stay away from summoning spells, and I really only use them because some of the creatures look cool.
  9. I'd freak out and hide inside my house. I'd buy a suit of steel armor, just because I can. I'd go insane while picking plants and end up being killed by a rat hiding in the grass. I'd stay as far away from dangerous caves as humanly possible. I'd be obsessed with collecting shiny Varla Stones. I'd try to show people how to have a normal conversation. I'd read every book in the world.
  10. The many times I was attacked by Cliff Racers right after emerging from a cave full of Corprus Stalkers and Ash Slaves. Also, the times when the game would shut down on me right after a accomplished something important. More likely than not, I hadn't saved for several hours.
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