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About BikerBob69

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    United States

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  1. So was wondering if it would be possible to have a separate Skyrim AE category? Its is very difficult to tell weather a SE mod is going to work under AE without going through the whole install, sort, try, fail, run out and find out there is a working mod. Steam really mucked up modding. Thanks for all the support you have given. Especially for people that have no idea how to mod. (Like me)
  2. So I have been running Skyrim LE with mods for a while, I took a break about 3 months ago and came back to find game crashing on start up. I wiped the dirs and did a full install from Steam with DLC's. Re-downloaded SKSE from silver light so have the newest. But using NMM to install SkyUi or Lengendary Patch. causes game to crash at start of menu's. I cant figure out what has changed. Contacted SKSE team and they have not changed anything. And yes I am starting with the SKSE launcher. Any ideas??
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