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About KurstImmortal

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  1. I want to know if there is much interest in a full overhaul mod. On nexus this game only has 5 mods compared to darkest dungeon over 1100 mods. I have darkest dungeon but I just can't even get into starting a game so much bothers me. I picked this game up on epic for free and loved it. It's easy to mod and I did a lot of modding to my own copy, shows I've played 5 days 12 hours and about 1/3 of that is modding so I'd say I spent 2 days or 48+ hours modding it. That may sound like a lot but It's only scratching the surface and less than 1/20 of what I'd like to do. All I did was just for me and I'd have to more to actually release it as a mod and not sure it if anyone would even care. I may not just putting a feeler out there to see if anyone cares. One more thing a name? Something themed for this game.
  2. Zulu Better Heroes is now out! https://www.nexusmods.com/mechwarrior5mercenaries/mods/535 So as you can see I made the mod just don't have BP that only heroes able to equip the traits. If you are able and willing to make the BPs for me that would be awesome! I have only started learning and will mostlikely be a long time before I'd be able to make them if I do get there. This is just a way I spend some of my little free time not looking to be a game maker just wanting to improve a game I like.
  3. Working on a mod for better hero mechs by making a new trait tree. I can make the mod with out editing or making new blueprints but then any mech can equipt the traits. Already tested you can add new traits by making new bluprints you could realy do a lot with that but I just want duplicates of working base game traits that require a mech to be a hero mech inorder to equip it.
  4. I'm trying to make an endo steel mod and the items work great but I can't get the shops to sell them and can't figure out why. I will adjust the shop list and how rare they are latter first I just need to get the shops to sell them. itemCollection_Components_base.csv itemCollection_Components_base,,, Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard,HeatSink,0,10 Gear_JumpJet_Generic_Standard,JumpJet,0,10 Gear_JumpJet_Generic_Heavy,JumpJet,0,10 Gear_JumpJet_Generic_Assault,JumpJet,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_IV,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_VI,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_VIII,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_X,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_IV.json { "StatName" : null, "RelativeModifier" : 0, "AbsoluteModifier" : 0, "MinTonnage" : 20, "MaxTonnage" : 40, "Description" : { "Cost" : 30000, "Rarity" : 0, "Purchasable" : true, "Manufacturer" : "Kurst inc", "Model" : "40T", "UIName" : "Endo Steel IV", "Id" : "Structure_EndoSteel_IV", "Name" : "Endo Steel IV", "Details" : "Endo Steel IV for mechs up to 40 Tons. Endo Steel was designed especially for use in BattleMech skeletons, halving the weight of the chassis, but at an increase in overall bulk.", "Icon" : "uixSvgIcon_special_Equipment" }, "BonusValueA" : "-0.29T", "BonusValueB" : "Mechs up to 40T", "ComponentType" : "Upgrade", "ComponentSubType" : "NotSet", "PrefabIdentifier" : "", "BattleValue" : 0, "InventorySize" : 2, "Tonnage" : -0.29, "AllowedLocations" : "All", "DisallowedLocations" : "All", "CriticalComponent" : false, "statusEffects" : [], "ComponentTags" : { "items" : [ "component_type_variant", "component_type_variant1" ], "tagSetSourceFile" : "" } }
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