I'm trying to make an endo steel mod and the items work great but I can't get the shops to sell them and can't figure out why. I will adjust the shop list and how rare they are latter first I just need to get the shops to sell them. itemCollection_Components_base.csv itemCollection_Components_base,,, Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard,HeatSink,0,10 Gear_JumpJet_Generic_Standard,JumpJet,0,10 Gear_JumpJet_Generic_Heavy,JumpJet,0,10 Gear_JumpJet_Generic_Assault,JumpJet,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_IV,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_VI,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_VIII,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_X,Upgrade,0,10 Structure_Endosteel_IV.json { "StatName" : null, "RelativeModifier" : 0, "AbsoluteModifier" : 0, "MinTonnage" : 20, "MaxTonnage" : 40, "Description" : { "Cost" : 30000, "Rarity" : 0, "Purchasable" : true, "Manufacturer" : "Kurst inc", "Model" : "40T", "UIName" : "Endo Steel IV", "Id" : "Structure_EndoSteel_IV", "Name" : "Endo Steel IV", "Details" : "Endo Steel IV for mechs up to 40 Tons. Endo Steel was designed especially for use in BattleMech skeletons, halving the weight of the chassis, but at an increase in overall bulk.", "Icon" : "uixSvgIcon_special_Equipment" }, "BonusValueA" : "-0.29T", "BonusValueB" : "Mechs up to 40T", "ComponentType" : "Upgrade", "ComponentSubType" : "NotSet", "PrefabIdentifier" : "", "BattleValue" : 0, "InventorySize" : 2, "Tonnage" : -0.29, "AllowedLocations" : "All", "DisallowedLocations" : "All", "CriticalComponent" : false, "statusEffects" : [], "ComponentTags" : { "items" : [ "component_type_variant", "component_type_variant1" ], "tagSetSourceFile" : "" } }