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About SuscriptorJusticiero

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  1. Same here. I wish all publishers followed Monster Hunter's example and allowed their players to select manually which icon set to show.
  2. I was looking for a simple mod like Allow Vampire Lord Action: being able to loot my enemies before/after feeding from them, opening doors, picking objects up, that kind of thing. Pretty much all mods I've found so far are complete overhauls. Werewolf Loot is the closest I've seen, but while being able to equip armour is good for those who want it, that's way too big for me. My request would be like a werewolf version of Allow VL Action, or a stripped-down version of WW Loot with only the being able to act part. Something simple like that. As far as I know it is possible, given that there are already a few mods that do it.
  3. Since just a few days ago, when I kill a dragon, at the moment of the killing blow the game crashes to desktop. I could kill them normally before that. This is my load order: A Papyrus log: Both the game and the Unofficial Patches are up to date. SKSE version is 1.6.16 rel 44. NMM v0.51.0 The only mods installed that affect dragons at all -as far as I know- are Treebalance: Smithing (drops), Dragons have Soulgems (drops again) and perhaps (I'm not sure about this one) the Phaarturnax Dilemma; it has happened on two separate savegames which didn't suffer from this before, and I've already tried disabling the aforementioned mods, to no avail. I've also tested cleaning a save with SKYRIM Save Cleaner, but nope, still crashes. I've verified cache integrity from Steam, but I haven't tried making a clean reinstall yet. Has anybody else experienced similar crashes and solved them?
  4. I see, thank you. I've tried that and it works, the bed is usable now. However, while it does let me sleep in the bed, it gives the Rested +5% bonus only. I've been looking for a way to make a bed grant the Well Rested +10% bonus, but to no avail so far.
  5. I'm having the same problem since a couple days ago: whenever a dragon suffers a killing blow, silent CTD ensues. The only mods (list attached) that I have that affect dragons at all are Treebalance: Smithing, Dragons have Soulgems and perhaps (I'm not sure about this one) the Phaarturnax Dilemma; it has happened on two separate savegames which didn't suffer from this before, and I've already tried disabling the aforementioned mods, to no avail. I've also tested cleaning a save with SKYRIM Save Cleaner, but nope, still crashes. So far I have tried verifying cache integrity, but not reinstalling the game. Both the game and the Unofficial Patches are up to date. Has anybody else experienced similar crashes and solved them?
  6. The console gives me "Invalid owner 'player' for parameter Owner(optional)" if I do that.
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