Since just a few days ago, when I kill a dragon, at the moment of the killing blow the game crashes to desktop. I could kill them normally before that. This is my load order: A Papyrus log: Both the game and the Unofficial Patches are up to date. SKSE version is 1.6.16 rel 44. NMM v0.51.0 The only mods installed that affect dragons at all -as far as I know- are Treebalance: Smithing (drops), Dragons have Soulgems (drops again) and perhaps (I'm not sure about this one) the Phaarturnax Dilemma; it has happened on two separate savegames which didn't suffer from this before, and I've already tried disabling the aforementioned mods, to no avail. I've also tested cleaning a save with SKYRIM Save Cleaner, but nope, still crashes. I've verified cache integrity from Steam, but I haven't tried making a clean reinstall yet. Has anybody else experienced similar crashes and solved them?