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Posts posted by chillshock

  1. Just like with the lockpicking in fallout4 and skyrim... at some Point this Breaching becomes really ... anoying.


    Now the thing I'd like to see:

    - If you want to breach something >your int: Minigame

    - If you breach something <= your int: Skip Minigame


    Sounds simple, but hell, I haven't found a way to do it. So maybe someone with a clue can do it?

  2. There are some good elements in fo76 that I could see as fo4 mods. If doable.


    - The condition system would be ok. Repairing weapons and armor every now and then would be cool. We are already doing it to power armor pieces... so... maybe?


    And... hm... nope. Don't know anything else constructive to take from fo76 (that isn't available as a mod already). Maybe someone will get the scorched added to fo4. You know... really REALLY anoying pseudo-ghouls everywhere. xD

  3. Hey, just wanted to report back that I went ahead and took basically all your instructions and made the best of it.


    The purge command by vortex seems to have worked rather well and anything left behind was some leftover. I managed to delete everything except the 'official' mods, but steam was downloading 10gigs anyways for repairs. Not sure what that was, but with my internet connection it took more than a night. XD


    Redeployed the mods with vortex and most things seem to work nicely. However Armorsmith Extended and AWKCR (and some other mods, especially those containing multiple plugin files) seem to be iffy?


    I'm almost tempted to switch vortex deploy mode from linking to movement. Should I? Could that help? Those links are pointing to another SSD after all. Maybe that's causing... wrong plugins or something to get linked?


    Thanks for the hints. That's basically what I expected to have to do, but I will do it in-between games. Some of the mods that didn't uninstall left behind their esp's and everything, so I don't quite know if there's any "if you uninstall this during gameplay, kiss your savegame goodbye" one amongst those. :wink:


    You can take the safe route, and save those esps off somewhere.

    Then, in Vortex, on the Saves page, click on the box that says fix missing mods.

    Vortex will tell you which mods are missing. Re-download those and use Vortex to install them. It really is easy.



    That's actually pretty interesting! I'll give it a try (it's currently mirroring my drive to have a backup), so it'll be a while. But thanks for that one! (And ofc thanks to all who cared to provide ideas/help!)

  5. Sadly the assumptions where wrong and it's my bad for not specifying:


    I am running on a windows 10 pc install with fo4 via steam.

    I migrated (successfully, as it seemed) a ~270 mods (some were texture only) game to vortex.

    I did install (even update) some mods afterwards.

    I noticed something not uninstalling properly and leaving behind the files (I assume it is because the originals were 'not via deployment' installed as copies and not hardlinks? Or something along those lines).


    So then I noticed a bunch of old files that "should not have been there anymore".. explaining a lot of weirdness.


    Since I really don't know what the right files to leave behind in a "full purge" would be, I would basically be downloading all CC content and half the dlc stuff all over again? Oh well, maybe next playthrough or when the savegame corrupts.


    Would still be a pretty neat little feature IF you do know the files to leave untouched. ;)

  6. Interesting. I'm playing for a LONG time, and I too have thought about the point of stuff like the toughness perk's 50 DR.


    I'd love to understand the way DR and armor rating and perks interact.


    Say: I get a DR of 50 from the toughness perk and ~500 Armor Rating from my PA... and am getting hit by a 350DM projectile. What am I calculating in what order here?

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