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Everything posted by Nero1n

  1. well... the safe way stays to backup your save before installing or uninstalling a mod. i tried the save cleaner on a really messed up save file , and it end making the eyes of my char flicker, and dropping weird flicker/glitches on meshes/textures. so yeah. i'm keeping with the safe-mode method "Backup your files"
  2. well the easiest way to detect the error: disable 1-3 plugin's. start the game, crash, re-enable them, disable the next ones... go on like this till the game starts. then you should know which mod is causing the crash. probably there's a mod that need's a patch to run with USKP or any other mod. try to disable climates of Tamriel weather patch and it's added "patches" causing often a crash. it conflicts with so many mods, without being detected as error by L00t or Tes5, Boss blah.... so yeah. try to start the game with CoT only...and dont enable the weather patch.
  3. this is simply caused by the "Bloom" effect of the ENB. you can disable it through the menu or just play around with the Bloom settings in the ENB settings :)
  4. ps: if you like cloaks of skyrim... you could get immersive armors, and immersive weapons. i also recommend Wet and Cold mod. (one of them includes cloaks of skyrim)
  5. texture replacers. ultimate fire effects, mesh improvements, enb's etc, will affect your fps. probably your system reaches it's limits. i have the same cpu at 4,7ghz, and a GTX 780 OC GLH + 16gb ram. 150+ mod's installed, and at certain parts of the towns (i use a lot of enhanced towns stuff) my fps drop down to 40 and sometimes even lower. (30-35) but, what you describe.... kinda, sounds like a memory leak. you can look at some ini.tweaks and skse tweaks to improve performance and get rid of some issues. i also use a mod/tweak called "Cell Stabilizer" and "Safety Load" i spend hours in getting rid of fps drop's etc. if id be you. 1.check your load order with " L00T or BOSS " 2.do the cleaning's LOOT or BOOS recommends with "TES5Edit" (read the manual before !) How to use Tes5edit Tutorial 3.Check out some Ini.Tweaks "Example" 4.get usefull tools such as "Cell Stabilizer" and "Safetyload" 5.check your Enb if you use one. some enb's or their settings mess up your Game. 6.if you use ENB turn off all your hardware SMAA, Ambiebt Oclussion, and Antistrophic FIlters. 7.you also can check if some mods need a Bashpatch... if so, u can use Wyrebash to create one after reading an Tutorial Good Luck
  6. never used it. did u tried waiting (ingame,T) for 24 hours ? maybe it just takes a moment to load the MCM menu. from the mod description: Dismiss any companion you may have before or after installing this mod to ensure they get out of the old follower alias and into the new. You do not need to edit any NPC's or do anything extra for this to work, you just install the plugin and you should be able to talk to any follower and recruit them as normal with the exception you wont be told you already have a follower unless you reach the 100 follower limit. (I highly doubt this happening, Papyrus is more likely implode on itself before then) did that ?
  7. Necrothread.... but i has to wake it up. just to say: Tysm i was so frustrated (150+ mods and all working fine) because of MoMod and SIC. now i dont crash anymore w0000t \o.o/
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