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  1. Out of sheer curiosity, does anyone know which mod authors have started or plan to make stuff for the Creation Club? I know asXas has (the shotgun is his work), so now i'm curious to know if any other big names are involved. Some of the textures on that backpack look familiar as well for some reason.
  2. You can just opt-out of the beta, dude. Google it if you dunno how.
  3. He's paid over the course of a development period. After which the finished product's copyright belongs to bethesda/zenimax or whatever. The author's name isn't even attached to it, he's just told us he made it. I'd ask him if he was paid well but I'm sure he can't disclose a number. He just made it sound like it was "standard" or something. Already did myself. My edit went through about two minutes before your post >.> I still think the entire C-Club thing is bullshit, but at least the guys involved aren't getting shafted like some folk expected.
  4. Do you have Steam overlay turned off? Also the shotgun is by asxas so. Go ahead and get that. It has blue tape and everything. Although don't feel like you have to because he doesn't see even a dime of that. He just gets paid a salary and doesn't own it after that. Edit: asXas just clarified the ownership thing. All the CC stuff he makes/made is considered contract work for Bethesda. And he can't say what the salary he got was, only that it's "better than minimum wage in Sweden".
  5. Grab Basement Living, pick a bunker to build that you don't mind leaving 100% bare. Go into that bunker, drop all the s#*! you want to scrap, then use the "scrapall" console command. that command does exactly what it says, so it'll scrap literally everything in the cell that can be. Right now that's the "easiest" solution, because the scripting/coding for a Recycler-style breakdown machine either doesn't exist or isn't accessible.
  6. Alright. Tweaking the offset modifier on the optics isn't an option, because that f*#@s the optics on the other rifles that use 'em. I tried tweaking that same modifier on the receivers, but that literally had no effect whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong here?
  7. ........... Well, f*#@. That's what I figured it'd take... The hell of it is, these same models, OMOD and COBJ records are used for every other rifle that uses these optics. Would altering the offset values screw up the sights for the guns they still work right on? What REALLY hacks me off is that we had this same issue with some of our bolt-action rifles, but I can't remember how the hell I fixed it then.
  8. I'm trying to rig some AR-15 models to run on ShinyHax' animations, but I've run into a problem. The optics I have are all severely mis-aligned when actually ADSing, but only on guns that I've set up for the new animations. Here's what they look like on an AR, running Shiny's AR animations: http://imgur.com/4dw0Y7n And here's what they look like on an AR running Shiny's SCAR anims (what the AR-pattern guns are currently using): http://imgur.com/CdVBZQ4 So, plain and (hopefully) simple - how the hell do I fix this? Do I need to tweak the models of the optics? Do I need to change camera offset values in the .esp? Or do I need to scrap the models entirely and rebuild them? Worth noting that I'm learning as I go here, so please go easy on me >.>
  9. By "stolen content" he means that the model and textures themselves were ripped directly from the files of another game. You will never find a "legit" source for mods like that because they are explicitly illegal.
  10. I just changed it to "greater than or equal to", and I changed the Comparison Value to 50, blanked out the two values under the "GetLevel" function. Will be testing that momentarily. Also, the character I was testing this on last night was level 15, brought up to level 50 via console commands for each round of testing. EDIT: Just tested, that worked. Thanks for the help Chuck :D I need to quit modding at 4 AM, I normally wouldn't have missed something so goddamn obvious. Edit 2: In case anyone else sees this, here's what the property should look like: http://i.imgur.com/ubUzKcL.png
  11. That's what I tried to do, and it didn't work. In FO4Edit, what I had set up was this: http://i.imgur.com/MHAj7Eh.png Now, I'm 99% sure I did that wrong, but I don't know *what* I did wrong.
  12. Plain and simple. Is it possible to make a COBJ record/crafting recipe show up only once the player hits a specific level (in addition to meeting any perk requirements)? I thought it was possible by using the "GetLevel" function and targeting the player, but I'm not sure how to set up the Property correctly, or if my theory is even right. And yes, I've tried Google, didn't find anything useful. Hoping someone here can help.
  13. Dude, just get 9.8. It's a massive improvement over 9.7. Looks better, runs better, and I *think* it's actually a bit smaller of a download.
  14. My FO4 install is sitting right at 47.6 gigabytes, but that's after going through and repacking every single one of my mods in .ba2 archives instead of loose files, and 29.5 of that total is just the base game/DLC (Season Pass FTW). If I unpack all the archives, the size would probably close to double because of all the texture mods I've got, so let's say 100 gigs as loose files to give a little wiggle room. Personally, I'd say go with a 250 gig SSD at the bare minimum, with a 1TB or larger hard drive to shuffle off the stuff you don't use/play but may not want to actually delete.
  15. I actually went ahead and compared the glare off the in-game optics to the glare/reflection off the red-dot on my 15-22 rifle (cheap little BSA RD30), and the reflection is damn near not even there, at least on the back end where you'd look if you're actually using the sight. To get something akin to the in-game screenshots I had to look at the front of the optic, which has some sort of polarized/reflective coating on it (ostensibly to prevent "lens flare" effects if you happen to look at a light source through the optic). So screw it. For now I'll just remove the EnvMap from the .BGEMs entirely. Won't be realistic, but they'll be usable again. Thanks again for the answers.
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