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Can't start Steam since yesterday on Win 7
OpalEyedFan replied to GamerRick's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Well I gave it a really good try a while back and failed. Win10 vs win11, I guess they are pretty similar Could be Java related as you suggest, I dont know, if I get around to it I might try again some day and then try out different versions of Java -
Can't start Steam since yesterday on Win 7
OpalEyedFan replied to GamerRick's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
just chiming in... I use my win8 pc especially for Oblivion simply because of TES4Gecko. I have a win11 pc I use for Starfield and SkyrimVR but it doesnt run TES4Gecko. I have Oblivion on disc so it works without Steam. If I could manage modding Oblivion without TES4Gecko, then I would have it on my win11 pc for sure. I own Oblivion on both Steam and GOG as well and the GOG version is as good as any I guess -
New Worldspace Mod - LOD cares about load order?
OpalEyedFan replied to ArmlessWunder's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Thank you for answering my questions so swiftly! -
New Worldspace Mod - LOD cares about load order?
OpalEyedFan replied to ArmlessWunder's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Are you saying a new version of Tes4Gecko is coming? I'm currently using windows 8.1 and would I then have to invest in windows 10/11 for the new version? (yep I'm a dinosaur) Also I wonder, (and I did my best to try to understand everything in InsanitySorrows guide that you linked to,) if I have a mod with new landmass but it has no LOD for the new landmass for whatever reason, would I still benefit from using the move landmass function in Gecko? What if I distribute the mod as an ESM istead of an ESP, would I still have to "move landmass" in Gecko to ensure that anyone can enjoy it "straight out of the box" or is ESM different in that aspect? I'm a huge fan of Tes4Gecko but this confuses me -
I'm part of the minority that enjoy nonlorefriendly mods
OpalEyedFan replied to OpalEyedFan's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Hi, thanks everyone who replied so far, so cool to hear your thoughts on this ! Sorry but this is going to be a long post :smile: DaddyDirection, glad to hear you feel inspired for a dive back into the Oblivion Editor as I am nosedeep in the Constructions Set myself for hours each day :smile: Glowplug, I admire your work, you have put countless workhours into your mods and it shows! And you have great talent :smile: Pellape, very early on in developement I gave up on the idea of building the mod in a way that would take advantage of the cool tools provided by the excellent Thieves Arsenal So I had to come up with solutions myself and as a result my mod and important parts of Scruggsy's are probably not going to work well together as we have chosen different solutions to reaching the same goals. I am a huge fan of the first two Thief games, and when I started creating this mod I was like, can I make Baffords Manor? Yes that went well :smile: , can I make Cragsleft prison? yes that also went well :smile: , okay I'm gonna make a city now to connect the two... hm I should make a cathedral for the undead as well :smile: A long tme ago I did try The Dark Mod, they did a great job :smile: The inspirations for my mod is (the Morrowind mod community of old) (The Battlestar Galactica tv series) (Thief 1 and 2) (yes Doom :smile: ) (Starwars Dark Forces) and (alien vs predator) DrakeTheDragon, I agree with you, I do not hesitate putting together things that may seem out of place but are superfun to me to play and I think your dragonrace is an exciting idea There are so many great modcreators out there not to mention in here and I am impressed by all the creations and effort behind them, it's amazing I can mention some ideas I have left in the drawer as time has passed :smile: I have things I would love to do that I have yet to find the time for, I always wanted to do some Babylon5 stuff (shadowships are awesome) and I always wondered if I could manage to mimic a modern city with cars and traffic GTA syle in Oblivion. And I've thought longtime about adding a Dungeon Keeper style segment to my mod just for giggles and laughs, but again time is as big a constraint as always. Maybe someday someone else has found the time and energy to make some of those things for Oblivoin?, that would be great :smile: You guys might have noticed the unusual looking bodies seen in the video, here's whats lies behind that The only mod for Oblivion that I released so far was back in 2009. I think it has an interesting story to it, though as mods go, it's not that great. B ut it's core plays a great part in the mod seen in the video The story began after Oblivion at first had struck us all with it's awesome innovations, then the general opinion was that the humanbodies had some gorilla like features, especially the ladies arms and hands. So everyone was hoping for either someone to port over the body from the Morrowind mod Better Bodies, or make a new female body alltogether. Now I was no good at nifs and meshes at that time but I wanted something cooler than the vanilla Oblivion body for my Oblivion mod that I was working on and I didn't care to wait for others to come up with a solution so I dived in and did some learning, figured out the way to import the male and female bodies from Better Bodies into Oblivion. Sadly I couldn't get the fingers to behave so whilst most of the community was dying to have something humanlike instead of the vanilla bodies I kept that little gem to myself, only posting a couple of pics on a few random forums showing people how npcs with Better Bodies compared to vanilla bodies, and how Morrowind clothes looked like on npcs in Oblivion. Not untill after a couple of fresh bodymods by gifted modelers had satisfied everyones needs, did I release the Better Bodies as a mod for Oblivion (including some nice clothes). However the way the fingers looked I just felt so awkward about it so I released the little thing as quietly as I could :smile: But my mod is still using the Better Bodies from the Morrowind mod for most of it's npcs to this very day, (and by now I have long since worked out a way around those fingers that behaved so badly). The player character (male in the doom scene/female in the thief scene) seen in the video is an example of how the Better Bodies look like in Oblivion ( also the imperial officers who briefly appear can be seen using the Better Bodies) The Fallout3 mod I made back in 2009 was also just so I had an excuse to look into scripting, which has been useful in developing the Oblivon mod :smile: -
I have a pretty nonlorefriendy Oblivion modded to my liking that I enjoy playing, and there seem to be so very few mods out there that are not lorefriendly, so I thought to myself that maybe letting people taking a look at a small portion of what I've done might inspire some mod creators out there to get a little crazy too Safe to say though that I've not been very productive in releasing any of the stuff that I've created so far, so besides two very basic mods many years ago (one for Oblivion and one for Fallout3) just to get my feet wet (pluss a little bit of Nif work for Morroblivion version 34 and 36 also a very long time ago) there is not much of anything mod related that I had my hands on that anyone out there has ever seen og played But I think there is room for more nonlorefriendly content mods out there, and it could be nice to take a break from doing the normal modstuff of which there is so much and do something a bit more crazy insted Here is a look at the stuff i put into my modded Oblivion game https://youtu.be/I30KurVuATM Might put someone off, might be inspirational to some, please keep an open mind and I know these things are not everyones cup of tea :smile:
:happy: the video everybody showed from E3 (here's an example http://youtu.be/ic6dKnv3WdU) was not something they threw together during E3, that video was made before E3 believe me. :) When you're selling a game of this magnitude, you leave nothing to chance. You have a meeting between marketing and developers and then decide what scenes to shoot, what you want your audience to see, and then you record the scenes, over and over till you get the result you're after. Taking into account the high level of marketing skills Bethesda has shown previously, it's a safe bet that the marketing strategy for Skyrim 2011 was pretty much decided on last year. What time and where to reveal the game, how much and what kind of new info to release for every single month up until release has been carefully plotted on their marketing calendar. They run a tight schedule and they stick to it. They made one long video of the game early on. Making more scenes later or editing further later, would be a waste of resources needed elsewhere, save adding the voice over audio. Another safe bet is they have already made release trailers that will lead up to 11.11.11, they probably finished making them before summer. They know marketing well. The execution of their twitter strategy is also impressive, :thumbsup: The demo they released last monday, is the E3 video. And we get to see a few minutes more of it this time than we did last time. The E3 demo behind closed doors which was 30 minutes long, matched the content of 20+min video that Bethesda had made. However if they had shown the entire video to everyone at E3, there would've been no point in the behind closed doors demo. :tongue: So they edited out a few things. At quakecon they demoed Skyrim live, and some animal captured it and published it of course, which were against the wishes of Bethesda, who were planning on releasing the full E3 video later. The good thing about the quakcon vid is that it shows a few things that the E3 video do not. Like fish jumping upstream and the giant spider's long range attack which appears to be spitting. ( I wonder if they were inspired by the thief series where spiders would spit cobweb at you and you would get stuck in cobweb for a while). :D
They took different parts from different videos .. this isnt a secret .. they took the best of the different demos they did at PAX,E3,Quakecon and edited it together. Irrelevant I'm afraid, the different location of the skeleton is not caused by any mixing of the PAX QuakeCon E3 footage. :geek: The video editing shown indicated by these two pictures were done by Bethesda earlier to show off the game at E3. Here are the exact same bits from the E3 footage, although the quality is a bit rough, it's identical to what we see in the newly released vid. http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/2859/xdragonskeleton1e3.jpg http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7454/xqdragonskeleton2e3.jpg :biggrin:
:smile: Watching Skyrim vids over and over, can't get enough right now. :blush: At first when watching the official gameplay videos, I was under the impression that the fight against the dragons were recorded in one go, but it looks like they at least recorded two battles and then put together the best footage from from both to make the two dragon battle scene as good as possible. At least it looks that way when using the wagon as reference point. When looking at the first dragon and where it's skeleton lies at the beginning of the battle against dragon nr 2, it becomes apparent that at the end when player kills dragon nr 2, the first dragon's skeleton is lying at a different location facing a completely different direction. Of course it doesn't really matter, I was just surprised as I didn't expect any of that end battle scene to be cut and paste. :rolleyes: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/4808/xqdragonskeleton1.jpg http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/5661/xqdragonskeleton2.jpg So at which position did the player kill the first dragon earlier in the scene? That would be position 2. :tongue:
1st person is the one and only option for me. Luckily Skyrim true to TES tradition,is built around it. I'm ok with them offering a 3rd person view on top of that, the odd pc player + the majority of consoleplayers dig that kind of stuff I reckon but at the end of the day, Elderscrolls to me is primarily 1st person games. :thumbsup: I prefer being the one actually doing the adventuring in 1st person, rather than remote controlling some silly animated avatar through a dungeon making it feel like I'm watching some 3rd rate b-movie. :confused::whistling:
PC Carrying Weight... did I see that right?
OpalEyedFan replied to zer0morph's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
While it is reasonable to think that a frail breton lady is not as strong as a brute mail orc, i ask myself who wants to play a frail breton lady and could mentioned frail creature really be the long awaited dovakin? :blush: Just mod it to your liking. I'll probably mod me a ring that allows my character to carry an inzane amount of stuff after a while. Leaving behind loot is not fun for me. :armscrossed: This is an RPG of sorts so if somebody wants to roleplay a frail wee woman, they can decide for themselves not to let their character carry more than say 90 ibs. I know if I play a breton female character she'll be strong as an grown bear and capable of carrying any orcish male on her back into battle and home again. Well yes there is a perk on the pickpocket perktree, that increases how much you can carry. " "Extra Pockets" Carrying capacity is increased by 100…" One could ask why should a frail breton girl thief get to qualify for a perk like that, and the big strong orc warrior not? I guess there's a simple answer, it's an RPG. So realisme don't always apply. It's a shame, but it's a game. Hm, On the other hand, should orcs be allowed the same speak skill to start with, as breton ladies? After all Breton ladies are so charming and orcs are so appalling . :biggrin: Meh, basicly we can roleplay the hell out of our characters if we want. :smile: -
thanks Thank all gaming gods there's atleast uncompressed video 1280 x 720 being released also at http://www.gamersyde.com/download_the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_gameplay_demo_part_1-23439_en.html and http://www.joystiq.com/game/skyrim/download/skyrim-e3-2011-gameplay-demonstration-part-1-video which doesn't hurt the eyes as much as the youtube stuff. :facepalm:
I think I've learned this so far, Skyrim looks to have great gameplay. Great graphics. Great music. and strangely Bethesda needs to learn how to produce their videos in higher detail. Tried to watch the 720 mp4 version but it hurt my eyes and my brain, had to watch it in a 50% window to get something similar to the image quality I would get from actually playing the game on my computer. The gameplay trailer they released at the beginning of this year seemed to have better image quality even then this. I guess recording HD on an Xbox is never going to happen ..... but then could we atleast get the chance to download the raw video, and not just the compressed to death youtube version? I'm slightly disappointed as I'm fairly convinced that the raw video, looked a lot better than the youtubefied version we got presented just now. It's a wonderfully directed video and although they cut a few things here and there, all the important bits seems to be in place. Yea, yeah ,yeah, we've seen almost all of it before. Pretty much in the same quality as well... which is astonishing. Noticed the rain falling through the building also, ?? What were they thinking. They can only pull off that kind of stuff high up in the mountains where there is no rain, only dynamic snow that will not fall through the roof. The Morrowind music they played when the mammoths came, now that was pretty cool, hope they reuse a lot of that stuff in Skyrim.
List of Modding Artists and Request Thread...
OpalEyedFan replied to theenemywithin9's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If I may suggest something......... I have one mod request. Fishing, the real thing. Not just the unrealistic "swim along, grab salmon with hand" approch that Bethesda went with. Anyone who can make a fishing mod for skyrim, like the one from the Oblivion mod - NPCs with jobs, as demonstrated here in Sarkanders vids, is a hero in my opinion. 'Be eternally gratefull if someone could pull this off for Skyrim. Bait aiming example Catching a fish: Add a pilotable rowboat to that and things would be getting pretty darn perfect me thinks. -
I love the two first thief games and back in the days I followed the developement of Thief3 with hopes of soon getting yet another classic thief game to play. 2002 was dramatic as we lost Emil Pagliaroulo to the ElderScrolls series. The forums to follow when one is interested in thief games is now, as it was back then, TTLG.com. Now Thief4 is in the works and once more I get my hopes up, expecting an epic thief game experience. After Deus Ex3 now being released, Thief4 is next in line using the same engine and tech, so hopefully soon pics of T4 will appear on the net. Well, in a moment of nostalgia I went back and reread various posts at ttlg that lead up to Emil leaving the T3 team and joining Bethesda. Btw did you notice the plain common wood chest from Morrowind looking pretty much the same as the wooden chest in Thief? I figured someone might find this stuff interesting as it documents Emil expressing his admiration for the TES games prior to joining Bethesda. So here are some posts from TTLG 2002, the year Emil switched team : - 26th Apr 2002 Vitali Kram Where is Emil Pagliarulo?! I worry about Emil Pagliarulo. This man was always with community on this forums. But after his shocking news about "Thief 3 only for XBox" or "PC version after XBox version" Emil disappear from our forums. But we know -- he is still working on Thief 3 as level designer. In my opinion, Thief 3-management just forbid Emil talk with community. If it is then its not fairly from Ion-Storm side. . . . . . . . . Hey! Thief3-management-censor-men release to us Emil !!! Don't hurt Emil !!! (may be I little brutal and Emil business not so bad. But Emil good man! Paul, what will you say? May be you little enlighten us about Emil. Is he alive? Or Warren eat him long ago? (joke)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27th Apr 2002 Egg Boy .... ....Originally posted by Vitali Kram Where is Emil Pagliarulo?! But Emil good man! Paul, what will you say? May be you little enlighten us about Emil. Is he alive? Or Warren eat him long ago? (joke) I suspect Emil has just been very, very busy lately polishing his Advance Wars skills. I heard a rumor that he's got an upcoming "tiebreaker" Advance Wars duel against an individual who is -- by all accounts -- something of a "Genghis Khan" when it comes to strategy games, and whose very name instills fear in the hearts of men in many lands. I suspect that if I were faced with the prospect of an upcoming duel against such a mighty opponent, I too would be spending all of my spare time preparing for the coming onslaught rather than posting on the TTLG forums. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29th Apr 2002 Ion-Emil I Live...AGAIN! Whaddup all! Yeah, I've been absent from the forums lately. But, before the rumor mill starts churning out a batch of complete falsehoods, let me set the record straight: never once did Eidos, Ion, Warren or Garrett himself forbid me from posting anything on the message boards, before or after my infamous piece of "news." No, I never got in any kind of trouble, and the powers that be were completely understanding of the situation. So there. Actually, the truth is I've just been extraordinarily busy lately trying to balance my work and personal life. Not sure who knows this, but my wife and I had another baby five months ago (Cormac Avery), and as you can imagine my family keeps me pretty busy. So, when I'm at the office I tend to concentrate on work, and when I go home I'm busy being daddy. But...that's still all just an excuse, and the real reason I haven't posted is that I'm a huge procrastinator! So, I'll be a good boy from now on. Even if I can't say anything, I'll still drop in to hang out and say high. Til next time, -------- Emil Pagliarulo Victorian Slumlord Thief 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30th Apr 2002 Ion-Emil I think it's safe to say that you guys will be happy to know how many of your ideas and design concepts have inspired us. Of course, the biggest problem is that I can't tell you WHICH ideas we've decided to go with and which ones we haven't. There was actually one point when all the designers were looking in the forums and checking out everyone's suggestions and wishlists. As it turned out, soooo many of them were part of our plans. I've read a couple of posts that sort of implied that Thief 3's design is already set, and we're proceeding with the game we have spec'd regardless of whatever you guys might suggest. Well, that IS largely true. As a professional project, Thief 3 has a set schedule, a set number of resources, and has been in development for quite a while now....so of course there are things that are pretty nailed down in our overall design. BUT....that's not to say that the Thief 3 designers don't want (and need!) inspiration from you guys. While the "big picture" of Thief 3 may very well be set in stone, there's still a lot of room for flexibility in the smaller level design details. That's where your suggestions, ideas, and brainstorms come in. ---- Emil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19th Jun 2002 Egg Boy Originally posted by oRGy And the reason Egg Boy can't answer any technical questions is of course because HE'S BEEN PLAEYING MORROWAND ALL DAYE LIEK A BAD-BOY!!! Shhhh! Not so LOAUDE! Be NISE and DOANT TELL MY SEAKRETS!!! If teh WAREN SPECTRO reades teh forrums and findes out taht I haev bean palaying teh MORROWINDE all daye instead fo WOARKING liek I SHOUALED, it could get me into teh TROUBAL! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20th Jun 2002 noah TIII and Morrowind If I may de-lurk for a moment... First off - I'm a huge fan of the Thief series and have been ever since I played TDP in college when it was first released. Many a long night did I spend sulking about in the shadows, and being subsequently amazed (and disappointed :-p) when the early morning (real world) light began peeking through my window shade. Needless to say, Thief has had a profound impact on me (not to mention warping my mind a little :-D) and is one of the reasons I chose the gaming profession...specifically, the computer gaming profession. I am an artist for Bethesda and had the privilege of working on Morrowind for a few years. I can't think of a higher complement than one coming from a developer for a highly respected series, especially one I hold in such high regard. Thief: TDP is right up there with games like Ultima VII as one of my all time favorite games ever. Heck I even...uh..."borrowed" the wooden chest design from Thief for the plain common wood chest in Morrowind! ;-) I eagerly await Thief III (and constantly hype it up to anyone here who will listen) and look foreword to other offerings from ISA. Thanks again for the kind words and for bringing such amazingly rich, detailed, atmospheric, and immersive experiences to the table! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20th Jun 2002 Egg Boy Re: TIII and Morrowind Originally posted by noah I am an artist for Bethesda and had the privilege of working on Morrowind for a few years. I can't think of a higher complement than one coming from a developer for a highly respected series, especially one I hold in such high regard. GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, noah. I can't think of the last time I had so much fun playing an RPG ... ... nothing quite like getting my first quest for the Telvanni, and finding a corridor that goes up, and realizing I had to learn to levitate just to complete the quest, and finding that my intended recipient would rather burn her own cat-slave alive and make a coat of his fur than wear the gown I'm trying to give her ...... ...and then finding I want to rejoin the main quest, and discovering I'm such a flaming idiot that somewhere along the line I sold the package I was supposed to give to Caius Cossades, and now Caius won't talk to me ....... and finally discovering, after 6+ hours of searching and spelunking through old save-game files, that I sold the package to the Telvanni alchemist in Vivec within the first 10 minutes of play, but fortunately, he still has the package and is willing to sell it back to me ....... and concluding that I'm basically an idiot ... ... and eventually being turned into a vampire ... Anyway, please send the good folks at Bethesda my warmest regards for making a truly excellent game. Ah, well, back to T3 and DX2 ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20th Jun 2002 Ion-Emil Hey Noah, You should also know that the Thief 3 artists are completely in love with Morrowind's aesthetic. If I may quote Ion Austin artist Rob Kovak, "Dude, this game looks bad-ASS!" And everyone else agrees, too. It's kind of funny, too. Before Thief: TDP. the only game that offered anything close to the type of thief gameplay was Daggerfall, which I played as this sweet cat burglar character. Now I'm playing Morrowind as a custom Argonian "Shadowscale," and ripping off anything that's not nailed down. Garrett would be in klepto heaven on Vvardenfall... Anyway, nice to meet you! ----- Emil Last edited by Ion-Emil; 20th Jun 2002 at 21:39. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Nov 2002 EmilPags Farewell, Taffers! Hey all, Well, this isn't REALLY a farewell, since I'll still be floating around the Thief forums. But I just wanted to let you guys know that my time with the Thief series has officially ended. It was a great run, and I had a blast, but in the end I decided it was time for a change. I'm now at Bethesda, working as a designer on the Elder Scrolls series (you know, Morrowind-type goodness). I've always loved Bethesda's games, and have always wanted to help make them. Now's my chance. Rest assured, Thief 3 is in great hands! I like to think I did some good work on the project before I left, and you can be sure that everyone else is producing great stuff as well. Well, anyway, stay Thiefy, and I'll see you in the Bethesda forums! ----- Emil Pagliarulo Designer Elder Scrolls "Stuff"