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I don't understand... I've tested it myself, and so long as either the enchantment itself or the magic effects that make up the enchantment have a base cost of 0 it shouldn't be using any charges. When you go to enchant an item with the enchantment, it might say there's only so many charges, but it won't actually use any charges since the cost of the enchantment is 0. Through my testing, I wasn't able to figure out why it would use charges as long as the enchantment has a cost of 0... Are you ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that the enchantment you made and tested had a COST of 0?
One way to do it would be to edit the Magic Effects used by the enchantment(s) that you want to have infinite charges; making them have 0.0 Base Cost. This would result in the enchantments using 0 charge. Of course, I have no idea what that might do when you go to use an enchanter to apply such an enchantment to an item... It might work fine, and you'd just have to limit yourself on how powerful you think the enchantment should be; or it might crash the game. My thinking behind this warning is - if you're putting an enchantment on a weapon, I'm pretty sure the system limits it based on the enchantment's charge cost (i.e. with no charge cost, you might be able to set an enchantment to do 10000 fire damage; or it might crash trying to figure out the max damage). It is attached to the Magic Effect that the Enchantment uses, yes... So the OnEffectStart event would be triggered each time I hit an enemy?
I'm trying to finish an enchantment that will, once finished and working, give experience to the player's lowest skill each time you hit an enemy with a weapon with the enchantment. I have a script typed up and ready to attach to the enchantment, but I'm not sure it will function as intended in its current state, so I have to ask... What is the easiest way to have a script do something each time you hit someone with an enchanted weapon, with the script being attached to the enchantment's effect?
So if I wanted to make an item that had a gold value that changes, could I simply make use of SetGoldValue()? Or would I also have to use a maintenance function to ensure the item kept proper value once it's been changed, since the page mentions that changes made with SetGoldValue() don't save?
@Elias555 I don't know of an event that can be used in a script attached to an actor to reference something they are activating... you could always try attaching the script to the player actor instead, and check if the akActionRef is the actor being controlled by the player when the player is activated, disabling that actor if true. ShowGiftMenu() is only usable on an Actor, which is why it isn't compiling when you try to use in with akActionRef... you would have to cast akActionRef as an Actor before using ShowGiftMenu(); which would require casting it to a form before casting to actor. Sorry I can't be more help.
Then I think you might be confused because right now, it will only disable the actor the script is attached to when the player activates them... the OnActivate() Event is called when the object* the script is attached to is activated, not when they activate something else; just in case you didn't realize. *in this your script is attached to an actor, so when that actor is activated is when OnActivate() triggers
Yep, that was correct. Thanks! Another 2 questions. I have an actor that the player controls temporarily and I need 2 things from to happen and I can't quite figure out the correct events and syntax. This code is on the actor that is being controlled. Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == PlayerRef ;If the player is being activated Self.Disable() ElseIf akActionRef == !PlayerRef ;If any other Actor is being activated akActionRef.ShowGiftMenu(true, AllFood) EndIf EndEvent Did you mean to disable the actor the script is attached to when the player activates them? Edit: Reworded my question for clarity...
I created a quick test mod to test your script, in my own way, and it worked fine with some minor adjustments...Here's the script I wrote to test your function: I know it isn't exactly the same as your's, since I'm triggering mine with the equipping of a ring and not OnTriggerEnter, but still... Hope it helps! Otherwise, I don't know what the problem is to be honest.
Hmm... perhaps try forcing it to wait between each equip*? Or fill out the rest of the parameters for EquipItem()**? Not sure why it would matter either way... As long as you properly filled the properties, which given that AddItem() works you DID, EquipItem() should work as well, you would think. Perhaps it's because you have them as ObjectReference properties and not Armor properties? I've never actually used EquipItem(), but I frequently use UnequipItem(); I always use Weapon or Armor properties when I do, and never have a problem. * **
If you have a spell with a base cost of 66.0, with a skill usage mult of 1.0, and belonging to the Restoration skill... do you get the same amount of experience by casting that spell as you would using Game.AdvanceSkill("Restoration", 66.0)? I'm just trying to figure out whether I'd be giving too much experience...
As long as you call RemoveAllItems correctly it should move the items to the specified container... did you call it something like the following? FollowerRef.RemoveAllItems(ChestGears, true, false)That should ensure their all of their non-Quest items are moved to ChestGears, while they retain ownership of said items. You have to make sure you specify the container you want the items transferred to, and that you have that container as a property of the script (ObjectReference Property ChestGears Auto) so that it actually knows what you're referencing. Also, make sure that you give it some time to process after calling RemoveAllItems() before you try to give any items to them or they might just end up getting removed as well. Edit: Also note that RemoveAllItems() won't actually do anything until there isn't a menu open, as far as I know, which means you'll have to make the selecting those dialogues kick you out of the conversation to allow it to take effect.
Interesting. I have noticed some oddities with this flag before, specifically that slow time effects get applied before the previous effect is dispelled, so they end up stacking even though the old spell was removed. I thought it was working consistently for fortify/restore/damage spells, though. It could be like the detrimental and recover flags where it only works for some effect types. I think it might not have been working for mine because I didn't have any keywords on the effects, so it didn't know what to check for to ensure 'No Recast' actually worked. As long as you have keywords on them it probably is more consistent, but I can't be certain. I'm just going to take a guess and say you might need to force a delay on slow time effects being applied to allow it to properly dispel any active slow time effects first. I'm thinking it might just not have time to dispel the running slow time effect before the new one goes into effect because of the time distortion caused by slow time effects.
Thanks a bunch. I already had the 'No Recast' flag set, which is why I was surprised it was stacking in the first place... I'll add a custom keyword and have it dispel effects with that keyword.
Taking another look at your initial post, I wanted to give my thoughts... One thing to note: as posted, your script doesn't actually cause the target to take damage when they cast a spell necessarily... you have it scripted to cause damage to their magicka, then damage their health based on the difference between their current magicka and the amount they had when you first started hitting them with your spell, thus it causes damage to them regardless of whether they cast a spell or not because you're already damaging their magicka. In other words, if you only wanted it to cause damage to them if THEY cast a spell you would need to remove the line that causes damage to their magicka to ensure it only changes when they, themselves, cast a spell. Oh, and if you leave it multiplying the difference between their initial magicka and current magicka by 100 then it is going to do RIDICULOUS amounts of damage. Even if they only cast a spell that costs 5, that's already 1000 damage as you have it; seeming as you have it scripted to cause damage to their magicka equal to the difference in their initial magicka and current magicka (which, in theory, should basically amount to making their magicka be used twice for any spell they cast) - 5 magicka cost spell = 10 magicka difference during the line that damages health, thus 1000 damage.
I don't know how to mess with concentration spells, so I can't help you there... but I did create and test a Feedback spell. My spell was targeted, and caused the hit target to cast another spell that actually had the effect that caused them to take damage when they cast spells (this was just the way my mind went to straight away after reading your post, could probably be done easier/differently). Here's the scripts I came up with: DarkxEffectFeedbackScript was on the targeted spell, DarkxEffectManaBurnScript on the spell that applies the damaging effect. I did things this way so I could test things easier (I added the ManaBurn spell and the Feedback spell to my spellbook, then cast each to test their effects). EDIT: I included comments in the scripts to explain what they were doing, hopefully ensuring you understood them properly and could use them as reference for what to do with your own.