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About VRApollo

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  1. I'm not sure why either, but if you go into the CK and change any NPC skin, it will make them invisible in werewolf form. For instance, if you change it from 'NONE' to 'SkinNaked', which is build into the game, it still does it. You can test the tranformation and change the follower to werewolf mode, by selecting them and typing 'setrace werewolfbeastrace' in the console.
  2. For followers, one thing I've noticed about transformations, and hope someone might know an answer. The problem happens when you select anything other than 'NONE' for the skin dropdown on the NPC Traits tab. I've got the werewolf and werebear working, but whenever a non-vanilla body type is used (like UNP/CBBE/etc), there is a big problem. When they turn to the beast form, they turn invisible until they turn back. I've tested it also using setskin() from the SKSE, and verified that the beast form works correctly when switching to vanilla body, then breaks immediately when using any other body type. And no mod on nexus seems to fix the problem, as I've tried several. All standalone and replacer follower mods that use UNP/CBBE/etc turn invisible in werewolf/werebear form. We did find that if you leave the NPC defined as a 'NONE' in the CK, it WILL still work if you place the UNP/CBBE body types in the character female folder, but that would also act as a replacer and change every NPC in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this for followers? It does not seem to be a problem for the player character.
  3. For followers, one thing I've noticed about transformations, and hope someone might know an answer. I've got the werewolf mods working, but whenever a different non-vanilla body type is used (like UNP/CBBE/etc), there is a big problem. When they turn to the beast form, they turn invisible until they turn back. I've tested it also using setskin() from the SKSE, and verified that the beast form works correctly when switching to vanilla body, then breaks immediately when using any other body type. Does anyone know how to fix this for followers? It does not seem to be a problem for the player character.
  4. I'm in the same boat. Even to be able to replace the voice options for the general dialog would be nice to know how to do clearly. I've found it to be very tedious, and haven't had something I would consider a full success yet.
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