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Everything posted by EleiMiShill

  1. The new design is amazing, but it's more difficult to keep track of updated files. The idea of a "new files" section is good, still checking the upgrades of old files can also be important, and the fact that you don't have a reference image is a big minus in my opinion. I still like better the fact that the default view is for recent modified files and not just new files.
  2. I'd vote for TES for sure (also because I never played GTA :p )
  3. No, no they don't. I don't know how long it was for Oblivion, but it was around a month for Fallout 3 and on the day after release for New Vegas. I'd expect this one in a week to a month. My release of Morrowind had the editor inside and was installed with the game. I never saw an editor for Daggerfall 'though... For Oblivion, you had to download it from the site. I downloaded the GECK from an unofficial site. So I don't even know if GECK is from bethesda too.
  4. Is it possible to add the function "Last Modified"? I think it works bettet then "Last Files". For instance sometimes I used the Last Files query but in the end it was useless to me. The "Last Modified" query let me see both new files and recent updates to files I like, so I really need it (and yes, every time I connect I go to Advanced Search, file an empty query to see all files and then I sort by Last Update, so I know that it's more a commodity having that query in evidence).
  5. Hi there. As you can understand I'm trying to add magic to Fallout 3, and I need SERIOUS help! First of all I need animations for spellcasting Then I need some visual effects for magic projectiles In the end I need to solve the hideous bug that makes you consume normal ammo when you cast spells. And another reguarding special effects on targets. To solve the latter 2 problems I need to create a script that hurl a magic projectile (namely an activator or a trigger box) toward the target. But I need to check collisions with ground and actors (checking collisions with actors is easy, with ground and obstacles is not). Ah... I forgot, I also need somebody who can help me with UI, needing to add something that permits the playet to know which spell is selected and how many mana he has in inventory! Thankz for the attention. Elei-Mi-Shill
  6. [script] ScriptName DoSomethingSCR Begin ScriptEffectStart Set Mag to HowDoIGetMagnitude? DoSomethingWithMagnitude Mag End [base Effect] ID MyDoSomethingBE Name: I'll do somerhing Effect ArchType: Script Assoc Item: DoSomethingSCR [Actor Effect] ID MyDoSomethingAF Name Do Something! ->[Effect] Effect: MyDoSomethingBE Range: Self Duration: 0 Magnitude: 10 <---- That one is the value I need to read in my script DoSomethingSCR
  7. Here is the first question, and it is really difficult to answer: I'm creating some Scripted Effect to add as Base Effects and then to Actor Effects. Well I want my script uses the Magnitude assigned in the Actor Effect. Any hints on how I can do that? The mod is used in FO3 and must work with NO DLC but it requires FOSE. The second and third are requests of support. I need animations and visual effects for this mod. Effects are projectile type and explosion type. Animations are for spellcasting.
  8. What I need is to animate some buttons (statue like buttons). I have Nifscope and Blender, but I don't know how to sum that up to do animated statue in Oblivion. The first statue is a body who moves up and down when you activate it but the wings stays at the same position. I can do the animation in Blender, but I don't know how to assing it to the Forward animation, therefore i can't activate it in play. If anyone can send me some instruction or some link for tutorials, please do! I'll need them for a Dimensional Ayleid Home
  9. Yes, understand what your mod is now, but what you don't seem to realize is just how time consuming it is to make a city with a dozen or so interiors, with a couple of NPCs. I don't plan building all them at once. I'm waiting for the various clothing modders to ask me specific interiors. I'm only building the ones I need for the general part of the mod. In fact I didn't know there was such an issue. I knew the one with world space, but not this one. Well, if there'll be a real problem, I'll move them (in fact there're are only a few of them)
  10. Well, the MOD itself is pretty much a landscape. There're only a few charactersthat serves to make it playable even if there're no expansions. In fact you should look at this mod as a large canvas where each cloghint artist can paint a setting for his/her clothes. Moreover, he himself told me that he want work on quests, dialogues and voice acting. So I'm giving him the general settings of the character already present in the world. Of coure I'd prefer to work first on the landscaping and the map, and perhpas a beautification of the girls in the world (BTW I'm also planning to add a only male city at the opposite side of the continent just for "par condicio"). But I can't just go bossing around people who offered to collaborate with me. Can I? So I appreciate the suggestions, but just now I'll do the things I can. BTW I'm experimenting with the scripting right now.
  11. Let me see what I can come up with. Princess Lily is a snobbish princess. She will be nicer toward man and quite harsh toward women Valeria, personal guard of the princess is upthigh Yolanda the Weaponsmith (merchant of the castle) is an active sunny girl; and she is nice to everybody Some guards (Eve, Fumiko, Historya, Iria, Valeria) I don't know much about them Ismelda the InnKeeper is the silent type; Sister Yukariko, keeper of the temple of Dibella she is nice and wellcoming, but she has a dark secret (I don't know which yet) Tytania, princess of faeries, she don't like the "big people", but if you gain her trust she is welcoming (but she will keep distances) 2 Faery guards (Lucylla and Prissy) they are really dedicated to the protection of their princess Tytania That's all I can think aboud right now. If you want to make the lines for them feel free to do it. If you don't feel like, I'll send you the lines in a few days.
  12. rdamstrom, you see, there're voice actors perfectly capable of dubbing females. You can't really say until you hear. If he thinks he can manage, I'll let him try. BTW, I'm also checking this "Open Mary" you are speaking of. Thankz for the suggestion.
  13. All right. Dialogues are mainly: Greetings Random Rumors Goodbye The system is pretty messy, so everything is shared and I have to put conditions to assign dialogues to the right person The people in the mod right now are: Princess Lily Valeria, personal guard of the princess Yolanda the Weaponsmith (merchant of the castle) Some guards (Eve, Fumiko, Historya, Iria, Valeria) Ismelda the InnKeeper Sister Yukariko, keeper of the temple of Dibella Tytania, princess of faeries 2 Faery guards (Lucylla and Prissy) Create 2 or 3 different greetings for each group, and possibily also rumors. If you want to add quests to them, PM me. And PLZ, read the Readme file that comes with the mod. It contains a list of available locations.
  14. Well, there're many things you can help with. First of all, if you can voice act a female (different in fact), that would help a lot. Usually there're no males around, but we can't say for sure. If Aliensolf will release an esp based on my mod, there will be a bunch of males to voice act :-) Moreover, I need people to correct my English (which is poor indeed). In the first stage you can do things in Notepad: 1) correcting existing dialogues (you'll need both Oblivion and TESConstruction set for this) 2) creating dialogues for characters 3) creating characters (intended as imagining how they will act) 4) acting their voices (you need TESConstruction for that) The rest is mainly graphic and decoration.
  15. I know my English is poor, I thought that the project was well explained. And still say you have difficulties to understand the project: 1) I don't need the author permissions 'cause I create the base file, the authors or other people will create the .esp files filled with clothes (and related NPCs, quests, whatsoever) 2) I'm not hunting clothes (read 1) 3) I've not the problem of different body replacers 'cause I don't add clothing (except for AT2 armors and clothings); the mods with clothing will advise on compatibility (EC/HGEC, BAB, TTF...) 4) I use "QQuix's Divine Elegance" and it doesn't do the same thing; I want to see the clothings/armor sets alive, therefore, added to a context, not simply worn on command (and, alas, with lot of bugs) 5) I've not everything in my .esm, 'cause the clothings will be in separated .esp files (one for body replacer or better one for author) 6) I already placed a dimensional door in Imperial City Garden District, under the statue of Dibella and it caused no troubles at all, but I have still to test it with the various improvements for Imperial City (which may conflict) Now that I explained it to you again, if you want contribute to this discussion, feel free to do it.
  16. I'll gladly answer them :-) Well, I'm planning to add a Fairy companion. And it's also a suggestion. Companions already equipped with exotic clothings/armors. There're 2 reasons: a) they are single mods or collections of mods. You can find them, buy them, but you cannot see them equipped by other people than you (or your companions); I remember obly some Piplo sets for Exnem (or derived) worn by powerful NPCs that you had to defeat in order to wear them; well, I have far too many clothings to wear them all; so having NPC wearing them for me it seems fair :-) b) sometimes people laments that some clothings/armors are not lore friendly; my world has no lore, so everything inside is lore friendly :-) I hope this will be a good answer to your questions Well, I asked Desuchan to add her races (Persocom and Kawa-Khajiits); and I hope other interesting races could be placed (I've an isle entitled to Sirens for instance). And I always hope that people who create races make also companions of that race too. But as I said, I plan to add a fairy companion, so that alone justifies the presence of the companion mod. You ask if there's something else planned beside girls. Well, boys too :-) And I hope people will add quests (and perhaps I'll add some quests too). There're a couple of interesting locations. And more to come. It seems a pretty impressive mod. But before you continue, let me say this: my mod will not contain clothings. My mod is merely a canvas where people who create clothings can add their work (in separated .esp files). It is so for various reasons. 1) I don't want to force people to use a specific body replacer with my mod (I've choosen AT2 armors for that reason) 2) I don't want to force a "lore" or a "vision" onto people 3) I don't want to discriminate on various clothing/armors artists 4) I want to give to each clothing/armors artist the possibility of creating a satisfying setting for his/her work 5) I want that people that has other ideas (in example, non "lore friendly" quests) can feel free to use this mod too as base for their work Said that, if you need this work, expand it at your will.
  17. I love all the Clothing mods, but I have 2 things troubling me: 1) too much files (almost every cloth has an esp file, so I can't load them all) 2) No NPC wears them, so I can see them only on my companions. So I came up with a solution to that: Ladies' City. What is Ladies' City Project (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20531) ? The project concerns creating a new world where people can place NPCs wearing custom clothing and shops selling them. But they also can add quests, places, races, companions, adventures. In fact Ladies City already contains my Race's Framework (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20213) and Blackie's CM Partners basics (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7819), so it's possible to add both races and partners with ease. The city as it is has only female inhabitants, but that's not mandatory. In fact it's possible to add males too (wearing clothes mainly from Grolfs I suppose). The project comes with a .esm (master) file and some meshes/textures (from A-Type 2 AT2 Clothing and Armors sets, I already asked for permission), but NO BODY REPLACER. In fact the main file is designed in order to work with mostly all body replacers, so the final user is not forced to change his preferred one in order to use this mod. This way all the clothing, regardless the Body Replacer, can be used to expand this mod. The only thing is that it's mandatory to specify the body replacer required in the description of the .esp file, in order to let the final user pick only the compatible ones. The Lore The world itself is designed as "Lore Free". It's another dimension, created by Dibella in for gathering all the most beutiful people, clotings and more from all dimensions. So you can place skimpy armors, sailor suits and power armors all together if you like it! One of the aims of this mod is to give complete freedom to the modders. Support I can create places and merchants for various autors if they don't want to do it themselves (or if they can't do it for a reason or another). HELP WANTED This project is at a very early stage. So I need all the possible supprot. If you like the project and want to help there're a couple of things that are required: 1) voice acting for the dialogues 2) landscaping (most of the world is kust a blank poo right now) 3) World map 4) NPC design (faces, activities, eventually quests) Just PM me if you are interested.
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