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Everything posted by Metalmacher

  1. Hey guys, thought I'd share what I did, maybe it will help someone else in the future :tongue: There is this wonderful mod called Cosmetic Auras ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24667/? ) that basically gives you cool looking auras whenever you hold a certain item. For example there is this gem called Aura - Fireflies that adds white particles that swirl around your hand, like fireflies. It's really cool, lots of work went into it. Anyway, I wanted to spice up those auras a bit, by making them more dynamic, react differently based on what the actor is doing. For example, in my case I took that fireflies effect, and added a script that adds lightning bolts around your body whenever the actor is casting a spell. It makes the character look like he's full of magical power, it's really cool. Naturally, when he stops casting, the script removes the lightning bolts. So after trying a number of things, I've managed to create a script that does the intended job: Scriptname ChenFireflySparks extends activemagiceffect ;;; The purpose of this script is to cast and dispel a lightning bolt effect shader spell, whenever the actor is casting a spell or not Spell Property ChenBigShockAuraSpellPlaceholder auto ;;;ChenBigShockAuraSpellPlaceholder is the spell which causes lightning bolts around your body. Purely cosmetic. ;;;The spell only worked after I turned it (and the magic effect) into a Fire and Forget, and increased the duration to an insane amount GlobalVariable Property poopooMASTER auto ;;;poopooMASTER is a global that determines wether the item is equipped or not. Without it, the loop below would not end... ;;;A separate script is attached to the Firefly gem item, which changes MASTER's value to 0 whenever the item is unequipped, using the Event OnUnequipped() ;;;I tried to check if the item is equipped or not via the actor.IsEquipped() function, but it didn't work so I had to try something else... GlobalVariable Property poopooTRIGGER auto ;;;poopooTRIGGER is used to determine if the lightning bolt effect was cast already, so as to avoid having it cast over and over and over when the actor is in the middle of casting. ;;; IE, say I'm using the flames spell, so the lightning bolt effect should begin, but without TRIGGER it would just be casted again and again and again... I'm not sure how Skyrim handles a situation where ;;; the same spell is cast over and over non stop, but I didn't want to check... TRIGGER is a failsafe, basically. Actor Property PlayerRef Auto ;;; The player actor. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) poopooMASTER.SetValueInt(1) poopooTRIGGER.SetValueInt(1) ;;;Initialize globals when item is equipped WHILE(poopooMASTER.getvalueint() == 1) ;;; WHILE THE ITEM IS EQUIPPED while((PlayerRef.GetAnimationVariableBool("IsCastingRight") !=0) || (PlayerRef.GetAnimationVariableBool("IsCastingLeft") !=0) || (PlayerRef.GetAnimationVariableBool("IsCastingDual") !=0)) ;;;WHILE THE ACTOR IS CASTING EITHER FROM RIGHT HAND, LEFT HAND OR DUAL if(poopooTRIGGER.GetValueInt() ==1) ChenBigShockAuraSpellPlaceholder.cast(PlayerRef) poopooTRIGGER.SetValueInt(2) endif endwhile PlayerRef.DispelSpell(ChenBigShockAuraSpellPlaceholder) poopooTRIGGER.SetValueInt(1) ENDWHILE endEvent At first I wanted to work with Animation Events, but I couldn't get them to work correctly, so I switched to Animation Variables... It's ugly, not very efficient and I'm sure there's an easier way to do this, but at least this works... Anyway, thank you again Frank for pointing me in the right direction :smile:
  2. Thank you very much :) I will look into it.
  3. Hey guys, quick question. Is there a magic/spell equivalent to the GetAttackState? IE, GetAttackState gets this: GetAttackState, 0 = None, 1 = Draw, 2 = Swing, 3 = Hit, 4 = Next Attack, 5 = Follow Through, 6 = Bash, But that's only for when you have a weapon like a bow or a sword. What about spells? Anything for that maybe? Like when you're charging a spell, firing a spell, stuff like that?
  4. Bump. Anyone :(? Plz I'm so desperate for my character to have a badass looking lightning jittering effect... Like a bolt every 1-2 seconds...
  5. Hey guys :smile: I've been trying to tinker with a Lightning Clock effect, essentially trying to decrease the amount of lightning bolts that shoot out at any given moment. making it more discreet... but I just can't seem to do it... The object in question is ShockFXShader, which is a part of the skyrim.bsa file. Here's the capture of the effectshader: http://s24.postimg.org/q21tknvwj/shock.jpg Can someone tell me which settings I should change in order to achieve my desired effect? Any help would be appreciated :smile: You beautiful bastards
  6. Hey guys, I'll be quick. Basically, everything works great, except for this one thing: My character uses dual axes and a bow, sometimes this, sometimes that. Whenever I equip the bow, the left axe disappears from my character. I mean, it's still there in the inventory, but you can't see it on him in sheathed mode. It's purely a cosmetic issue, not gameplay one. I searched the forums but couldn't find a thread which addresses this specifically. Hope someone can help :smile:
  7. Guys, I'm having a small problem with SkyUI, I'm hoping you can help me solve it. I've added a lesser power to the VampireKhajiit race via my own mod, and I have this issue whenever my character transforms into a vampire lord. The skill in question disappears from the favorites menu when I revert back to normal form, and it forces me having to go favorite the skill all the time. This is happening ONLY to that lesser power specifically. If anyone can help me fix this I would appreciate it a LOT.
  8. Thanks! I'll give it a try and update if I'm having any success.
  9. Hey, guys. I'm new to this scripting buisness, been doing it for 2 days and so far so good, but I'm having trouble with some of the basic concepts. I have a script that runs in a lesser power I created, and it's intended to create a toggable Detect life effect. The script has one problem for me right now: Everytime I declare toggle at the beginning of the script, the auto property resets the value it kept from the previous instance into it's initial value. So say I press Z once, and the Detect life effect starts. Toggle would get value 1. Now I press Z again, and what I want to happen is for toggle to get value 2, but instead it gets 1 again because the declaration changed the value to the initial value, 0. What I want is to declare a variable without clearing it's currently stored value. Problem is... I have no idea how to do this... Anyway, this is my script: Scriptname chenDLTS extends ActiveMagicEffect import debug Spell Property mm_SenseLifeToggleSpellDUPLICATE001 auto int Property toggle auto Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Notification("Pre-value for Toggle variable is "+ toggle) toggle += 1 Debug.Notification("Current value for toggle variable is "+ toggle) ; checking if toggle received the desirable value mm_SenseLifeToggleSpellDUPLICATE001.cast(akCaster, akTarget) ; cast the Detect Life spell utility.Wait(5.1) ; wait 5 seconds while(toggle == 1) ; so long as toggle still equals 1 mm_SenseLifeToggleSpellDUPLICATE001.cast(akCaster, akTarget) ; cast the spell again utility.Wait(5.1) ; and wait 5 more seconds. endwhile Debug.Notification("Goodbye, World!") ; confirmation for loop break endEventPlease if someone could help me I would really appreciate it.
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