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Everything posted by keionn

  1. Hello everybody, I am looking for a mod which either -makes it easy for placing things. (For example putting a book, cub or something else easy on a table or anything else) without having to try it half an hour until it is the way you want it. and/or - gives you special "chests" or similar, which you can place somewhere and then put things in it (For example putting a chest near a smithing place or at home, where you can put iron ingots, etc inside.) I appreciate your help if anyone knows and would like to thank you guys :3
  2. I was on a cold winter night, just like this one. I just finished a quest for the Lady of Infinite Energies, Meridia. After completion at the shrine, I hopped on my horse and went towards the next quest, which was the main reason of my journey at that time. It was right after I continued my travel far in the north-west of Skyrim, to save Thorald Gray-Mane from the evil Thalmor at the Northwatch Keep. I was riding in the forest on the big path, when I passed a group of travellers. I just went past them when they shouted for me. They said "Hey you, come here a sec". I went back, not thinking much about it. I mean, enemys would attack you right away or you would see the red mark of the enemy, no? Just like I met a lot of nice travelers until now, I thought they might help me out. But then they suddenly attacked me! The moment I realized what was going on I was already near death. I had no chance anymore. And died...
  3. My main object was the sword only. Because it's my favorite one. There are quite some swords already, but it was sad, the one I loved the most didn't exist. About effects and abilitys: I don't know how hard it is, and I don't know if its harder or as hard as making the model of a sword/an object. But it doesn't seem easy, even less if it's 10 completely diffirent.
  4. A great and big thank you for Ross Allison, who sacrificed his time for my requested. The mainpart, the sword (without strap) is moslty finished. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41618/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D41618%26preview%3D&pUp=1 I can't tank you enough for that :3
  5. So anyone who can possibly do that, or is this topic gonna vanish? I'm not supposed to push any topics, but I don't wish for my request to be forgotten. And I don't know if I can just ask the person about the cape physics, without there being anyone who can make the weapon.
  6. Hello dear Nexus members, as you probably see I'm new here. I searched for the mod, but didn't find what i was looking for. I'm looked into a few videos for the creation kid and knew it wasn't something for me. I can't photoshop and surely not good with the 3d part. That's why I my last chance is making a request and hoping someone has the time and feels like making a sword. There are a few Swords from Bleach, but I never found Rukia's "Sode no Shirayuki" Here are some pictures as to how it looks like: The only thing I found seemed to be for Morrowind.... I'm always happy to get some reply's and hope i didn't make any mistakes. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks in advance for your hard work.
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