Thanks IDontEvenKnow (of which it appears you know much...) ! Funny as it is I noticed last night that it said 'PL' on Creation Kit but didn't update this post... but yeah, duh that never would have worked! I also added to conditions: S GetInFaction Faction: 'CurrentCompanionFaction' == 1.00There is no non-vanilla script data attached to my mod in any way... yet! Having some custom data will depend if I have to save something to update the RefCollectionAlias. IDontEvenKnow, you mentioned to periodically stop/restart the quest... I agree and currently I am researching a way to find out when companions are ADDED. OnCompanionDismiss() is available, but no Event for added. I found this old (but gold) post by SKK about the topic but it does not consider non-vanilla companions. Options I have been pondering: Being notified in the RefCollectionAlias script when a companion is added like OnCompanionAdded(ObjectReference) and calling AddRef() with the reference -- the missing Holy Grail :sigh:Saving a count of the previous number of companions and running a persistent loop that checks the current number of companions -- if the counts differ, then refresh the questRunning a persistent loop that refreshes the quest on a constant interval -- exposes a window where the data may be out-of-dateHooking to other companion events that indicate they are there and track the receiving actors (they talked, they got hit, etc.) -- if they ever differ, refresh the questI really appreciate all your responses! -louisthird