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Status Updates posted by UK47

  1. Just stopping by to say эй :)
  2. is updating his status
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zaldir


      is still thinking this could go on forever
    3. UK47


      is thinking this could not go on forever
    4. alonsomartinez


      A circle has no beginning
  3. What's on my mind? you don't want to know ;)
  4. Add me as friend? :(
  5. UK47

    Happy birthday!
  6. UK47

    just posted a introduction.
  7. UK47

    I see :P


  8. I thought you were drunk... :P
  9. UK47

    Evil? the wolf? or are you referring to my "Photo"?
  10. UK47

    That sounds great.
  11. UK47

    It's pretty much lore-friendly then?
  12. Hehehe!

    What about my photo ;)

  13. UK47

    Sutch? what is this mod about?? Zombies I guess, your website contain some pictures of it, but not the slightest description.
  14. We got the same avatar ! hehehe
  15. Are you playing Arma2 multiplayer ?

    How is your framerate in Oblivion ''modded'' ?

  16. hmmm not soon =[
  17. You leaving ?

    Oh and I was right, imperator3 did not made his site himself, his host is Ucoz

  18. I am in the anti zombie squad, so it seems ?
  19. Np, could you rate me 5 star plz
  20. happy new year!
  21. Even with some bullets in the ass, the T90 is still not a challenge for a SAS.
  22. Man you don't have the least idea of what is a SAS =p

    A T90 is not a challenge for a SAS =D

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