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Posts posted by K9andSmith

  1. I tried clifftheripper5's fix and it didn't take. I was able to find the file in question in my Steam apps commons folder but now I am out of ideas. Should I move the whole fallout4 file over to the downloading file that the NMM thinks it should be in or should I try to change the manager instead?

  2. I have had interesting npcs installed for about a year now and it has always worked fine through vanilla, Requiem, SkyRe. Now I have noticed that since I installed Perkus Maxamus non of the voiced dialog from the mod has been playing. Is this a known problem between the two mods that I neglected to notice when setting up PerMa or some other mod that could conflict with spoken dialog? Might it be some common bug native to interesting npcs that has cropped up? I figured I'd ask before trying to unload all my mods to start testing one by one for the problem. If you have any advise I'd be grateful for it. Thanks.

  3. Okay now I put the disk into my compute because I was going to reinstall the game to if that helped but on a while I started the thing up and it ran just fine. With one exception only the repair key prompt appeared on the Pip-boy screen, well everything else was there except the other prompts, like press x to drop. Anyone have any thoughts on this new turn? Should I reinstall all my mod to see if that changes anything?

  4. I believe the Knight of Skyrim mod added armor like that for the player to wear but not the NPCs. I'll look into it might be something I could do, well shall see. By the way Omega Read was working on something like this but with armor made from scratch, not to sure how far he is on it but you should have a look.

  5. I see... Start small with existing content and work from there sounds like good advise. Well if you need some to look for glitches in the mod I can help with that. Seems as good a place as any to start.

  6. So dialog, lore and character development are not highly sought after additions to guest mods? Or are there just more would be writers then in game content makes?


    Serithi - How might I go about showing progress? Would I just create a work in progress thread on the forum and keep it updated with screen shots from the Creation Kit to prove I am doing something?

  7. I'll cut right to the chase here, I what to assemble a group of modders and make a series of quest mods that each add Dawnguard levels of content. I have rough drafts so plot outline, characters, locations, lists mods that could be used for about 5 such quest. Now what I would like to know is are my goals feasible? Could I find enough people to work on that many mods for as long as it would take to finish them? Could I get other modders let me use their recourses and mods if I gave them credit? Will anyone be interested in playing thought such a large amount of story heavy quests if its, thought lore friendly, non canon? Could I do enough to attract Bethesda's attention to the projects and maybe get them to use some of the ideas in the next Elder Scrolls games?


    Any advise you can give would be appreciated. Thanks.

  8. What have I done moment - the time I tried to kill everyone in Skyrim but forgot about the whole essential npc's thing. Yeah walked into dragonsreach after I killed most of the country side and a few other holds and found out most of its occupants don't die. I'd taken on capitals before hadn't run into to much trouble just got bored and left. Only this time I underestimated how many of them are unkillable, I got the whole place trying to kill me burn up most of my potions fight them. Then I ran out into the city thinking I'd lost them, since they don't leave the palace most of the time. What to I do next attack the graymanes and the battleborn only to find a bunch of them aren't killable either. Then what you ask, well I find out I didn't lose those pesky Jarl's men and the next thing I know I have like 8 or 10 unkillables chasing me through whiterun. That's not even the best part.. I then run to the companions for help, being a werewolf and all, the ones out in the training yard come to my aid. So I wined up with all the companions out in the training field fighting the Jarl, his court, a couple responded guards, the greymanes and the battleborns. I decide to leave before the companions get bet down, just before I duck into the underforge tp make my escape I turn to see them all fighting and think WTF have I done.

  9. I know the basics of what happened, the Thalmor had the blades order disbanded and used their Talos hunting as a cover to kill a lot of them. I also know that cloud ruler was sacked during the great war and only a few of the blades there escaped alive. That said what happened to the blade that were in Morrowind and Black Mash after the war? Did the blades there have any chance to hide from the Thalmor? Also what did the orders knights do after they were disbanded, the ones in the High-Rock stronghold I mean? Did they try to hid or did they go into Hammerfell to fight the Thalmor and got killed off? Is there anything about this mentioned in the lore, was it implied that the two blades in skyrim were the last or the whole order or was it left unsaid? Could anyone shed any light on the subject please?

  10. I can help with dialogue and quest lines now, maybe the quest content by the end of the year. If you have a world and rough backstory to work from I can take a crack at making it sing. No promises of greatness though.

  11. You could try using a mod to replace the textures like pure waters and see if anything happens, other than that make a new character and see if the problem is everywhere or just in that save.

  12. Well given the ships that are docked at and around each of the cities I would guess that the bigger ships can dock in Solitude, which has the harborage for them. I don't see that they would try to go into Dawnstar or Windhelm very often because their port are so small and I don't think they could get back out. Well they might in Windhelm if the current is strong enough, but the keys don't look like they could hold a big ship anyhow. So that leaves the smaller ships like the Northwind and the tiny boats that can be used to fast travel in dawngaurd, as usable in Windhelm's area.


    As for affiliations it's apparent that a good many or the northwind type ships are independently run and owned by the local nords. The bigger ships are probable a mix with the majority of them being company owned, given how they have warehouses in two of the port cities.

  13. There is a mod like that being done as we speech, its called Lore Weapons Expansion by Insanitysorrow and Elvarheim. It a collection that aims to redo all the standard weapons from oblivion and morrowind. There was also a collection called weapons of the third era but I don't recall the authors name.


    Don't let this discourage you though if you what to do it go ahead, but you'll be putting your mod in the shadow of one of the best know authors on the site. Not a great way to get recognized is all.


    If your interested though why not look into armors or historical swords from 1000 to 1300 A.D. Or if you what recognition try to make custom textures for the thane weapons.(axe of whiterun, blade of the reach, exedra).

  14. sonicp - Could the Stormcloaks have attacked by sea yes, by that stair that brings you up under the windmill, a strike team could have gotten there by bout and might be able to kill Tullius but then what? The legion sends a new general who try to retake Solitude if it fell or executes the strike team if it failed to take the city. And didn't I say the imperial would have to take Dawnstar anyhow. We know what Ulfric meant to do and that's drive the legion from Skyrim, unseating Elsif or killing Tullius would not have made the task any easier.


    Focus man! Windhelm now, Solitude later!


    As for taking Winterhold I have been up in the air as to weather or not in would need to go for a surprise attack to work. There of course the possibility that persons I Winterhold might see passing ships. But if Winterhold fell would Windhelm be on the alert of an attack from the north? And how far would the ships need to be to evade detection, or be marked as a threat? I had held that Winterhold could be bypassed with merchant ships that were not notable imperil, or that more noticeable ships could go out in an arch into the sea of ghosts and swing into Windhelm as if they were come from Sostheim.

  15. Yagamoth -


    2. I doubt how much trouble the ice could have caused on a trip between Solitude and Windhelm, given how much trade supposedly goes through their ports. There are a number of rather recent looking wrecks on the coast, but most look to have run aground rather than hit ice. As to a the trouble it might cause for say the cream of the imperial navy, I guess it would depend a lot on the type of ship and the captains own skill. Not that the imperials would have sent a force like that anyhow. Remember though that the Norse of history were skilled sailor and traitor throughout the Baltic sea and the north Atlantic, as were the Dutch. And they had a pretty successful time navigating the ice in the region.


    3 and 5. I'll give you those two, assassinating Ulfric would have probably alienated a lot of nords, more so if they did it while they were losing. If Ulfric was the only thing holding the rebellion together it had probable been considered and passed over, since the outcome was not as favorable of the imperials in the long run.


    Lachdonin - The imperial navy is another story all together, but the east empire company has ships that could support a siege and protect transports from pirates. Why would the empire need ships to get ships if they have the ports the ships are coming to anyhow? And as I brought up before, Windhelm is not well defended from the sea, there's nothing but a few farms and an old tomb between Windhelm and the open sea. And that's all on the southern side of the river too. The docks are open for trading, so there's nothing sunk in the river for the boats to run aground on. Also the port gate is open all the time with five guys outside and maybe two inside to guard it, that's not exactly a stalwart defense.


    Tullius might have had a big push to recruit locally but that does not make the force any less legion, they got the same training and were organized in the same manner. Nor does it mean that Tullius did not have any veteran troops in Skyrim. Or that the legion and city guard veterans, who undoubtedly made up a portion of the Stormcloacks, were all that much better than the force Tullius had trained. While nothing makes up for the experience of veteran troops the legion had a larger number of trained soldiers on the field.


    I have conceded that assassinating Ulfric would likely not have ended the war favorable for the empire but that does not mean I don't think they could have done it. You say that without the blades there was no one in the legion or the empire that tried to fill that gap they left? And that no one was capable of putting on a Stormcloak uniform, walking into the hall of kings and stabbing Ulfric? I will point out that non of the doors are locked and non of the guard say anything if you wonder around the upper halls. And since you brought it up, if the empire had you, the dragonborn(maybe), why not have you walk in, challenge him to a duel and kill him? Aside from the fallout that Yagamoth was talking about of course.

  16. Ok Yagamoth *cracks knuckles*


    1. I should have clarified, when I said plan I meant post Helgan plan. Which for the empire taking Dawnstar was step two, which gave them two of the three port in Skyrim. That's when a sea born invasion should have come up, because like you said the empire was down on man power and a swift stroke to the heart of the rebellion could have saved a lot of blood shed.


    2. I grant that a merchant navy fighting for the Stormcloaks was something I overlooked, seeing it now though I guess I would really come down to who the east empire company backed. Now a sea battle is anybody's guess, as its all hypothetical, the size and composition of the fleets, the wit of the commands, and the skill of the crew is a up in the air. As for the ice in the sea, the only naval scene in the game, east empire company v. pirates, at Japhet's Folly was not impeded by ice to any great extent. Now I don't think that an unassisted naval siege of Windhelm would work, why was it not seen in the final stages of the vanilla campaign though? Beats me. Now a traditional Viking raid in river faring long ships under cover of night on the other hand, that would work if it was planned right. See above for details.


    3. and 5. I would dispute how the nords would have looked on Ulfric's execution based on how Ralph and his sister talked about it. I say his death would have been seen as martyrdom by his more ferret supporters no matter the cause. If the empire really did not what to bleed Skyrim and its own legions why not play dirty for the greater good? Moreover if the Brotherhood had killed him there's no way to know who had it ordered anyhow, the empire would be the prime suspect naturally but their would be doubt for shore. Ulfric had a lot of enamels, any number of dark elfs or argonians have reason to what him gone as do the Battle-born and best of all the Black-briers. That's enough for a good spin doctor I'd say.


    4. I will concede on this one, the back lash would be pretty bad, not uncontrollable but not wreath the risk.

  17. IsharaMeradin - So Tullius's plan was to bleed the Stormcloaks out before dealing the killing blow to Ulfric? Then why take the forts across skyrim, instead of drawing them into pitched battles in Whierun and the Pale? Well... I guess the Stormclocks were in the forts, so its kill them were they life kind of thing right?


    Kraeten - How could an force that arrived by sea, with naval supremacy, be trapped by a city? If they tried a siege of Windhelm by sea, yeah that would fail miserably since their in a river. As for a fortress, yes Windhelm is just such a thing, but when has an unmanned wall stopped anyone. There's like five guards on the docks and there can't be more than eighty in the whole city. So that's like what twenty to thirty guys up and on the clock at any one time, that's small potato's to descent sized lighting raid in the dead of the night. Shore Winterhold, Riften, and the Pale would send a relief force, after they found out about it. That's going to take some time two to three days once word reaches for a decent response that's time for the imperial force to kill Ulfric and be gone. Or if they can't take the hall of kings, enough time to take the outer walls to repulse the Stormcloak counter attack. And yes I do what to discuss the viability of an amphibious invasion of Windhelm further, really I do. Come on lads, nock so hole in my theory! :laugh:


    But what do you guys think of the strategy Tullius used? Was he to stupid to think of a better idea, was it a very conservative war of attrition, did he think the empire would fair better in a slower compain, did he not what to risk sinking his carrier on a longshot play like a naval raid?


    *Sorry Yagamoth didn't see you their, give me a bit to reply.

  18. Omegared99 did a set of dwemer looking armor called Markarth Silverblood Armor. Though its more fitting for a warrior than a mage maybe you would like a different set of boots or gauntlets. You can see it on BDmods on Youtube they have a like too, I would leave a link myself but I don't know how, sorry.

  19. Ok so I know what Ulfric was planning to do to win the war, plod across Skyrim deposing pro-imperial jarls and build up his rep so he could be king and rule the place. But what in seven hells was the imperials plan? Why did they not just take Dawnstar and invade Windhelm from the sea? We know there are merchant ships in the sea of ghosts just waiting to be impressed into troop transports and the east empire company has a decent merchant navy in the region too. Why did they not just take a force by sea to kick in Windhelms back door in the dead of night, there's not much of a navy to stop them even if they were spotted? They would have at least unseated Ulfric if not killed him out right if they had taken his city.


    What stopped them from sending plane clothed guys into the city to assassinate him? The Dragonborn has no trouble walking right in, neither do the occasional cultists or vampires. I know they lost the Blades and they were the empires chief undercover guys but the Dark Brotherhood was still strong enough to take out an emperor, why not hirer them to stick Ulfric and frame the Thalmor? Unless the plan was not to kill Ulfric at all, or at least not before his supporters were cowed. Did general Tullius mean to crush the Stormcloaks before Ulfric so they could not us him as a martyr for their cause? If that was the case why was he so keen to kill Ulfric at the start of the game, what changed? Was Tullius's grand plan really to drive the leaderless Stormcloaks into the hills so they could pester him like the forsworn for the next twenty years.


    So could anyone, ANYONE, tell me what the empires strategy was and why they did not try any of the above?


    P.S. By the way saying "because that's how it was written" is not a genuine answer.

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