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Everything posted by K9andSmith

  1. This is more of a have you see this mod then a can you make it. I am looking for a mod that adds female curly hair, long, short, tied up, loose, whatever. I have not had any luck in finding it myself so I was wondering if anyone could help me out?
  2. I had always attributed my Dragonsborn's immediate trust for Serana to her just enthralling them or at least trying to. I mean, that's what the vampires do right, they get people to do stuff for them with a charm and a wink? The whole quest line just stank of it to me. Why else would I have the option to be so nice to her and even when I'm mean to her I still do what she says. That would explain why Isran did not just kill her and why he let her tag along with the Dragonborn, because Serana was messing with his brain. Making him do want was good for her way even while he thought he was in charge. As for plot wholes, I think SeanzOz was pretty close, if you don't know want I am talking about search "foolhardy Skyrim part 9". Now even if the bow was not going to really blot out the sun completely, the plan never would have worked. Vampires overrun the whole of the continent during a cold war, with fire breathing lizards in the skies, give me a break. I might not like the Thalmor but they are more than capable of moping the floor with Harkon's lot.
  3. There seem to be a number of problems with that, maybe because you simplified it, maybe not. Namely that an aspect of a entity could be considered to then merge with other aspect of that entity, then become that entity itself and it's sort of brother-type-thing and the world. In any event I have had my fun on the subject and advocate the floor. - Joel Barron
  4. I never said Ysgramor was a dragonborn, I said that THE Dragonborn is or rather can be Ysgramor's heir. (If you tell the fellow who guards the bridge in Sovnguard that you are the harbinger of the companions he calls you Ysgramor's heir.) As such he would have right to contend for the high kingship, as the heir of a previous high king, if not have a right to it through the old Nordic empire. And you could argue that it was just a title or that it might have been a courtesy. As far as that goes maybe, but if you take it more literally, then the companions have kept a line unbroken since Ysgramor that could have taken the thrown of the old empire. While the Dragonborn might not be a proven member of the Septim family no one could prove he wasn't either. Furthermore it would make more sense that the Dragonborn was an offshoot of the Septim. Because of Martin we know that bastard children from the royal line were swept under the rug so they would not challenge any true born heirs. That he might be of a bastard branch of the Septim tree or just a lesser line of second and third sons could no be disputed by anyone on tamreil save maybe the ancestor moth priests. I am not shore what you are talking about with Talos and I have never heard of it before. But I doubt that Talos is high than Akatosh. -Joel Barron
  5. This is all moot anyway, the high kingship of Skyrim as well as the throne of the empire belong to the dragonborn. The kingship is his by rights as the heir of Ysgramor and the empire is his as a dragonborn i.e. a member of the Septim bloodline. Yes I know the Septim line ended with Martin, and the dragonborn is only called Ysgramor's heir once if you do the companions quest line. But if he were to stake his clam on the grounds of a bloodline that can't be disproved and by being called the heir of the Nordic empire by a god like being, not much can undermine that. Not to mention his thum is the strongest on Nern so he's not only dragons blood but champion of the dragons. So with the Nords, empire, blades, Hermaus Mora and dragons backing him the second war between the dominion and the empire his like to be a bloodbath for the elves anyway. P.S. I am aware that all this is hypothetical and does not truly have a baring on the outcome of the civil wars morality. But it begs the questions "does it matter who win or who was right?" If you think about it this is a far more likely outcome than anything else given the nature of dragons. Food for thought. -Joel Barron
  6. So nobody else liked this idea at all? Or was this already done? - Joel Barron
  7. I am looking to get into mod making but really have no skill at making mods as yet, I would like to get into modding as a whole though. So I was wondering how much use dialog and story writing would be to a modding project? If they are of use could someone point me to a project that could use some help with it. -k9andsmith
  8. None at all, I don't yet have a computer that can run Skyrim either. I had been hoping to give this idea to a group of modders who would like to work on it. The only help I would be able to offer with the mod itself is writing dialog and such. Until I get myself an Alienware that is. -k9andsmith
  9. Well I had this idea to make a quest line to rebuild the blades order properly and get rid of Delphine and Esbern. I am look for some help with this project would anyone be kind enough to help me sort out the details and put together a team to work on this. Or if my ambition is overreaching someone could tell me that this won't work and I drop it. If you like the idea ask and I will post a rough draft of sorts, because I am not writing out anything if no one wants to read it. -k9andsmith
  10. Hello I'm new to the Nexus and I am looking for a way to pitch a couple mod ideas to you well to do mod makes out there. I thought the best thing to do would be to come here and seen if they were even feasible, before I drew up any defined planes, but I am not shore were to start. Could someone be so kind as to point me to the proper forum for this sport of thing? - k9andsmith
  11. I would guess that broken English would work for there speech, like how a person talks while they only now a handful of word from a langue. As for a Song of Ice and Fire the giants there were a simple, tribal folk, who only could speak to people in an almost dead langue that had been used a few hundred years ago. Which reminds me, I had read some were that the dwemer were know as dwarfs in the north because that's what the giants called them, so there is president for their ability to speak. You might look on the elder scrolls wiki or at the game guide for information on them. - k9andsmith
  12. That's not a bad idea, not at all. As for giant merchants I suppose you would have to set thing that could be used to barter with them, like food, ores, and ingredients. I'd image they would only speak brokenly, sort of like dragons or reiklings. So you might have to look into what is know of there speech itself. I could see them behaving a lot like a Song of Ice and Fire's giants and I could think up a few was the could be tied into quests along the lines of that behavior. Not that I would know how to actually do that in terms of modding. Though that one civil war mod did add giants into the stormcloak factions army lists, so it might not be that hard. I will give it some more thought. - k9andsmith
  13. Hey, I was wondering if anyone had given any thought to a rebuilding the blades quest line mod. I have made a couple play throws and every time I get to seasons unending I really what to put the blades under new management. I have some ideas for a story line that would let the dragonborn do just that, indirectly getting rid of those pesky npc's who we can't add dialog lines to of course, as well as utilize some of the other blades references thought. Something alone the lines of finding other blades agents that are in hiding or the children of blades who died in the Great War and remaking a blades order the dragonborn can be proud of. I won't go into detail with my ideas unless some interest is show in the general topic. Let me know please. - k9andsmith
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