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Everything posted by G4M3W1NN3R

  1. looking at the image, it looks like either an Overlay Conflict (which can be possible with something like body tattoos and something else that is also considered an overlay conflicting with each other, can be similiar to what is present in that image, although typically not as severe as that), or 2 bodies are being applied to the character (merged), thus a much bigger problem and would be a potentially more likelyhood of being applicable to the image. although 2 bodies being merged typically results in far more serious body deformation, but still, it might be what is happening here (the Triangles). essentially, boots & heels (basically footware), are built using the Custom Body as as Reference (especially true for Heels, as it must be used for Heels, However for boots this is almost always the case as well) (meaning for example that CBBE Body is present and likewise built for the feetware, unlike other clothing which can be built without a body reference, this can be identified, when looking at said boots/heels in the bodyslide, and noticing their is a body present.), so this means that because of that, it can be possible to have 2 bodies being applied to the character i suspect this could be Specifically an issue with a mod such as Unique Player (as its far less likely a problem using the Default Method), which could effectively mean that 2 bodies are being applied to the character, hence mesh corruption (the triangles in the image) so with the above into consideration, you mention no issues with bare feet - thus no additional body is being applied, but when you equip the boots the additional body is now being applied/merged (as it contains the female CBBE body as a reference as part of the Boots) - (this does of course assume that the female body is indeed added as reference for the boots, which is typically the case with footware), the issue is present, hence my assumption it could very well be 2 bodies being merged, now its not the same in the traditional sense, as you would get severe body deformation, but still something to think about, now, the actual most likleyhood culprit, is issues with blood decals, hence the triangles where blood should be, as such could be a Blood Texture mod that is causing that issue, either a conflict, or the blood texture mod has issues, or an issue with how the custom body is installed. as such: 1. you mention blood, if you are using Enhanced Blood Textures mod, use the Basic Version, instead of the Standard Version, if Applicable, (standard version is considered unstable, accordingly, as such could be a potential culprit), also disable any other blood texture you might have, their are a few out their, should the basic still not solve it, try disable the mod altogether to see if that solves it. 2. if that character has body tattoos try removing them and see if the issue persists. this is based on if its caused by 2 overlays conflicting with each other, unique player mod might potentially be acting as an Overlay, and thus can have issues with other overlays such as body tattoos, or anything that could of been added via Looksmenu. and also Body Overlays can also typically Have Issues with Transparent Clothing, which can also very likely cause them triangles that you are seeing in your image. 3. Try CBBE itself and other mods, Excluding Unique Player to see if the issue is Potentionally Unique Player, and also to see if the issue is Potentially due to CBBE with M02 4. if the above works fine, then try adding Unique Player back into the Mix, and see if the issue comes back, then we can see if it may be an issue with Unique Player working with M02, or CBBE or Both.
  2. 1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\Skin <-- Delete "Skin.json", or better yet Delete the "Skin" Folder, so their is no traces of the skin override for lookmenu 2. then Re-install Cbbe Body Texture 3. Then Rebuild Bodyslides assuming the hipoly you are refeering to is: Hi Poly Faces Redux - Seamless. <-- pretty sure this mod added said folder above, and likewise said json file, afaik looksmenu itself does not add this folder, as such should be safe to delete, as your likely not going to be using the skin override, if you do not have this mod.
  3. grab this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47359 & all of its requirements. then check to crash dump, to see what it says, can also post said crash dump in the mod page post section to get possible help on it. also worth grabbing this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/63346 crash after 17 seconds could be a number of things 1. Corrupted Nif files (100% Repeatable CTD, until Removed), can be triggered anytime a corrupted mesh file is present, typically when the PC is in close proximity, but can CTD any time 1 is loaded including, CTD via Loading Screens (this was present on Skyrim where the game would CTD in a loading screen, because a particular location had corrupted mesh files, so anytime the game would attempt to load that location, CTD, this could also be potential issue in Fallout 4) this could still be a potentional even if all mods are uninstalled, if the mod manager failed to remove said mesh files (which is a possibility). 1a. an Example of this, Buffout notified me of a Potentional Corrupted Nif File (another reason why i strongly recommend grabbing this mod), from the Mod, Better Goodneibour, this would actually cause my game to CTD 100% even on a new game (at Character Creation) likewise not even being anywhere near that location. deleted the Better Goodneibour mod, no more CTD on Character loading. so ye writing this as an example, that Corrupted mesh files can cause CTDs even outside of the 2 potentials mentioned on first line (proximity, and Loading Screens) 1b. Corrupted Mesh files can also be time based depending on the mesh file in question, such as Armor that has invalid dimensions, this will cause the game to CTD after X amount of time. also mentioning this as i have also experienced this type of crash, where 1 of the armor mods i was using had invalid Pixel dimensions, this would cause the game to crash after x amount of time when equipping said armor, not an immediate CTD but is a guaranteed CTD after a certain amount of time. 2. Third Party Programs interfering with the game, ie Anti-Virus Scanners/ Anti-Malware, or OSD interfering with ENB if Applicable (such as Msi Afterburner). etc etc. 3. Missing String Files, technically this should not be a potentional problem these days, as Bethesda has packed the String Files in the Archives, however this was not always the case, where they used to be loose files (once upon a time), likewise if the string files were tampered with/ Deleted/ or invalid to the game language, this would cause a 100% Repeatable CTD when the game attempts to load the options, such as new game, options and the like (not Nessarary 17 Seconds as per Op but, depends how long it would take the game to load) <-- probably not relevant here (as the OP title specifcially says 17 seconds in, which i would assume 17 seconds in the actual game world, and not loading game/ character creation), but it is worth mentioning nontheless.
  4. Looksmenu LMCC CBBE Character Models and Replacers in that order
  5. Enable the NAC Enb Patch to disable handling of interior lighting, if you have not done so already, might solve the problem - do this via NAC holotape. but ye that does seem to be a bit overkill on the lighting based mods lol, it could be an issue with UIL and ELFX together, Or Not Enabling said patch above. or an ENB Effect, light source looks to be blurred, so potentially *Bloom* that is causing it to blur. as for the yellow blob, ye likely UIL & ELFX being ran together, said patch might of missed the light potentially. fake lights should be disabled by default. so it should not be that id personally either go with ELFX or UIL, Not Both.
  6. craftable weapons (chemistry station and or modded crafting stations) should be much further down the load order flaconoil_2k does not need to be that far down, should be much further up in the load order, models and textures replacements require low priority thus further up in the load order. quest mods should be much further down the load order, id personally place these near the bottom of the load order, as they should require high priority, especially if heavily scripted and affects a large amount of areas. CWSS Redux is risky to use, i have personally had issues with this mod, causing the game to crash after using the shower, 100% repeatable crash, i suspect script based issue, just a heads up. it is a great mod quite immersive, but unstable to use, as such i ended up getting rid of it, and have ended up with a more stable gameplay because of that. but ye just a friendly heads up. vanilla settlement changes could be further up the load order, move weapons below them, Personal Recommendations for an Optimal Load Order, completely based on the mods you have listed that i recognize
  7. im personally using this for holstered weapons: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46101 all guns show typically where one would expect them to show, ie Pistol and 1h melee weapons on the hip, bigger weapons on the back. highly recommend, also contains some useful options, works out of the box as mentioned on mod main page no need to craft holsters and the like
  8. Ensure that either: OCBP Physics or CBP Physics are Uninstalled as well, as these are the Actual Mods Causing Jiggles (Physics) on naked body. CBP = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins <-- delete CBP.dll & CBP.ini (these would be the files causing physics, this location is default for steam, and this is mentioned incase your mod manager failed to uninstall these properly, as such i am listing the address so you can check to see if their still present and likewise delete to solve the problem) CBP.Dll = Physics, CBP.ini = Default Settings for Physics. (file address is if using NMM or Manual Installation, for Vortex it would be using a Different location by default, which would likely be on the root of Windows Drive, typically C:/) i'd assume OCBP would also be in said location, check to see if either are still present depending on which you chose, and Delete as Necessary. 3BBB itself is Physics Settings (and a custom skeleton) to work in Conjuction with either of Said Mods Above, 3BBB on its own would not Cause Physics Afaik., however the mods in Bold (CBP/ OCBP) are the Actual Physics Mods
  9. their is also another potentially tedious method (tedious because you would need to apply the global to every single leveled list, that you dont want items spawning anymore), and that is to use global variables for the leveled lists essentially you would create a new global variable, set its value to 0 (this would mean a 100% chance the respective leveled list will have it items spawn, for whatever leveled list this global is applied to), for each leveled list, you add that global variable (so in a leveled lists, next to its spawn chance, click on Global, and navigate to the global variable you just created, do this for each relevant leveled list), and then you could potentionally use a *get item count* condition (however i am novice when it comes to scripting, so as such i dont know how you would input that condition into a script, assuming you can), and use the same script to change the global variable to a value of "100" (100 = means it can no longer spawn) when the item count is more then desired number. so essentially, create a new global variable, and apply it to every relevant leveled list. then create a script and for said script you input: GlobalVariable01.SetValue(100) ; Change the *GlobalVariable01* to whatever you named your new global. this will as implied, change said global variable to a value of 100, thus any leveled lists using said global variable, will no longer spawn its items, as it now has a zero chance. however a get item count condition is probably not ideal, but ye the bases is their, just have to think of a better condition to use, to trigger that global variable. however do note, that this method obviously will only apply to leveled lists, if said items are hand placed (which likewise means they are not using leveled lists), as id imagine the items you are refeering to regarding sim settlements items might be, then this response wont be relevant to that. should be noted that my response is largely to be read as a concept, as potential solution, not guaranteed to work, the global variable portion of the response should work effectively and likewise get the desired result, however its the bit in between is what needs to be figured out (both triggering the script, and a suitable condition to trigger the global variable value change). the global varaible idea is taken from own my mod, which uses the perksquest script to trigger the global variable change when a perk is chosen, this then allows my created leveled lists that use the custom global to then start spawning additional items when a particular perk is chosen, as such i know the global method works. and likewise the same method could be used to create an opposite effect such as what your looking for to stop leveled lists spawning.
  10. true, i learnt of virtual drives a very long time ago (back when i was heavily into system building, learning how hardware interacts with each other, software testing, and problem solving), their original purpose was to be used for creating sandbox environments, an optimal way to test operating systems, without making permanent changes to the system and or affecting it, typically created via system ram, or harddrives via a program that creates the sandbox or in linux case it can simply be on a usb stick, until it is permanently installed, as whilst it remains uninstalled, it is also a virtual drive, system ram could also be used as temporary fast harddrive, to optimize games for example, due to using system memory to create a virtual drive of which you can place the installed game on to it, as system ram was much faster then a mechanical internal hdd as such for games this could greatly reduce loading times, but this was largely before SSDs became popular, but likewise the virtual drives created in this manner would only be temporary (for as long as the current session is active) due to how system ram works. essentially virtual drives are basically temporary harddrives that does not store permanent data, as the data is erased / or a new virtual drive is created whenever a new Session is Created (which would be a system restart) a good example of this, is putting Linux on a usb stick, you can mess around with it, install programs and the like, but if you don't install linux itself in that session, whenever you restart the computer and load back into it, it will be a completely new fresh start, any changes you made / programs installed prior to that is lost, unless said programs was installed on to a physical partition. as such having the impression that m02 might potentially use virtual drives via noticing many posts of it supposedly using Virtual Drives, and with the knowledge of virtual drives in their technical form and purpose, i did assume that with m02 if it did indeed use virtual drives as the information presented would imply, then that would also imply that the virtual drives would only be created for as long as the program is launched, as said virtual drives are typically created via a program to create a sandbox, once that program closes or a new session is created, the data on the virtual drive is erased or simply a new virtual drive is created assuming it is system ram based. but thinking about it now, m02 would very likely not be using actual virtual drives (not in the traditional sense at least), more likely it would actually be using a virtual file system, this would allow it to store data to permanent files, and likewise only make changes for as long as its open due to using a Virtual File System, where as if it used virtual drives in the traditional sense, the data (the installed mods themselves) would be lost every time a new session is created. but with that said, i have very little knowledge on both Vortex and M02 as i have never used them, ever intend on using them or really researched them in great depth, as i very much live by the notion "if it aint broke dont fix it", been using NMM for a very long time now, ever since 2012 (before that i would do everything manually), and have never had any major problems with it (as such for me, it aint broke, thus their is no reason for me to upgrade to vortex or M02 or any other mod manager), it has been used to install and uninstall a plethora of mods throughout the years, both small and very large sized mods, without issues, as for regarding this topic, cbbe has been installed and unsintalled many many times through nmm, without a single problem every time, which is why it was confusing to see so many problems with installing cbbe via Vortex and M02, especially if Vortex for example supposedly uses the exact same method as NMM, now that is why i assumed originally that Vortex might of used Virtual Drives, because that makes a lot more sense in the potential issues that said reports of CBBE having issues with Vortex, based on knowing how Virtual Drives work in the technical sense. so for me, regarding and likewise potentionally offering solutions with cbbe and vortex was strictly based on the assumption it was using virtual drives via reading many posts assuming it did, as such it was simply lack of experience on my part (as i never used them) and likewise lack of knowledge of both programs because of that, entirely basing my assumptions around what i have read, which would be them supposedly using virtual drives.
  11. i thought the whole point of vortex was to be built on the same foundation as m02, thus virtual file system /drives, hence i was under the impression it also uses Virtual Drives/ file system if thats the case why is it much more common to see CBBE issues with Vortex and or M02 vs NMM or manual Installation, baring in mind how long these have been available. i have seen far more reported issues with CBBE with Vortex/M02, vs the entire time of NMM but ye il take your word for it that Vortex does not actually use Virtual Drives, and will likewise edit my original reply.
  12. Manually install CBBE Directly to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data For Bodyslide: Go Here --> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Tools\Bodyslide <-- Ensure its Present Open Bodyslide: Click on Settings, For Target Game: Choose Fallout 4 for Game Data Path Input: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ or navigate to it. Click Ok For: Outfit/Body (Drop Down Box) - Choose CBBE Body For Preset (Drop down Box) - Choose Your Preferred Preset. Now Click on Batch Build Done, now check in game to see if you have what you are looking for. Note: If Vortex is in the Default Location, then Change the Address Above to the location of where Vortex is installed to
  13. ah k thnx for the headsup :smile: Edit: nice that is considerably better.
  14. if, AWKCR (armor weapons keywords community resource) installed = true ; checks to see if user is running awkcr or not, as this mod is known for causing issues with workbenches especially highly likely the cause for OP related issue, if it is indeed present then, Delete ; recommends the poster deletes the mod as that will very likely solve the issue. Else, list your mods ; if awkcr is not present, then its recommended the op posts the load order so that we might be able identify a potential culprit to the issue at hand, also recommend said mod list is placed into a spoiler, if it is a large amount of mods, Usage: [spoiler] *Mod List Goes here* [/Spoiler]
  15. nice, i had a feeling it would be either anti-aliasing or ambient occlusion, i forgot to mention AO as they typically go hand in hand, when going for maximum visual fidelity, as such it slipped my mind. but ye, no probs
  16. sounds like a COD mod, probably modern warfare, not sure what the exact mod would be called however, but "object neutralized" definitely sounds like it would be from Call of Duty, or Battlefield.
  17. best is largely subjective as its completely down to user preference, for me: FlaconOil Texture pack: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3747 and then i use a load of individual textures from other mods to complete the visual overhaul. (about 80 different model and texture mods alone in my case) another good thing about said mod, is its completely modular, so you choose each and every texture said mod covers individually. it does not cover absolutely every texture, but it does cover a large amount, and is a good base start, for creating the complete custom visual overhaul.
  18. the presets will be stored here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\F4EE\Presets <-- if not using Vortex/M02 as such are you definitely launching the game via F4SE, as the presets and likewise the plugin would require F4SE also worth checking said location to ensure their is Definitely presets their.
  19. looks like a shadow based issue or Low Quality Anti-Aliasing Method 3 potential causes 1. Shadow Quality: 2. Godrays: 3. Anti-Aliasing: Note: Click on Show to View Content. Note: I am pretty Certain this is an Anti-Aliasing Problem, so as such Setting Anti-Aliasing to highest quality (TAA for Fallout 4) should solve it as an additional assurance, you could Also ensure that in your video card settings, that Anti-Alisiang is also set to the highest quality. you could also override the game's Anti-Aliasing Method via using the Graphics Card Method if Applicable and if needed.
  20. *update* 14th September 2022 a Few More Examples of the uniqueness this mod will offer A few more Perk Examples lady killer renamed to: King of Diamonds Blackwidow renamed to: Queen of Hearts Attack Dog Renamed to: Supreme K9 Animal Friend Renamed to: Pack Alpha Party girl/ Party Boy both renamed to: Dutch Courage so ye, currently up to Part girl/ party boy, all perks before these are complete, so 4 perk trees are currently finished, just finishing the rest of charisma, then will move to next tree, taking me a fair amount of time, but will be worth it, the perks will be far superior to vanilla, unique, and will really beef up the player, as well as companions, and of course dogmeat, really wanna offer a reason to use the companions and dogmeat, and feel my mod willl really beef them up, so you can run around with hardened badasses with you being the ultimate badass :wink: and the design of having each rank unlock 10 levels later, is the main focus of the mod, as its all about leveling progression. so at level 2 for example you have access to base rank, which is already nice at that level and makes sense at that level, then next rank unlocks at level 10, by this point your character would of had decent experience and thus ready to level up to the next stage of power, and so on. as mentioned before, this mod will be completely designed for the player to start at level 1, so the progression of their power feels natural, optionals will be offered to town down the effects of these perks, as their will no doubt be those that may feel this mod could be overpowered, and optionals will be offered for the lady killer and black widow. Mod is now Availble: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/64391
  21. i was not aware that sim settlements 2 requires Def_UI ? (i personally use sim settlements 1, and that is because i am running, Sim Settlements Conqueror, which likewise requires it) as such i dont remeber sim settlements 1 require Def_Ui, although having said that, i have used Def_Ui all this time, until recently when i returned back to fallout 4, and found out about FallUi and as i really liked it, i decided to go for it instead, however likewise i also found the wheel menu replacer and likewise made me want to get wheel menu again, as that wheel menu replacer looks very cool, and really modernizes fallout. Fallout 4 Wheel Menu Requires Def_UI, so it was listed, essentially, i have setup my NMM (yep still using the OG Nexus mod manager, because it works perfectly for me, and i have been using it since 2012 through many updates) but ye im using my own personalized categories, these catergories are in an optimal load order setup, including which mods to install first, and in order. Framework + master files get installed first. the way i would and have installed them without issues is as follows: (install in order as listed) Install so here is all the FallUI mods you will need, for the full experience Fall UI so ye grab all of them, now for Wheel Menu, essentially, All items you favorite in your inventory, will appear in Wheel Menu, as said, Wheel Menu is essentially a far better Quickslot (quick faves) option. (although quickfaves still work) so you set a Hotkey for Wheel Menu in the MCM menu which also means you do need MCM menu, which i completely forgot to list, especially as a lot of mods will require it, and it really is a must have anyway if applicable. MCM - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21497 also recommend this as well to go with it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56195 second 1 will save settings that you create in the MCM, which is very nice, as if you start new games often / new characters, then you can load all of your settings in MCM for them, without having to set all the mods settings up again. also just in general, always check the *Mod Requirements* on *Main Description* page for any mod it may require. For Buffout 4, you also need https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33946 <-- which needs to be placed in Fallout 4 Root Folder. if the game does not launch with that preloader in root folder, then open: xSE PluginPreloader.xml file - search for: <LoadMethod Name="ImportAddressHook"> Change To <LoadMethod Name="OnThreadAttach"> save the xml, then the game should start launching again.
  22. to start, 2 must have mods, for performance are: Performance Mods as for sim settlements, this mod is highly maintained by several people, who know what they are doing, as such issues are typically user error, they are quite heavy weight as far as mods goes, as such will require a decent amount of work on the user's end to getting them to run optimally, such as having a good mod setup (essentially a mod setup that does not consist of loads of script heavy mods) - (heavy weight as in resource intensive) few other mods i strongly recommend, as they bring fallout 4, to more modern standards: User Interface Mods if you like character customization then these 3 are a must have (far more indepth Character Customization): Character Customization Mods and for nostalgia, their is a several mods and mod authors who have faithfully remade from scratch several goodies from fallout 3 and new vegas into Fallout 4 Fallout 3/ New Vegas Goodies into Fallout 4 if you want more recommendations, let us know what type of mods your looking for, then i would be happy to recommend.
  23. in fallout 4 root folder - open: xSE PluginPreloader.xml - look for: <LoadMethod Name="ImportAddressHook"> and change *importAddresshook* to *OnThreadAttach* <-- (without the asteriks) so it will now be: <LoadMethod Name="OnThreadAttach"> save the xml, and try launching f4se again. Note: the above assumes you are having problems getting Fallout 4 to launch with Reshade + Pluginpreloader, and likewise also assumes that Reshade uses a DLL, (i dont use reshade so im not sure if it does), if Reshade does not rely on DLL files, then you can ignore this post as it wont be relevant.
  24. Hi all, so i'm finally back in fallout 4 after a 2 year break, and am currently working on a perk overhaul mod (in the planning stage), hence the title, it will be called supreme perks (assuming this name has not been taken). i'm calling it Supreme, because this will be a different take on the perks and they will now be very powerful and Unique, But also Balanced with its intention. however, it is not designed to be cheat mod, (but may look like it, as the perks will be far more potent then vanilla, and the majority of them offer many buffs as opposed to vanilla's typical single buff) a big part of the balance and focus, is the perks will require relatively high levels for each rank except base, and this is done on a 10 level basis, with the highest rank perk capping at level 100 (almost every perk will cap out at 100, thus meaning 10 ranks for each perk, so even at level 100 you still unlock more power) the mod should truly give the sense of feeling more powerful as you level all the way to level 100. i will also be including an optional edit to the xp gains, so that it will take much longer to level up and thus make the perk mod even more balanced and beneficial and hopefully enjoyable. a lot of thought is going into this, i have already spent about 20 hours now just planning the the perks, it will cover and edit every single perk, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 perks that i cant think of as a better change. now, the reason and whole point for this topic, is to see if their will be interest in this, especially given the fact that their is already a fair amount of perk overhaul mods out their, and thus the idea of yet another 1 would be likely less interesting (which is also the reason for the second part of the topic title xD ) all of my perks will Offer multiple benefits (even the simple perks such as Gun Nut and Armorer, so instead of just simply unlocking Gun mods and Armor Mods Respectively, gun nut perk now also decreases the weight for guns, and armorer now increases the armor rating for armor addons, such as combat armor, as examples) thus giving the sense that your character is being truly optimal with their Unlocked potential, so ye a lot of goodies is packed into each perk, as opposed to vanilla that have very mundane benefits offered (quite a few of the new perks will have unique requirements), and quite a few will also be renamed, (actual perk name, not its ck entry, as to be compatible with any mod that would use perks) to reflect the direction of the new perk change. Heres an example for 1 of the new perk changes: *Iron Fist* Example: so yea, as you can see iron fist, now much stronger, has a much higher level requirement, and it keeps offering more powerful ranks, even at level 100. now also note, that each new rank is 10 levels apart, and that is the main idea behind it, to give the player increasing levels of power at the right levels that makes sense, so their always viable throughout their journey, and truly get really powerful at the higher end of the levels again where it makes sense, and to also make a lot more play styles viable ie unarmed combat, and to even include new ones, such as a pacifist playstyle where you can not only now pacify most enemies, but you can also make them your companions, and likewise on the other hand you could create your own armies. and here is another example, to show the uniqueness of the mod idea vs vanilla. (female version of the perk will be equivalent, replacing female condition with male, naturally. both perks will also be renamed to: King of Diamonds, and Queen of Hearts Respectively) *Lady Killer/Black Widow* Example so yea, with that said, i am interested to see if their is interest in this mod.
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