Unfortunately, I have so many that I'm not about to drop that on anyone to troubleshoot for me and that's part of my issue in resolving this. I guess my initial question moreso was wondering if anyone knew of a mod that would load her in with the Tabris dress from that mod, lmao.
Any mod that added gear or changed, didn't seem to have been written to affect Morrigan's outfit/utc file. That was the first thing I looked for, to no avail. Which was further confusing. I did, however, think that she wouldn't load in until you approach the cache. So now that I uninstalled what I thought was causing the problem, I'll reload into the Korcari and see if it's still happening. I imagine it shouldn't if she's at least loading with her default gear when going to Flem's hut, but it's still really weird that it wasn't loading into the Raven Skull gear period
And that being said, I just installed the basic no-hood variant. Soooo I'll post this update, load the gate out of Ostagar, and run through it again to see where it's currently sitting.
edit: yeah, I did fix that. Was just being silly thinking that she popped in before the cache instead of with the zone. Still no RS though, so I must have installed that wrong ( ed2: to no one's surprise, I did)
edit3: annnddd, did another blast-through when I downloaded missing files for RS(replacing her starting outfit). And she is now wearing another W3 dress, this time Philippa's dress, instead. JFC. I think I may just edit the UTC myself at this rate. Every mod I've d/l'd that adds outfits, or changes them (like Thedas Redone) I've scanned through and I'm not seeing conflicts that would change Morrigan or cause this.
In the off chance anyone ever struggles with something like this in the future, hopefully this thread may serve some kind of use. I definitely royally goofed along the way... This is just a first time for me with it being this weird.