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About raeynedrop

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    DA:O, ME:2, WoW, DA:I, Skyrim

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  1. Unfortunately, I have so many that I'm not about to drop that on anyone to troubleshoot for me and that's part of my issue in resolving this. I guess my initial question moreso was wondering if anyone knew of a mod that would load her in with the Tabris dress from that mod, lmao. Any mod that added gear or changed, didn't seem to have been written to affect Morrigan's outfit/utc file. That was the first thing I looked for, to no avail. Which was further confusing. I did, however, think that she wouldn't load in until you approach the cache. So now that I uninstalled what I thought was causing the problem, I'll reload into the Korcari and see if it's still happening. I imagine it shouldn't if she's at least loading with her default gear when going to Flem's hut, but it's still really weird that it wasn't loading into the Raven Skull gear period And that being said, I just installed the basic no-hood variant. Soooo I'll post this update, load the gate out of Ostagar, and run through it again to see where it's currently sitting. edit: yeah, I did fix that. Was just being silly thinking that she popped in before the cache instead of with the zone. Still no RS though, so I must have installed that wrong ( ed2: to no one's surprise, I did) edit3: annnddd, did another blast-through when I downloaded missing files for RS(replacing her starting outfit). And she is now wearing another W3 dress, this time Philippa's dress, instead. JFC. I think I may just edit the UTC myself at this rate. Every mod I've d/l'd that adds outfits, or changes them (like Thedas Redone) I've scanned through and I'm not seeing conflicts that would change Morrigan or cause this. In the off chance anyone ever struggles with something like this in the future, hopefully this thread may serve some kind of use. I definitely royally goofed along the way... This is just a first time for me with it being this weird.
  2. So I'm really at a loss. I've been trying to figure out what's causing this and I really don't know. I'm about to start a fresh game in the morning to test and see if it's just a funky save file. But Morrigan keeps loading in, during her intro, in the Tabris dress from Ladyofpayne's Witcher Pack. I cannot see a single file that would be making this happen in my override. I managed to do something to where switching over to Flemeth results in her wearing her base outfit, but I have Raven Skull in my override right now, which isn't showing at all. Is there any mod on that does this?? I know its not from LOP. I've had it installed before without something like this happening. I'm imagining some weird overwrite may have also occured? I can't say I've ever experienced anything like this before lmao
  3. I have it installed and wanted to go through it properly, but it seems like it was either hidden or deleted? Unless I'm just blind Did anyone else try it out/use it and know what I'm talking about? It took from Viva La Orlais, Witcher and Fereldan Pack iirc.
  4. Yeah, unfortunately, that did not solve the issue. I honestly did try everything I could. But I'm lost now lol. Thank you for the link! I'll definitely ask a little later about it. I need a break from this, lol. Total of about 8 hours trying now.
  5. It's the most stubborn it's EVER been. I hadn't played in a year. I wanted to get on last night to play with morphs. Figured fixing the database error would take around 25 minutes. Nope. 6 hours I went at it. No matter what I do, all of the things people have gone over through the years and figured out, it flat out refuses to read the database/acknowledge it. Someone said they got it working in 2016 SQL, but didn't explain how. I can't figure it out alone. Guides are years old since this was a solved problem for years. I'm not really sure what on earth happened, but I'm under the impression I won't be able to use it again. That could just be my frutration talking, though. I don't know if a Win10 update is preventing use of SQL 2005 or what.
  6. Yeah, I might try that. Just not looking forward to the possibility that they might look weird with lighter colors.
  7. So, picking up the game again... and this is happening. I'm trying to use custom hairs and Texmod is just not having it at all. I've ran it as an admin, have it pointing to the ME3.exe and it's a trusted program in my antivirus. Don't really know what to do at this point. All of these things worked in the past. It's from the bioware social page.
  8. I do have DirectX installed, and I went through that along with other guides. None of them did anything. I said "most" of it because there were a few tweaks that I know I didn't need to do and I had them done how I wanted them. No, MO doesn't have anything to do with enbs, but I have to boot my game through it. It's the only thing I can imagine getting in the way since I'm not running SKSE on it's own, I'm using a second-hand program to run it. "Skyrim has stopped working." That's it.
  9. Yeah, I've done most of that and have been using the injector. I'm assuming the problem might be because I have to use Mod Organizer to run the game.
  10. Alright, not entirely sure what's up. I've been trying to use ENBs and I CTD before the game can even boot up. Just tries to open and instantly, "This program has stopped working." I'm not entirely sure what to do. If I have a mod that's incompatible with enb files, I'm not aware of what it is. Most of my mods are purely cosmetic. Right now, I'm trying to work Natural Performance ENB. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71176/? I did have RLO installed, but disabled it to try to work with this ENB. I didn't have it before other ENB attempts, and was still CTDing. Aside from some cosmetic mods, like the eyebrows and Lieyes, this was the same as it was when trying to d/l other enbs.
  11. At least I got one thing right; the trouble was on my end. I doubt IA was the culprit at all *_*
  12. Alright, I see. I never realized I was doing it wrong until just now. I have no idea why I didn't think that exporting was posting the proper .mor file in another folder while I was the one screwing it up. All of that trouble for nothing... good lord. I'm sorry, everyone. But thank you so much for working with my dense ass self... lol.
  13. Okay, you know what? I just realized what the problem was. In the file where the log exports to, the .mors are sized down. I NEVER LOOKED THERE. Just slap me right now. Just a big ol slap upside my derpy self. Still made the slideshow of my being able to manually change the file names while I have the toolset open, though. Didn't do the log until after.
  14. I don't really know, honestly. I can change the extension of it in the toolset itself and outside of the toolset, but it stays the same kb size whether it's a .mor or an .mrh. I have my settings the same as skymoves and export it as she showed.
  15. ... Huh, that's what I do, and manually have to type ".mor" when I save it. So I don't understand what's wrong. It's weird that it's saving like that on my end and not yours.
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