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Everything posted by StarSwordC

  1. I have no idea if this mod is still being updated at all but I installed it and it broke when I tried to write a bio for my PC. Relevant section of mod manager log reads: [PlayerBio] Version '0.2.3'. Loading. dll_dirD:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Mods\PlayerBiography\ dll_dirD:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Pathfinder Kingmaker\Mods\PlayerBiography\ [PlayerBio] [Error] Error trying to call 'PlayerBiography.Main.Load'. [PlayerBio] [Exception] TargetInvocationException - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PlayerBiography.LoadingScreenDescModify.Read () [0x00079] in <003d0298edb74b3cae73cb9c3f2f7b33>:0 at PlayerBiography.LoadingScreenDescModify..ctor () [0x00051] in <003d0298edb74b3cae73cb9c3f2f7b33>:0 at PlayerBiography.Main.Load (UnityModManagerNet.UnityModManager+ModEntry modEntry) [0x00035] in <003d0298edb74b3cae73cb9c3f2f7b33>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <e1a80661d61443feb3dbdaac88eeb776>:0 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00048] in <e1a80661d61443feb3dbdaac88eeb776>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <e1a80661d61443feb3dbdaac88eeb776>:0 at UnityModManagerNet.UnityModManager+ModEntry.Invoke (System.String namespaceClassnameMethodname, System.Object& result, System.Object[] param, System.Type[] types) [0x00011] in <f279b97fbe3948d88788db442867ac99>:0 [PlayerBio] Not loaded. [PlayerBio] Loading time 0.02 s.Running PKM Enhanced Edition, latest Steam version, with latest version of Vortex and UMM.
  2. Okay, I'm looking at the ENBoost download page and I'm not seeing anything clearly labeled as the download link for just the ENBSeries.
  3. Trying to add the Civil War Overhaul and I got stuck in the installation step. The directions on the Nexus page for CTD and ENBoost are almost unreadable in places, and the utility's website doesn't seem to have been maintained recently: it has a bunch of broken links and images. I'm running a GeForce 980 Ti on an Intel i7-6700k (brand new gaming beast). I need to know which files to add, exactly where on the various sites they are, and where to put them. (This is currently the only component of the mod I'm having trouble with.)
  4. Yes please on the night vision request. One of the things I always did in Morrowind was to permanently enchant my helmet with the Night-Eye spell (along with some other utility stuff like water-breathing).
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