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Posts posted by HylianSteel

  1. In response to post #43601650. #43604110 is also a reply to the same post.

    Metal-Gear-REX wrote: Probably a silly question is there a shorter way of typing in the URL? Right now we can just type in skyrimnexus.com and it brings us here. Is there something similar for Special Edition? I've tried a few variations with no success. Might just have to rely on bookmarks again.
    VanishingPoints wrote: Create a favorites link.

    probably not considering that's the old url scheme.
  2. Since the 760 only has 2 gigs of vram and you're playing at 720p, i'd recommend installing character textures first to test the waters and see how your pc handles it. I'd only recommend installing the complete ALOT if you have at least 3 gigs vram.


    Off topic a bit: Deager, does JAM version A allow EDI and the Geth to live when choosing Destroy?

  3. Got a question for those that might know a thing or two about the console commands in ME3.

    Currently, I use set SFXGame.SFXCameraMode FOV 80 to change Shepard's standard FOV without worrying about breaking cutscenes. The only problem is that this doesn't affect the FOV of your aiming-in at all.

    Is there a console command i can use to adjust the aiming-in FOV to compliment the command I already use?

  4. @Digitaltrucker So, from what you said, Fallout4Custom.ini overwrites everything that is in Fallout4.ini? does that include Fallout4Prefs.ini as well?

    Do you have any links to documentation? it makes sense, but i would like to read it myself... not saying you are lying or anything outlandish.

  5. You've been there. You downloaded a mod, but you also need that misc, update, or optional file under the same mod ID. The only problem is, is that said other file is marked as an older version of the mod when it's not and NMM tells you it's outdated. I propose we should have the ability to disable update notifications on a per mod basis to alleviate this minor issue.

    Another minor issue is that sometimes Mod authors accidentally give their main download a different version (page states 10.0.1 when the download is 10.01 for example) than what their page states, leaving the mod with a false update warning. An option that would alleviate this is the ability to disable notifications until the mod gets another update.

  6. It's curious to me that the Fallout4Custom.ini is only generated after leaving Vault 111 and not on launch of the game like most sources have stated.

    It only has these entries as well:


    iLocation X=0
    iLocation Y=0
    According to the nexus wiki here we should add these lines to Fallout4Custom.ini:


    The thing is is that one of these lines already exists (but set to its default setting) in Fallout4.ini.

    Why do we not make these changes in Fallout4.ini instead of adding them to this third (seemingly unnecessary at this point) .ini?

    Is the wiki page updated as of patch 1.5 anyway?

  7. In response to post #34714225. #34714475, #34715070, #34715220, #34715695, #34715820 are all replies on the same post.

    DaJay42 wrote: Please, please keep in mind that the majority of your users will browse the site on a 16:9 or even 21:9 monitor. Don't go thin and tall. Vertical space wasted = bad. Horizontal space unused = bad.
    TWFH1 wrote: yep
    famidrive wrote: Which is why you should always. ALWAYS, design a site from a mobile perspective and make the design adapt in size as you go up. Never goes wrong.
    dredlord45 wrote: Agreed.
    And why the f*#@ would you be on here with anything other than a PC anyway? You can't even USE anything on here if you're not.
    Fami, you are wrong in every way. Those devices can't use anything on here, so the Nexus shouldn't cater to them.
    starfis wrote: @famidrive: That is exactly what happened during last redesign do you see the noodle, right?

    I don't understand this stress on mobile compatibility. We are all PC users, there is no question about that. Mods can be used only on PC not on mobiles, tablets etc. I know there are times we need to check the site from mobile, but majority of editing will still be done on desktop.
    Thom293 wrote: Dredlord45 - what are you talking about? I literally browse the nexus every day, respond to PMs, notes on my mods, etc, from my phone. It absolutely works and is my primary way to spend time here. When I am home on the computer, Im modding or playing. Phone is useful.

    Granted Im on a Windows Phone (which is fracking awesome by the way) so maybe other phones dont give you that option? I swore my old Iphone did though...

    @dredlord45 So, you're saying that potentially thousands of users are wrong for browsing this site on their phones during their lunch break or some other situation where a phone is their only option? Good show.
  8. Skyrim looks simply too washed out to me. It's possibly my monitor... or maybe that's the way it always looked. :P

    Are there any good tutorials out there on how to just adjust the vibrance of colors using ENB or, alternatively, is there an ENB already out there that just changes the vibrance? I haven't had much if any experience with ENB, so any and all help is appreciated.

  9. What I mean to say is that i used markfordelete in a save before i created the mod and made the adjustments i wanted.

    since i did that, the object i edited in my mod will not appear when i load my mod with that save. its because of the reference id i assume. when redoing a room like i want, should i generate ref ids for everything i change or just use the ones already assigned? wouldn't that also create double objects... like two tables in the exact same position though?

  10. I'm in the process of trying to clean up Volkihar North Tower and Volkihar Ruins but i've ran into a minor hurdle. How do I make my mods changes overwrite everything else about these areas? for example; I've markfordeleted a table on my save that's used in my mod(before mod was created)... so it won't appear even when i load the mod at bottom of the order in that save.


    what's the best way to make my changes permanent regardless of tinkering in the area before the mod was installed? P.S. If you could link me to a vid on how to create beds people can interact and sleep in, and how to link doors to another area, that would be awesome!

  11. I noticed that there's a new stable version out(0.46) but i haven't seen any news on a new 0.50 alpha. does connect to the site now, but i'm sure that it probably isn't a good idea to do so and use it to download just yet. Are there any chances of an updated alpha so I, and others, don't accidentally crash the site(if that is possible)?

    *I'll hold off on using it for now and just continue to download manually.

  12. Generally, these things take time... so its not something that the devs or anyone else can guarantee you or myself. The alpha we're testing right now is pretty good, but they are still working out the kinks. Patience when waiting for the stable release or trying out the alpha are really your only two choices here. :)

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