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  1. Update: @Nagev I tried running Oblivion through Steam alone -- Success! And no significant crashes! I open Vortex briefly to keep the thing up to date and running properly, but then close it. OBSE and all my mods are working properly too! Thanks, y'all! And once again, Nexus Denizens freaking rule.
  2. Hmm. I *am* the owner of the game and associated Steam account. So I think i did something wrong. I managed to get through the tutorial dungeon despite the crashes/freezes. I think I'll be testing the mod exclusively tonight, to try and rule that out first. (If unaware, it's the Lost Spires mod. Yeah, I know, it's almost as old as the game itself, but I have been wanting to try it, haha). My next test will likely be a run without that mod, because I THINK, if that mod IS the issue, then doing a run without it may prove it.
  3. It will? Hmm. OBSE is one of those "I will never, ever remove it" bits, as I'm sure it is for a lot of us. Will it pop up as it does in-game as "Now running OBSE version (whatever version you have)"? I get that in-game upon a new playthrough. And, will it allow/run mods through the Steam launch?
  4. Update: It happened again tonight, twice in the same places in the Tutorial Dungeon. I'm starting to think it might be one of the mods in my list (Heavily disappointing if that's the case, as I've been wanting to run through one of those mods for a while now).
  5. I did actually try running Oblivion through the OBSE launcher in the Oblivion folder without opening Vortex. It straight-up didn't let me, popping up a message about "You're trying to run a Steam version..." So either I messed that up, or Vortex and OBSE want each other, pardon the odd wording.
  6. It's unlikely, but worth double checking, actually. My version of JAWS isn't the latest and it has been known to get weird on me.
  7. Hrmmm. Wait, you can do that? I'm going to try that. I did manage to rule out my adaptive junk. That stuff is kept as far away from game related stuff as I can. "Game freeze/lock on alt+tab/minimize is a common issue with Oblivion and Skyrim too I believe." This was a big help in ruling out my adaptive stuff. Alt+tab is a common JAWS and WindowEyes command for navigating the desktop. When I'm in-game, I'm an exclusive controller-user.
  8. When I'm in-game, I run full-screen. Nothing else is allowed to operate. Even my adaptive things are set to minimum, to avoid interfering with gameplay. I never tell the thing to minimise or go out-of-game. So unless Vortex responds to antivirus checks, I don't know what other program would cause it to do that. Further, when I get the game back up, the game freezes/locks up entirely, forcing me to do a full hard reboot on my PC.
  9. Salutations, So, I've been running Oblivion and a very small mod list via Vortex (alongside Wrye Bash and LOOT for load order stability). And sometimes, out of nowhere, when playing, the game will suddenly minimise (I run on full screen). When I get it back up, the game just...locks up. Freezes. Forcing me, ultimately, to do a hard reboot. It's done this on a few load orders before, but never twice in a row during the damnable tutorial dungeon. It's honestly cheesing me off. Vortex version: 1.12.6 Mod List: Active Plugins: What causes that madness and how can I fix it? Or can it be fixed at all?
  10. Oh, no. I learned enough to never, EVER do that. I think I may have figured it out. I went into the Kit and basically, re-made my necklace from the ground up (I have the mesh and texture backed up). I tested it twice with and without my custom enchantment. Both worked flawlessly after I removed another mod (Ah, alas, I love my tiny collection of big mods but...) 'Oblivion Uncut' had to come out whilst I'm doing Verona House. Both alter the overworld (as do my other favourites, COBL and MOO). I think it clashed with my necklace somehow since I DO put it in a bag for me to find in the world (in the tutorial dungeon, yes, but still. It's THERE and thus, alters things). Note to self, and possibly others: These mods may clash with each other and may not be nice with clothing stuff (although I am tempted to try and find a way to make them all dance because I love them) Verona House MOO COBL Oblivion Uncut.
  11. Ahh, that bit. I take it that's where you'd find either the "my torso disappeared!" thing or the "WTF? NO MESH!" bubble. I'll give that a try and see if that has any effect. I do wonder, since I kinda worked hard on this necklace, is it possible to test the thing and make it so the game doesn't hate-crash? LOL. My mecklace worked fine a while ago. Unless it's possible to have a clash or corruption?
  12. I did try removing the enchantment -- trying one thing at a time to do a careful ruling-out. Sadly, that didn't fix the issue. The necklace itself is a retexture I did of the Knights of the Thorn amulet. The pants: Recoloured Black Wide Pants. Shes: Base blue suede shoes. Ring: Base Ring of Khajiit model with a custom texture/design. Shirt: THIS is from a clothing mod I'd gotten a few years ago from "Comfortable Clothing". Second ring: Weatherward Circlet base model. Hood: Base Black Hood model with a retexture. Armbands: Base Wrist Iron model. CAN you unassign without the game going weird? And if so, how?
  13. Salutations, Nexus. So, I have uncovered a rather infuriating bug. I have a small mod I built that adds a simple custom outfit (Two rings, shoes, pants, shirt, hood, necklace, armbands). Yet the game crashes every single time I try to equip the necklace. Everything I've used is a simple re-texture of vanilla assets. I did put custom enchantments on the items (again, all vanilla CK resources. No scripts, nothing weird or huge). I'm trying to figure out if it's an unseen conflict. I've taken out two of the biggest mods in my list, but all that did was tell me it wasn't a conflict with those particular mods. My list right now is as follows: Oblivion.esm (And all DLC's) Unofficial Oblivion Patch Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches OBSE Elys' Universal Silent Voice Oblivion Uncut Verona House Bloodlines (This is a mod recently installed. I've been wanting to try it for a while now) BSRCheatBag (This is my mod) The two mods I removed in order to check things: COBL Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul Yeah, I have a small AF mod list, I know. So it puzzles me, why is my mod's clothing suddenly a crash issue? I feel like Oblivion is a tank truck supported by icepop sticks.
  14. Yeah, I had a surge protector (a rather hefty one) but it's in dire need of replacement. I did recently move across the country, so some things are higher on the list. Necessities and all.
  15. Second update: Nope. This thing is still lagging so badly I can count the frames. It's worse than Oldrim! I'm honestly starting to get kind of angry with this. The power outage situation is now entirely dealt with. I didn't get Skyrim to NOT play the bloody thing. ETA: Eureka! It turns out the outage messed with some driver updates. Ran a clean sweep, did a full update and we're in business. Note to self, and PSA if it helps: If your power goes out, when it returns, check your drivers and other updates.
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