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Everything posted by NinjaCommander

  1. I had my modded NV game running for a while and I have been grinning and bearing it for a while as I have been playing. But now its starting to become a pain in my ass with the random crashing, even with the proper mods that help to fix the problems. I don't know if its how my plugins are put in or the rorer of the installation of the mods. Or it could be the game and mods don't like that I am trying to play the game at 1440p. Editing the ini to get the resolution is not easy, especially when I feel its giving me that issue. It hard doing this when I just got this new monitor earlier this year, wanting to enjoy my games at higher res. Now if you wanna know my pc specs, its a i5 4690k at 4.5ghz, a 980 Ti, and 32GB of ram. This should be plenty enough for my game to make me stay in the triple digits, but now I'm dipping to 60, hell even to below 30 fps. Please any help will be great. I'll put in a few images of my current mods to let you see whats going on, along with the plugins.
  2. I recently got myself a new high end gaming monitor that has a res of 1440p. So I tried to load up the game, still in the middle of modding the game by the way, and I have false full screen windowed mode work, but now when I start it, I only get 1080 and not the full screen. Need some help to make this work. Or if anything , force my screen to play at 1080p with the full screen. Since I am using a fake fullscreen mod, might as well make it stay 1080p .
  3. I recently got myself a new high end gaming monitor that has a res of 1440p. So I tried to load up the game, still in the middle of modding the game by the way, and I have false full screen windowed mode work, but now when I start it, I only get 1080 and not the full screen. Need some help to make this work. Or if anything , force my screen to play at 1080p with the full screen.
  4. I have been looking for the right nod that allows me to use the camera that is in New Vegas but have it in Fallout 3. Which mod out right now matches the one currently in New Vegas?
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