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  1. I don't need their functionality at all, just the meshes and locations. I'm simply trying to build a static scene to use as a home environment for VR, so nothing needs to be moveable/interactable, don't need activators or anything. All it is is a room that renders around you when you're on the Oculus home screen. I just want it to be populated with all the random clutter without having to place it all manually in Blender, and as of right now I have to check an item's coordinates in the GECK, find the item's name and path, then import the .nif into Blender and punch the rotation/translation coordinates in manually to move it into the same position as in-game. It's very tedious and I haven't even gotten to all the really small clutter. And as far as I can tell, there's no way to get the entire cell into Blender. The benefit of using an SCOL is that it saves the SCOL as its own .nif file, which can then be imported into Blender, but the cell data itself is likely just a file that contains a list of items and their positions, which I can't do anything with in Blender without some kind of script.
  2. So this isn't exactly for a mod, I'm trying to build an Oculus Quest home environment using an interior cell from New Vegas. I was able to combine all of the static objects into an SCOL to import into Blender, but all other objects need to be imported one at a time and positioned manually. So, is there any way to convert everything in a cell into a static object? I know I can create new static objects and point to the non-static objects' meshes one at time, but those would still have to be added to the cell and positioned manually in the GECK, so it would end up being just as much work as repositioning them in the Blender scene. I'd just really like to be able to save the entire cell's contents as an SCOL to save a bunch of work since I'll still have plenty of work to do even after all the objects are placed.
  3. I'm trying to put Caesar's head into 3DS Max to model a Legion coin for 3D printing, but I have no idea how to apply the facegen data to the base head model. I assumed there was some way to export the facegen data from the GECK somehow, apply it to the base head model in NifSkope, and then maybe export as .obj, but I honestly have no clue. If anyone can help me out or let me know if it's impossible, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
  4. Is there any way to open the minigame .swf files? Not to edit them, I know how to dig through the assets in Jpexs, but to actually open and preview the minigames properly? I see a lot of tutorials about editing the .swf files and adding custom minigames, but I just want to play them as-is if possible. Probably a stupid question, but oh well...
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