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Everything posted by RangerTeamEcho
NE v2.1.3 + Storms & Sound v3 + S&S Patch?
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
no no i'm not saying the birds came from the storms & sound. i know where it's from, it's from NE, i'm just suggesting there should a switch or something to rermove the birds , if a storm should trigger, because they uhm.. remain overhead for quite long. even during a storm lol. looks a bit weird. -
Hi all, When u create a char in FO76, does that name have to be unique? Character Name I'm not talking about Bethesda Display Name, i know that is the one that will be displayed, but i'm asking a specific question here. Thanks
NE v2.1.3 + Storms & Sound v3 + S&S Patch?
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Ahh yes, just tested it : NE + S&S v3 works. i tested a before and after scenario, right outside a shop in IC marketplace. After applying the S&S v3, i could hear the storm if i ran inside the shop. Before i installed it, it was dead silent inside. Storm & Sounds v3 only overwrites one file in my system : textures\dungeons\misc\shockparticle01.dds whether that .dds was from NE or not i do not know, but i only have one weather control mod and that's NE 2.1.3. btw. do birds still fly in formation during thunderstorms at night? this seems a bit unrealistic... they do for me, if the bird formation already spawned before the storm. i mean u could reload, but i decided to wait as bit to see how long they would fly.... like over 5 minutes and they were still flying above my head.... i invoked several storms using fw 38ef1 -
Meshes - Marker_Error.NIF after UOP
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
no no, in-game now i see nothing wrong at all. i am aware of the stars thing cos once long ago i mucked up a skybox mod and i saw cartoonish drawings across the sky with 'WTF', so i assume, there must be a star somewhere inside the game now, corresponding to my current error marker, but i have not actually come across it. -> At my C:\TES\oblivion\Data\meshes, i see the physical file "Meshes - Marker_Error.NIF". This file came about AFTER i installed, activated UOP (the 3 main ones), launched game, exited to desktop. i found it there, in meshes folder. it has a padlock icon on it. i'm askling, if i open or view this using some tool, can i locate what mesh is really missing. it's now 64kb size. -
Meshes - Marker_Error.NIF after UOP
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Aahh i understand what u mean by stars now. don't worry i still have it, i moved it away to another location to see if system would generate another. i'll move it back for now but all the same i hope to locate the missing mesh. In that case i am able to isolate the cause, and i'm almost 100% certain, since this was a fresh install and i actually count the steps during operations. if u refer to one of the mail i sent u couple days ago, i listed a test order right? 0-5, 0 being x4 upscaled textures/improved meshes, 1 -3 being UOPs. tonight i reciprocated back on the same set of instructions. before this current oblivion install i was already monitoring this mesh error because i encountered it before. it occurred after step 1/2/3, which was a UOP installation, by way of OBMM. at step 0, i manually installed the x4 textures/improved meshes. that by itself- nothing wrong, i started up and exited, and confirmed i found no error. Therefore, it is logical to assume there is some incompatibility (only concerning 1 missing mesh mind you) between that upscaling mod with one of the UOP mods (generic/SI/DLC). Perhaps UOP series was designed to be executed on vanilla 1.2.0416 only. It has to be, because i only took 2 actions, and it occurred after the second. Is there a way to find out which mesh is missing, from the Marker_Error.nif? if not this file, is there any log in my oblivion directory i can look at? -
WIP - The Companion friendly Hobbit Home
RangerTeamEcho replied to Pellape's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
hey cool home. all u need is a chopper pad in the back for dwemer skyskip https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/20799 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/30355 -
Meshes - Marker_Error.NIF after UOP
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
oh for me under explorer it displays the OBMM "padlock" icon so i can delete it? but what mesh is missing? i only have UOP installed so far. before i installed UOP, the file was not there. EDIT i removed it already, just to test. then i booted into a game twice, once through obse, once through obmm, but strangely system is not generating another one anymore. although nothing has been changed in my game. why was this produced in the first place -
Meshes - Marker_Error.NIF after UOP
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
it's in data\meshes for me it's C:\TES\oblivion\Data\meshes why does this occur? does it mean system does not know where to put the mesh, and it came from one of the UOP mods? -
Hi all, i just encountered a Marker_Error.nif under Meshes, but it's on a clean oblivion install + the 3 x UOPs. it so happens i was already aware of this, so i took extra notice and it is confirmed this only appeared in meshes folder after i installed all 3 UOP through OBMM, launched through OBMM, and exited to desktop. it is 63kb size. can i just delete this file.
Disaster! Flora glows like FEV Chemical Spill
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
yeh too many is overkill. in case u interested to know 'How to make FEV Grass', i used :- x4 Upscaled Textures + Qarls + Tree Overhaul + Grass Overhaul + Improved Trees Flora 1+2 + Natural Environment 2.1.3 + Detailed Terrain Beta II + DT SI + HR Roads + Imperial Roads + Bruma cobblestones , but not sure which sequence (i tested a few). anyway i had to test to find out. *** This is just my opinion, but the only actual culprit for my case (up to this present time, but my modding is not finished) is the addition of the 2 overhauls (tree and grass). No, there's nothing wrong with them, but they are pretty extensive overhauls and this plus the Flora + NE + DT resulted in too much green i would advise either A) Flora + NE + DT OR B) Trees and Flora Overhaul only (if u want NE, only for other unrelated effects like eg. water/masser & secunda or DT just do the roads) for this round of oblivion i choose A above, but there r 6 possible combinations : tonight i will revert oblivion 6 times taking photos across cyrodil start, marketplace, bruma and then choosing the best overwrite:- Flora + NE + DT Flora + DT + NE NE + Flora + DT NE + DT + Flora DT + Flora + NE DT + NE + Flora weird, what a coincidence. these 3 more or less compliment each other perfectly, in terms of landscape, environment, terrain cover, trees, other natural elements. results were basically the same no matter which order u installed/overwrote them (and i suspect they more so overwrote QTP3, not each other). more specifically, - it would appear, in my installation anyway, NE + DT = do not conflict with each other in any way. - only visible additional effect of installing Flora onto (NE + DT) is the Canopy Shadow Effect afforded by Flora. I really love that, worth it for me to install just the shadow (inversely, installing NE + DT onto Flora, yields exactly same overall result. weird! no diff) -
Disaster! Flora glows like FEV Chemical Spill
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
no no, i had no error or crash before. it's because i lay on too many overhauls. some do not replace, they completely add new shrubs or another layer under existing cover. too much i was hoping for more replacements, than additions. evidently this was not so. it's ok i will uninstall and reinstall from fresh. i post this pic here because i never seen a result so disgusting lol ps. the radioactive green comes from the grass, it's not reflected sunlight ha-ha... :s -
NE v2.1.3 + Storms & Sound v3 + S&S Patch?
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I still need to summon a storm to test if the mod is working. Is there a console command to do this? -
NE v2.1.3 + Storms & Sound v3 + S&S Patch?
RangerTeamEcho replied to RangerTeamEcho's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
hehe ok. maybe later, experiment on the wryebash . but if u say i don't need the patched version , what about the original? the v3 one. can i do like how i did before using OBMM, make it into omod and install like others Did you read the description? it deals with hearing storms from interior right? i don't think NE does the same thing, so shouldn't clash. the problem is, how would i test? i cant be waiting indefinitely for a storm to occur .... is there a command or something you know of to call a thunderstorm -
Hi, does anyone know if Storms & Sound V3 Lightning for All Weathers will conflict with Natural Environments v.2.1.3? I plan to install in this order :- 1. Natural Environments v2.1.3 - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2536 2. Storms & Sound V3 Lightning for All Weathers - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/8711 3. Storms & Sound Patches - https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38379 From the description of S&S V3, it brings the sound of storms indoors, and natural environment handles weather and storms outside, is this right? Also, i see that S&S is mainly not compatible with something called "NW Arthur's" the mod maker mentioned several times. i tried to search for a mod 'natural weather' but i could not find, i only find something called 'weather - natural', and i don't think it's the same. perhaps it had already been renamed or removed or something? either way, i am not using that. i'm using Kibosh NE v2.1.3. Also i tried to search under 'Arthur' and i could not find anything. i'm not using any other weather mod except for the 3 mentioned above, if u know if this combo works, please let me know, thanks. Regarding 3. S&S Patches above, i see this noted in the description :- This Patch can ONLY be used with CBash version of Bashed Patch. I highly recommend downloading Wrye Bash 2.95. Filter Patch works OK on my game, but I still consider it BETA. Please report any bugs you find in comments section. File is already tagged with {{BASH:Filter}}. Dont forget to check it under "Merge Patches" section. Load order - right before Bashed Patch. I am really unsure what this means; i have no idea what 'bash' 'cbash' '{{BASH:Filter}}' 'Bashed Patch' means, and i am not using wrye bash- i am using OBMM Extended. Can I still install the S&S patches (and/or the V3 main mod)? i do not mind doing it manually, if someone could tell me how. further, description says the S&S mods provide functionality to the following mods, but i'm not using any of them, so please let me know if i can still install the S&S Patches and gain any benefit in doing so (like hear thunder see lightning flashes outisde, while i'm indoors in the default game?) :- AFK_Weye v2.1 Amajor Imperial Furniture v1.0 Bank of Cyrodiil v1.11 Bartholm v7.0 Better Cities v4-7-1 Blood & Mud Imperial Furniture Renovated 1.0 Shezrie's Villages The Lost Spires v14 CLS-SailboatEx v.1.01 Mudwater v.1.2 Talos Bridge Gatehouse v.1.1 TR Stirk v.1.2 Castle Seaview v.1.1 Kvatch Rebuilt v.1.1 Any reply much appreciated thanks.
Hi, i created this thread and posted these images (there are 8 location sets) as a convenience for anyone wanting to quickly compare/seek immediate reference between 4 Great Landscape/Trees/Flora/Terrain Cover/Environmental Mods (maybe to see what they change) namely the :- - Trees & Grass Overhaul series (Only these 2 trees & flora) by Ferretmyster - Improved Trees & Flora series by Mikal33 - Natural Environment 2.1.3 by Kibosh - Detailed Terrain series by ChainsawXIV Yes i'm aware most of the time modders do include comparison pictures in the images tab of the mod page, but this way you (and i) can access images between these 4 mods more quickly. There is absolutely no chance for install/uninstall "patches" or "smudging" corruption to have occurred, as i delete-recopy a fresh oblivion folder/ini files/rendererinfo files between each mod set. NOTE : NO SKY BOX/NO MOON/NO WATER CHANGES NOTE : MY "VANILLA" IS AFTER INSTALLING 1. x4 Upscaled Textures by kartoffels 2. UOP 3.5.6b by Quarn, Kivan, Arthmoor & PrinceShroob 3. UOP SI 1.5.9a by ibid. 4. UOP DLC v24 by ibid. 5. QTP3 1.3 by Qarl 6. QTP3 Compatibility 3.5.0 by dev_akm & Kivan (SET 1) CYRODIL NORTH (SET 2) SHIVERING ISLES
Ok thanks, i'll try it, just the original esp. Hi thanks it worked. i removed the xul esp and made it into an OMOD. but what about this, do you think it can be installed on top of my current installation :- https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49381?pk_source=nexus+mods&pk_campaign=nxm_social&tab=description can i merge the fixed uv mesh files into the grass overhaul atlas files, and then create an omod? EDIT Ahh, it's ok i did it. i unzipped both, overwrote the original with the fixed meshes and then overwrote original grass overhaul. it was that xul esp that was the culprit all along, cos i'm not using Unique Landscapes.
Hi all, i'm having problems installing this mod. i am using OBMM and using the v6.1 zip of the mod. I am getting this message upon startup :- At first i created an .OMOD out of the zip contents. The procedure seemed OK. I archive invalidated using OBMM. Then I received the error message above upon game startup. After that, following instructions from the description page of this mod, i extracted the xUL_Imperial_Isle_patch.esp and created a second .omod with intention to overwrite and patch whatever it was meant to patch. i archive invalidated again. But I am still getting the same message upon startup. I am not using any Unique Landscape mod. Any help appreciated.
Hi, i'm wondering if there has been any development on fixing this known bug, now in 2021? perhaps a patch? i'm facing the blood decal flickering issue. i have 'Detailed Terrain' mod installed, but i strongly suspect this was a pre-existing issue, not related to mods. applying the Detailed Terrains - Shader Patch does not change anything. this problem exists outdoors, frequency of blood flickering per combat outdoors is 100%- it's bound to happen every fight. it does not seem to happen indoors (i have tried testing this, but it is quite difficult as blood vanishes after the combat is over. i did not notice any blood flickering during combat). since blood completely de-spawns over time, i do not consider it game-breaking, but it would be nice if i can stop it from happening at all. i have read of mods to remove the blood decal or prevent blood from being produced, but i think having completely no blood in the game is even worse than the flickering itself. please advise if you think there is anything i can do, thanks in advance. ps. my catalyst settings are : AA at x12/24, normal multisampling (tested x12 supersampling, no difference still flicker), Radeon Edge Detect ON. Anisotropic Filtering ON set to x16 High. AMD Smart Tessellation ON. Morphological Filtering OFF, Crossfire Disabled, DX 11, Shader Generation 480 Unified in-game options : VSync OFF, 1920 x 1080 (tested at 720p no difference still flicker), HDR ON, ALL sliders Max, ALL features ON (except Bloom & AA OFF of course).
Detailed Terrain : Unique Landscapes
RangerTeamEcho posted a topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Hi all, I've posted this issue at the Comments Tab on the mod page as well. i have tested DT Beta II as well as DT SI, both of these worked. I am quite agreeable with the Detailed Terrain mod overlaying on top of Qarl's, as it provides quite a logical upgrade on certain terrain issues. Quite visible difference too, for eg. this is a lake shoreline just outside of New Sheoth, SI :- However, i could not seem to get DT - Unique Landscapes to work. I tested at the area around Cloud Top, Colovian Highlands. My Before & After screenshots showed no visible change. I am using OBMM. After activating this mod, i was not prompted to overwrite anything. I archive invalidated, and have tested launching from both OBMM and OBSE. Please advise, thanks. EDIT Oh, i see now, that Unique Landscapes are player-introduced areas. Sorry, i misread the desc., pls. disregard this query -
Hi, i have downloaded Karetoffels' Oblivion Upscaled Textures (OUT) as well as Shivering Isles Upscaled Textures (SIUT), but some of the Shivering Isles textures are conflicting with the original game upscaled textures (OUT), does anyone know which should overwrite? https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49351 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49645