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Everything posted by Acired

  1. I am mixed about the new UI. I don't mind the colors or the look... BUT I absolute HATE and DESPISE the new Search function. I don't want it to be multi-game search, I want to search for only the game mods and files I am currently browsing.
  2. I finally got someone to tell me what the cause of my crashing was! I was using the latest XPM skeleton and had to roll it back to 4.20 as well installing a different supporting plugin. I am regaining my faith in the nexus community again, which makes me feel better about the salty pickle from the other night. Thank you all, it seems like I can finally have a stable and continuous Skyrim playthrough now! :-)
  3. Well I took a breather and finally found some helpful people in the Nexus Discord. The previous night when I was frustrated, I ran into some snarky and snide personalities that were just making fun and not helpful, so it soured my mood when I made my previous post. I got MO2 working mostly, but I keep running into a strange behavior where I play for awhile, and after saving and exiting, when I try to play again, I get constant CTD's when trying to load the saved game. I've tried using Mator Smash, but it doesn't seem to be helping me much, but then again I may not be using it most effectively. If there's anything that can be done to help me out, I'd love to find out WHY I keep crashing when I try and pick up my saved games. :-(
  4. I just wasted hours upon hours following that stupid tutorial and trying MO2. They never even MENTIONED that the way MO2 works is through "virtualization", and that if a utility fails to install normally through MO2 you CANNOT fall back on the older method of installing manually into the Data Folder. Everytime I tried to use the damned MO2 method of adding utilities like Bodyslide, FNIS, or SKSE through the stupid interface, it was ALWAYS grayed out. A whole weekend's worth of my limited time away from work went up in smoke. I hate this tool.
  5. Hey thanks for your encouragement. I've been working nonstop this month, so I haven't cracked open Skyrim at all... and now I am looking at my game, debating what I might lose by switching. When you haven't played in awhile it starts to feel like a fresh start isn't bad. On one hand, I think I'd like to have a bug-free game and it seems MO2 is the way to go. Also I realize now there were choices in mods I picked, that I wish I could take back (like mistakenly choosing CBBE body over UNP). And it seems Skyrim is much less forgiving about changing out mods midgame than Fallout 4 is. So the desire to 'reboot' is strong. But I just hit level 39 and rank 100 in my One-Hand and Block skills, and I have other skills that only just started getting good... sigh. I wish there was a way to fix things and swap out mods without throwing out the baby with the bathwater. I'm going to agonize for a bit longer over my choices, since I am still busy IRL and have no time for playing, much less doing a full mod revamp, it might be awhile. But if you think that there's any way to salvage my current game, be it through saved-game cleaners, MO2 and careful mod sorting, please do feel free to throw any suggestions my way! I really appreciate the video resource and advice.
  6. I feel stupid for somehow missing the responses, sorry for being slow to respond back. I also feel stupid because I can't figure out MO, and perhaps I am being overly cautious but I was told by friends that it can ruin your saved games and mod loads. Is it really better than NMM or going to Vortex? Also not sure what is SSE Engine Fixes? I only found the utilities I listed above. Is that another one that I need to use? I feel kind of overwhelmed at this point... :-(
  7. I have posted my own thread, and been completely and utterly ignored. I asked here as politely as I could if I might get some assistance since the OP had similar issues to my own. Sorry for offending you with my interjection.
  8. Congrats. Is there any chance you might be willing to help me figure out my own load issues? I'm at wits end here...
  9. Hi there all! I'm new to Skyrim and Skyrim Modding, though I did a lot of mod installations in Fallout 4 and seemed to do alright with most minor debugging there. But Skyrim seems to behave much more finicky and I am near the end of my rope trying to sort out things for my installation. I've been reading and trying out the suggestions in other threads here, using tools such as LOOT and Wrye Smash. I've downloaded SSEEDIT and Fallrim Tools as well, though SSEEdit is a bit beyond my initial comprehension diving in. I thought I had a decently solid installation, as I was running thing alright but lately I run into errors in certain areas that are causing CTD's, like entering Solitude. It's not my first time there, and I think I may have even had a dragon attack inside the city prior... but now once I start walking a little past the entry area, right around first two shop doorways, BOOM! CTD. That's when I realized that Skyrim seems to be much pickier about load orders than tools like NMM and LOOT can handle. I started trying to organize based on mod notes and in Wrye Smash, I've got about a dozen orange checkboxes that I cannot seem to find where they need to go. Can anyone take a look and help me figure this out? My rig is an ACER Predator 17, with Intel i7-6700 HQ @ GH, 32 G RAM, Nvidia GTX 1070.
  10. I am very sorry, as I know you guys must have put a lot of time and effort into this new website layout. But I really dislike it, it hurts my eyes, and the layout use of space is horrid... I have a 40" monitor, and I still feel like I have not enough space with the way everything is laid out. Is there a way to return to the classic look? I have tried going to settings and navigated through the various menus, but I can't seem to find a way to back. Again, I hate to sound critical, but this is a case where I don't think the new 'upgrade' was actually an upgrade. :-(
  11. Thanks, that helps me so much just knowing that! Do you think when patch 1.08 drops it will make everything scrambled for mods or do Frosty Mods not get messed up by new patches?
  12. Ohhh... hrmm... okay. Has anyone tried converting the following mods so far? Would these kinds of mods probably not work? Double Damage AR's & Pistols http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/125/? More Skill Points http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/185/? Profile No Cooldown http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/177/? Shut Up SAM http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/111/? Armor Parts Swap http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/171/? Underarmor Casual (Long) http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/123/? Softcore Space Porn (Naked Ryder) http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/108/? Remove Evade Cooldown http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/110/? Infinite Inventory http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/106/?
  13. I too would love to know if there's a way to run the game with mods from both types?
  14. Hey there! I've noticed a weirdness with the ads showing up lately on my Windows 10 Tablet, even though I've been a supporter and shouldn't see any ads at all. My desktop browsing doesn't have this problem, but my tablet browsing does continually show the top banner ad; like the one with the 'You may need to fix Windows Errors' flashing Yes-No' Ads By Wosom. Attempting to close the ads by clicking the "x" simply causes the ad to show up again a second later. I'm not sure if this is a case of them sneaking the ads by you, or something overlooked in the code for mobile and tablet browsing. But I thought I had better report it here, since for whatever reason no "Report This Ad' option appears underneath the banner at all. Hope that's helpful.
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