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Status Updates posted by gandalftw

  1. I am Gandalf a 65 year old Harley loving, whiskey drinking, Athiest/Ethical-Hedonist.I love my friends and hate my enemies with equal passion and both enemies and friends have no doubt in which category they belong. ;)
  2. I am Gandalf a 64 year old teenager.Hehehe...
  3. Very cool. :)
  4. Happy Birthday!It is 12:31 am where i'm sitting Dec 5.Now don't tell you weren't born until 12:32 am.lol
  5. Nice personal pic lol.

    24" monitor must be nice i've got to get a better monitor.Cost about $1300 to build my comp so have been waiting to save enough to a nice one.

  6. So,how's it going in the wasteland?Got used to blowing off heads?
  7. Ah,was wondering if you were going to get it.I've finished the game.Hope they issue some expansions soon.Also waiting for GTA 4 for pc to come out.Heard it is due Nov 18.Have fun with the fatman lol.
  8. Running well only an occasional freeze.Haven't tried the main quest again been finding plenty to do so far.I'm at level 20 so....Got your copy yet?
  9. Happy Birthday,young one!
  10. She's wearing the Merc troublemaker


  11. Haven't tried that

    because i'm not having problems anywhere else.It's running smooth in that quest,no stutter,very smooth then freeze.I don't have everything set to max.I'll give it a try later and see what happens.

  12. In the last part of finding your father quest,i played through about 10 times.At some point it freezes every time....So i've been wandering around taking other missions as i find them.
  13. Ok,i just hope they get a patch out soon.I can't finish the first quest because of freeze-ups. : (
  14. Yeah,it appears that the game needs some patching but it ,to me,seems to have it's own feel.It is unlike Oblivion enough that i'm not comparing the two while playing.Love the graphics....
  15. I'm enjoying it,however i've already ran into an issue with freeze ups and i'm running a new computer with all up to date drivers.Googled it and it seems others are having the same problem.Oh well...Love the graphics tho,plenty of room for improvements through mods...
  16. It appears so and here i am but a grizzled old wizard with no ambition but the rescuing of blundering hobbits.I wonder might Gandalf have powers unknown to him?
  17. It is an honor,younger one,to be considered a friend.
  18. Thanks for the mod and the birthday wishes.Quite nice of you.Happy birthday to you,tomorrow,as well.I see you're a Libra too.Balance,it's all about balance with Libras.Peace bro...
  19. Hey,thanks for the comment.I'm rather new to forums,i tend to forget to check profiles myself.I see you're a longhair,rather rare these days.I haven't cut my hair or beard in 8 years now.Peace...
  20. Thanks,I read Tolkien's,The Hobbit as a young pup and became an instant fan.Some call me Gandalf,as a joke,

    because of my hair and beard.Thus my profile name.Thanks for the comment.Peace.

  21. I'm surprised i expected you to be older.You seem mature

    beyond your years.

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