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Everything posted by link182
So, ideally I wouldn’t even be looking at these, I certainly wish I wasn’t, but I find myself facing down failure and so I thought, why not ask? I’ve tried to find resources on this but they’re simply not helping. The goal was to make a green flames spell without changing all fire in the game to green, I changed every part of the spell in the meshes and ck I could, and it still had orange elements to it, so I looked it up and the answer that came up was the addonnode was causing it. I tried making a new one by duplicating everything that the mesh referenced, and then told the mesh to use that number (I chose 97) and the game hard crashed every time. I can’t load it with the esp at all, so I know the issue is with the addonnode. So, I’m now questioning if it’s even possible to make a new one, so far all my experiences are telling me it’s not. It seems to me it’s impossible to get the nif to recognise a new one, and after a full day of nothing to show for it I need to know if it’s impossible or what I’m doing wrong. Please send help, I’m defeated.
Despite my best efforts I simply cannot modify the female miner clothes mesh to anything good. The vanilla game only has them for the male, and while similar, they use a different texture which is causing issues for a mod I’ve been working on for the past month. If anyone has the time and is willing to make one i would be eternally grateful, alternatively, if one already exists that would be just as good. I would rather keep the male and female designs different, which is the only reason I’m not just going that route.
The hairstyle is an altered ks hairstyle where I removed a ponytail in outfit studio, I’ve added it to the creation kit and made sure it’s valid for humans, I’ve set two additional parts the same way it’s done with the actual ks mod, and it shows fine in game, but when I load a save with it selected, the character is basically bald. I’ve also observed that when removing an eye patch from the character (Odin’s eyepatch is the mod) the hair colour will get brighter the first time on a given load, which seems odd. Any assist with this would be appreciated.
Note: sorry for cluttering this forum with a second request, I managed to find a way around my last issue and with this I don’t really know where else to turn. I assumed it would be straightforward to have a staff drain your magicka when you cast a fireball spell, and boy have I learned how wrong I was. It’s become clear that a magic effect that isn’t on self cannot see itself being activated unless you actually hit a target, meaning when you miss you’ll not lose any magicka (or in my case stamina too) I spent 4 hours learning that, and then realised that means it’s even harder to find a solution for staffs to cost Magicka. I’m really not sure what to do here, it’s sort of essential to the mod I’ve been working on for over a month that this fireball spell drains your own stamina and Magicka in massive prepositions on cast, can anyone think of a way to do this from a staff? I’m out of ideas.
I've been stuck on this for over a week now and would really appreciate any help someone can give. I'm trying to extend the duration of the visuals of my spell, specifically the part that plays when it explodes and can't figure it out. Things I've tried: Editing the spell duration, this doesn't do anything for the visual. Editing the explosion object, there's nothing there to extend duration Editing the nif, so far nothing I've seen works, I tried editing a couple things that looked like they might have done duration? But to no avail. Currently, the only idea I've got is to slow down time for the player when the spell is cast to simulate some form of duration, but it seems silly that I can't find a better solution.
The spell is firestorm as a projectile and I’ve been having trouble with this. I’ve set the duration to 20 seconds, but it still lasts only a second visually, I can’t find a way to make the spell last longer and as is it feels unimpressive. I was advised it could be related to the nif mesh, or some other special effect; but I can’t figure it out. Any help appreciated.
Been stuck on this a few days now, this is my last ditch effort before I end up changing what I’m going for to make it easier. I really cannot script, everything I’ve gotten has been from those who would help or mods with open permissions. I also looked into the vanilla dragon meteor shout script, but it was beyond me to utilise it. My aim is for a scenario like this: your playing Skyrim, you see an enemy camp about a minute walk away, you equip an explosion spell and aim it at the camp, a spell is cast down from the sky at wherever you aimed, and all the enemies are gone. This is what I have to work with currently, it won’t compile, and even if it does I’m not certain it will work, it also doesn’t have anything preventing the player from casting in interiors, which while I’m not against, would probably break the game if it were allowed. Any and all help getting this working as hoped would be amazing. ```Scriptname Megexp2script extends activemagiceffect spell property Megexpspell activator function castingpoint inv property Height Float property RandomXY auto Float Xvar Float Yvar Actor Target Event OnEffectStart Target = akTarget cordX = target.getposX cordY = target.getposY cordZ = target.getposZ castingpoint.moveto(cordX, cordY, (cordZ + Height)) Megexpspell.cast(castingpoint, target) Endevent``` And here’s the current compiling error, I’m expecting they’ll be more before this is over. ```Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "Megexp2script"... Megexp2script.psc(6,31): mismatched input '\\r\\n' expecting LPAREN Megexp2script.psc(0,0): error while attempting to read script Megexp2script: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. No output generated for Megexp2script, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.``` Sorry for any lack of clarity, I’m at my wits end with it.
So, I’m awful at script, I can just about get by with simple stuff by copying and pasting what’s in vanilla, and kind of understand why it functions, but that’s it. I’ve tried to do my homework, and I’ve asked in a couple other places, but I think going into as much detail about what I’m trying to do, and where I’m stuck is the only way I can progress here, so I’ll explain what I’m going for to start with, and if anyone can help with this in any way it would make my day. My aim is for a scenario like this: your playing Skyrim, you see an enemy camp about a minute walk away, you equip an explosion spell and aim it at the camp, a spell is cast down from the sky at wherever you aimed, and all the enemies are gone. The main difference between how say the meteor dragon shout in vanilla, and mine would work is that the meteor dragon shout hits random places within a set radius, and not a defined location decided on cast. Looking at the script that does the storm shouts shows me it’s invoked by making it the equivalent of weather, and from what I can tell, either casting a spell, or a world projectile of sorts. I say either or because I’m unsure, there’s definitely spell for dragon meteor in the files, but it doesn’t seem to be called on by the script from what I could tell, and it’s throwing me for a loop. Also, I can’t figure out how actually tell the game to fire where I’m wanting to fire the spell from, I assume I can use a co-ordinate for the hight, but how would I actually make it decide the drop location based on where I cast the spell? I can’t use anything like a script extender because I intend to put this on Xbox one day, but anything else is basically fair game. If anyone can help me accomplish this goal I would be eternally grateful.
I will be forthright and say Iâm the sucker who bought a se copy of Skyrim on pc just so he can make mods for the Xbox version and play them I realise the limitations that comes with I know youâd think itâs my choice and my fault that I chose to stick to that but in truth I just donât have a pc that can play sse in any meaningful way, last year I had the idea to make a spell the player would use to turn into a normal everyday wolf, I made the texture I wanted, got the mesh ready and found that Bethesda decided since they shouldnât be playable normally the camera should be in an awful place I think underneath the wolf, what I thought was a small hill is actually a canyon that I donât think can be surpassed. I know of two ways to alter the thing after a bit of research back in February, you can use console commands which as a console player is ironically impossible and you can alter the skeleton nif to do it, this in theory is the best option but unfortunately it was not to be, in order for a mod to be uploaded to Bethesdaâs xbox server the ck has to have referenced, with a skeleton nif there isnât a way to do this compared to a normal mesh for example which means you can not use skeleton edits on the Xbox as far as I know, no script extensions either, My long rambling is just to help any potential helpers understand my position, the answer at this point is no I think thatâs obvious but nearly a year on whenever I get the itch to mod it comes to me that I failed at my goal, my direct question is this, can the 3rd person camera be repositioned in any other way? Can what is done by console command be done by script? Is there anything in the ck that could allow this, or is it as I suspect completely out of my realm of possibilityâs. To any whoâve read this far even those who donât know or cannot help thank you for taking the time to do so, to any who have any ideas no matter how outlandish I wish to hear them.
I did, sorry I forgot you wanted the magic effect to that I can also provide when I go back into ck tomorrow though again I did try it as a fire and forget and constant magic effect that needed to work on contact, I used the khajiit unarmed fortify ability as an example and also looked at how creatures deal their poison damage, non of those methods worked, I get how ability’s work don’t get me wrong it just didn’t work with poison, the best I would of accomplished is maybe a shout like attack, the only proof I can offer you is to try it for yourself, if you manage to get it working as you say I would be willing to try it that way but as of now nothing I’ve found has convinced me that it’s possible as an ability added to the werewolf on transformation, it simply acts like a poison.
I definitely tried it as fore and forget and it didnât apply as expected, this is likely just the only way it can be done (I tried just about every possible type of combination that seamed likely to result in the suggested methods and it did not work, looking at spiders as an example they deal poison melee damage by assigning it to their melee animations so it was the only way that works best I can tell.
With some time and help i figured it out, unfortunately it doesnât seem possible to do it short of attaching the spell to the basic attacks of the werewolf -and using the player condition, while that does mean that it could fail another Modder thinks itâs unlikely as the issue that occurs after 72 hours of real time with conditions should reset once the player loses the transformation and the spell, if for some reason it doesnât however I will simply find a way to fix it. Greatly appreciate you both trying to help, thanks again.
 I looked yesterday. The PlayerWerewolfChangeScript points to WerewolfBeastRace in its properties. It's also used by a few NPCs.   You would also want to change the effect from buffing your unarmed damage to just dealing straight up damage to health in this case, but since that will apply to all users of the spell I guess that's moot, but knowledge is power!  According to the CK, there's no differentiation between players or NPCs "Werewolf Armor" so it looks like a player reference alias is the best method for his goals.  Create Quest > Quest Alias Tab > New Reference Alias > Unique Actor > Select Player > Add your script on the right > Bob's your uncle.  To iterate on Max's code; Scriptname NameMeWhateverYouWantHereScript extends ReferenceAliasImport GameRace Property WerewolfBeastRace autoSpell Property WerewolfPoisonClaw Auto EVENT OnRaceSwitchComplete() Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() If (GetActorReference().GetRace() == WerewolfBeastRace) ; Adds the spell when players is a Werewolf Player.AddSpell(WerewolfPoisonClaw) ElseIf (GetActorReference().GetRace() != WerewolfBeastRace) ; Removes the spell when players is not a Werewolf Player.RemoveSpell(WerewolfPoisonClaw) EndIfENDEVENTThat should be all you need to get started. Just be sure to change "NameMeWhateverYouWantHereScript" to whatever you named the script file itself and fill the quest properties in the CK.  I think your English is fine. =)  It's probably a damn sight better than my whateveryournativelanguage is, believe me. Really appreciate all the help, I do have a couple questions about the poison ability as I want to make sure I get that right, because the khajiit ability is applied to the player I would have to change them so that they work on the enemy, If I use poison resistance as the resist value would using the fire and forget casting type accomplish the goal of unarmed attacks also dealing poison? Edit: currently the spell just poisons the player, Iâve got it set to on contact to no avail, any suggestions appreciated.
I’m certainly willing to try though I do find script daunting, so if I make a quest that starts from when the game loads that looks for Event OnRaceSwitchComplete() on the player then adds the spell is that right? I don’t quite get how I track it going back to the human form though, and wouldn’t know exactly what I’m doing should I go this method.
My goal is to get all melee damage the player werewolf dealt to also inflict poison without it doing so for the entire race, best I can tell the werewolf uses unarmed damage normally so I don’t know how I can accomplish this? Really want to avoid making all werewolves deal poison damage if possible.
For some reason when I look in the helmAA in ck and click edit thereâs nothing shown in the preview render attempts to use a custom mesh also donât show despite being certain Iâve set them up correctly and just result in the chat cry er wearing them in game going bald. I tried wearing the vanilla helm in game and they are fine so I canât figure out whatâs going on any help here would be of the greatest assistance.