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Everything posted by link182

  1. Is there a way around this Goal semi achieved I have a retextured lute and have set the animation to use it Iâm using the mod playable bards to allow me to use the lute Problem the new lute texture is also used by npcs who play cannot make a duplicate animation as playable bard mod uses the default texture. In summary basically itâs either everyone gets the new lute or no one does and Iâm trying to find a third way that can be uploaded to the Xbox
  2. Iâm trying to get an custom equipable lute to be picked up by belt fastened quivers which moves all arrows on the player. From internet searches i believe itâs something I can control with nifskope but my experince with it is very limited can anyone help me figure out how to go about this?
  3. https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/images/2/28/Nayru%27s_Pearl.png The mod idea is to have this be the basis of an amulet Iâve been trying to incorporate it onto the julianos amulet as my modelling skills are lacklustre but Iâm not happy at all with my results. Iâm a Xbox console player to make matters more annoying I realise how niche this is so I donât expect any interest but I figured it wouldnât hurt to ask it would mean allot anyone was willing to try.
  4. So Iâve looked at it a bit more all the models seem to be standard Skyrim models using a blank armor as the basis for an equip âable lute but using the bog standard lute for the nif file. The way the mod works when the lutes equipped it allows you to activate a power is still properly need to look at how they made the lute armor and follow that example would that be considered stealing? I donât want to take any credit for this and if I can Iâd happily publish it private only.
  5. Not yet I believe itâs the same model however, wouldnât changing it this way remove the original lute? Thatâs something I was hoping to avoid.
  6. So thereâs a mod that i really like https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2303 called become a bard part of this mod allows you to wield a lute that can then be played what Iâd like to do is recolour one of the standard default vanilla lutes. However, for it to be compatible I think Iâll have to at least look at the mod as a basis so that the lute can play music like the ones in the mod. All the mod would technically have is a custom lute that I made with in game assets but be compatible with the other mod would this be ok or frowned upon? Iâd be using this on console so I donât think there would be any way of doing it without uploading it.
  7. So I made a key and originally added it to the merchant chest but didnât want it to be something you could buy again. I was advised to simply add the item to the merchants inventory instead however, the key isnât showing up in the list of items for sale and is only shown when I try to pickpocket them. Whatâs the easiest solution to all this?
  8. If anyone can help with these problems it would be an big relief Iâm not the best with script and these are my final obstacles for this mod to finally be finished. 1, I have created a key and added it to a vendors list how do I set it so once the item has been bought it is removed from the vendors list permanently? 2. What would the script be so once the perk avoid death is unlocked a starting power the player has is removed?
  9. Hi, Iâve been working on a mod that gives the player the avoid death perk or more accurately a copy of it from the start. Iâve got that part down however, I want to make it so if you unlock level 90 restoration and then unlock the actual perk you extend itâs usage from once per day to twice per day and Iâm truly stuck. When Iâve looked at the script that checks if enough time has passed I canât see how to extend it over 2 days instead if anyone can help me with this that would be amazing.
  10. Note: I’m a Xbox one player and feel I should lead with that prefix. I was wondering if anyone would consider taking this on in an ideal world Iâd really like to be able to play music and have an animation for it maybe casting the slow time spell or something but I can see that being very difficult. This is a image for reference https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Nayru_%28oracle%29
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could do a recolour of the default werewolf skin so that it is white or silver in colour? I would need to be available on the Xbox one would anyone be able to do this for me? Would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Hi, Iâm trying (and failing quite badly to get a recolour of the psijic robe set including boots, gloves and hood in silver with black trim made for the Xbox one I have very little experience in this field and would really appreciate if someone would take the time to do this for me.
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