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Everything posted by SiniVII

  1. Wait what? ... Gotta read that again, cause just now things got interesting.
  2. Additionally I have: KTZN Stylized Two hand animation Meshes Pretty Woman Walking Feminine Run ESP is actually this mod but with a created ESP: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38375 Princess Stabbity Meshes Yeah that would be all...
  3. It doesn't seem right, a character I just made appears to be running at speeds comparable to a level 60 Athletics skill, while I only have 5 in athletics. I don't know what causes this but I have installed quite a bit of mods, Possibly Running/walking animations? #2. When walking in first person, the footsteps are heard rapidly. If we can simulate vanilla step sounds in text it would be like this: Step--Step--Step--Step Then when in first person, the steps sound like this to me and I move twice normal walk speed compared to vanilla: Step-step-step-step-step-step. It's odd really... I'm wondering if there is something I can do about it. Edit a few files in the CS to nullify this issue? EDIT: I found the issue. It turns out the Pretty Woman walk animation does this to you. Why would that be?
  4. Okay, I must have the wrong patch version... The patch itself says Shivering Isles 1.2.416, but it only patches my game to 1.2.0201. The search for the correct patch continues... I will persevere. EDIT: I figured I'd just steal the Exe file from my previous game which I backuped, but was going to delete. Glad I didn't. That execute file is version 1.2.416 and that one and 1.2.0201 are about the same size, so I just replaced them. I bet no major changes were made between these two so I guess I should be fine. Problem resolved.
  5. Ehh nevermind i'll just re-install the game again and give it another try. I most likely messed up by doing other stuff before I began installing mods, my bad everyone. :thumbsup:
  6. I can't get Unofficial OP work, it just won't. I installed the Shivering Isles Patch and that works, but it only patches my game to 1.2.02 I think and the UOP won't install before it goes above 1.2.416, that's what the error message says. I'll quote it: This mod requires Oblivion 1.2.416 or higher. Please download and install the official patch.
  7. Aimbot in Oblivion? Come on nobody can be that bad! XD jk. Actually I am quite curious about this.
  8. Should I ask for permission from the one who created the mod before I post the script it belongs to perhaps? Don't really want to go do something that will get me burnt.
  9. I'm a newbie at scripting, I barely know how to make text appear when you fulfill a certain condition, but i'd still like to try to move scripts across. My example being the Moonshadow Elves race, the script makes them turn transparent during the night. I'd like to move that scripted ability over to another one of my races, but two things: I don't know how to find that script. I don't know how to apply that script to other races or the conditions required. I have considerable experience with the TESCS, moving stuff around and navigating, so I know my way if I could get any direction help with this... In advance: I thank you. :3 (Btw I do this only for personal use, no distribution intent.) EDIT Nevermind I think I figured it out. EDITx2 I figured out a way alright... But it's tedious and involves copy&pasting by going through specific lines in a script regarding the races it belong to and altering those. So now I wonder is there an easier way? I'm perfectly content to be doing it the hard(possibly only) way if there isn't though.
  10. Is there any out there? Any textures that improves faces or such? Easy to deal with? Been looking around and I haven't really found anything other than FACE3 that specifically relates to face changing.
  11. Jump Forward Issue: Well this is a problem I have when holding a weapon/raising a weapon and jumping forward. WHen I jump forward, I stop in mid-air. I lose momentum at first as if I release the forward button before I completely stop, problem is that I do not release the forward button but it still happens as if I am releasing it just as I jump. The issue is not the same when jumping any other direction, left-down-right works as they should and I keep jumping in the direction as intended without losing momentum in mid-air and stopping completely. This only happens in 3rd person view, jump forward works in 1st person view with a weapon unsheathed. Walking Issue: This is simple. In 1st person view I walk twice the speed as normal, about 0.75 of average running speed I'd say. It does not happen in 3rd person however as the walking speed is normal in 3rd person, but not in 1st person. Any thoughts? EDIT: Forgot load order:
  12. Well the annoyance of creating beautiful characters is that if you mess up one, you have to start over or load from previous save. The annoyance comes up especially with the toning, at least in my case. So the idea was to find a way to separate the RESET function into two RESETs which will add RESET buttons in the Tone and Shape menu's. Kind of moving all sliders to 0. Such as if you mess up the tone and you can't revert it, you simply press reset in the tone menu. The face shape stays the same, but the tone gets reset to vanilla or default. I like creating faces, but I don't like messing up the TONE after I am done with the shape and then having to either start over for being a dumbass not saving after the shape was finished, or load a previous save several times because I keep messing up. Possible? Would it require a lot of work?
  13. Well I am pretty certain it's not my monitor. And I am pretty sure it's not the sewers lighting effects either, since I am far from the sewers. XD And I guess my final option is to go with different textures rather than go orc, that would certainly ruin everything.
  14. I have been annoyed with a green face problem in Oblivion lately, where the face is kind of green as if the character is sick and about to puke or something, and I know it has something to do with my tone options but whenever I try to fix the issue with Oblivions own face customization option in the race menu, it only gets worse. I see a reset button there that resets the entire face, but I don't want to ruin the face I probably spent a while generating by hand. Once I applied some new textures to it, the face kind of turned green and I would like to use those new textures but the green faces just doesn't appeal to me. So I was wondering if there was a way to reset only the tone options and not the entire face? Kind of like a reset button in the tone options? At all possible?
  15. Won't you have to create new models and textures for the waggon and attach a horse to it? I think that could be difficult... I don't really know as my modding experience extends as far as to create a new race and NPCs.
  16. Yeah this is a suggestion... And a possible request. I see people around making mods that disable fast travel because they find it unrealistic or something like that and they want a totally immersive gameplay... So to say. In Morrowind you could only fast travel from certain places, so my idea was to make a horse waggon that acts like your fast travel command, like a taxi. You approach the taxi station (or whatever horse waggon station) which allows you to travel to any town on the map. (NOTE: Small towns or cities, that are not hostile places and has roads leading to them) Once you fast travel, you teleport the normal way but this time the waggon spawns behind you or something like that, and leaves you the second later... Just added for realism so you don't go wondering "Where the hell did the taxi go?" And there is a high fee for fast traveling. (Thinking 300-500 Gold depending on the distance.) Possible to do? Or impossible?
  17. Did you install anything else after moonshadow elves? If not try experimenting with the load order a little bit. How long does it usually take for sneak to automatically cease working? You could also try deactivating the mod and see if that solves the problem, but that is hardly a solution.Otherwise all I can say due to my inexperiencedness is update all your outdated softwares related to oblivion.
  18. I am not quite sure I understood your problem... Are your custom enhanced items still in your inventory after selling them? Or are the effects stuck on you after selling the items? Its its the first and the items re-appear inside your inventory, try dropping them on the floor and exit the cell. Save your game and exit, then deactivate the ESP file belonging to those enhancements and reload your game. They SHOULD be gone after that... If its the other case then I don't know. If it's neither, then I didn't understand.
  19. I had that error as well, but I had a far easier solution to it. Except that in my case it was my sneak skill that went 200+, causing me to level to level 33 the moment I got to level 2. But I remembered what It was before I leveled and simply entered console and typed: Player.setAV "Sneak" "22" and together while using realistic leveling, I went from level 33 to level 1 again. And this time when I hit level 2, I stayed at level 2 instead of my attributes going insanely high.
  20. You know... You could just dress your character accordingly to hide the seams. Unless the clothing is nothing more than underwear... That won't conceal the neckseam.
  21. *Facepalm* xD Good luck Floranais. ^^
  22. How do you do that? How to patch your players face onto an NPC? You can do it using Wrye Bash. Just create a blank.esp and open wrye bash. Right click the blank.esp and import > Face Choose your save file with the players face. Next you open the CS and paste the face dumps face(Your PC face) onto an NPC's face. Thats very briefly and not very detailed...
  23. Why Hello and Welcome! : D I swear you're gonna love it here. I am and I am fairly new. xD (I think 1 year is being fairly new)
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