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About _Skywalker_

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  1. I second that. Building concrete "hive" inside the Castle and thing i really need the most is damn windowed wall. Existing ones (withvertical bars) are positively not suitable for homes. Too big holes and no glass. soo...pleeeeease.
  2. Nothing described in thsthread helps. Game justkeeps crashing within 5 minutes of finishing character creation.Even tho mods actualy work. Tried updating mods, editing Inis inevery way mentioned here...nothing. Even played with "Plugins" file. Zip, nada.
  3. hello. I'd like to request a mod that would change thing like amount of settlers per charisma point or basic allowed amount f settlers (like 20 basic settlers and +2 per charisma point for ex). Ty
  4. Cool. Thanks guys. Can smb pls tell mevanilla limit on how many settlers ican have per settlement?
  5. Well, ditto. 1 - If I have a bunch of non assigned settlers - what will they automaticaly do? Scrap collecting? Money making? Wandering aimlessly? Looking for a quiet spot for some loverperk farming? 2 - Is there any happiness bonuses for furnishing? Building a group of multistoried buildings inside of Minuteman fortress and thinking wether i should bother with furnishing above beds, chairs and tables.
  6. Would really love to see prover survival elements. Kinda like Skyrim's Hypothermia and Fallout 3 Wanderer edition. Loved those most.
  7. Well, ditto. I'd reallylike to see a simple wall with a doorframe that wouldn't consist of a a bulging pile of logs and that would be suitable for indoor usage to separate rooms and balconies. FYI - vanilla shackwall wall with doorframe can't be installed indoors.
  8. Well, ditto. A simple wooden and metal walls with simple rectangular windowlike cuts! Noyt a bunch of mismatched logs hanging halfway across the street, not a "balcony"-like contraption with more holes in it then a wall, not a pile of garbage held together by several boards. A simple wall with a simple rectangular cut with (maybe) a small shutter-like cap over it to keep rain away. Pleeeeeease ^.^
  9. Ditto. Or at least some sort of employed\unemployed marker. As a computer\Pip boy interface, a ledger list, etc. Anything will be better then complete lack of it. And yes -i am slowly marking workers with hats but some settlers refuse to trade, some don't display hats, etc. A unified "assign settler for any not taken scavenging station\orchard" would be perfect IMO. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello. Have a DAT file of a mod and I am a bit at loss on how should I install it, exactly. All mods I saw so far contain also a CAT file, but I have no idea how am I suppose to generate or make one. Any tip on what am I supposed to do under the circumstances?
  11. Yay, Thank you very much. Was last name I had idea to look for :D
  12. Ditto. Can anyone please make mod that would change apparance of genemodified soldier's armor back to standart package? Maybe add standart package to available armor deco. I don't mind aura and others but that "armored chest and boots" with everything else half naked is outright stupid >_< I suspect it'll be in demand because armors are done really well for normal humans. But humods... feels like children comics :sad: Thanks in advance!
  13. Not sure i it is a right forum but can't think of any better. Could somebody please tell me where is this suit from? What mod? http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/22787-2-1345526922.jpg Thanks in advance.
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