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Everything posted by davoker
The text of Glory (Raildroad) does not match the voice
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
A companion has solved it, the names of voice files did not match those that contained the text, it came like this in the game of vanilla for the Spanish language, a derogatory xD But it is already solved, the translator of the unofficial patch Patch to Spanish is the one who has made the arrangement, very good boy. Thanks! -
The text of Glory (Raildroad) does not match the voice
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Hello again, I'm sorry to get heavy, but I don't know how to solve this problem, and it is not a particular problem, this error happens in the Spanish language, the glory texts do not match what he says when he speaks with his voice. I need someone to guide me a little where I can start to fix it, I have some experience with the CK and FO4Edit, but I don't know where to start looking. If someone please could enlighten me I would be very grateful, thanks! -
The text of Glory (Raildroad) does not match the voice
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
If it is not annoyance, I will ask every X days if anyone knows something, it is a rare mistake and I still can not find how to solve it hehe :confused: Thanks! :happy: -
The text of Glory (Raildroad) does not match the voice
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Please, does anyone have any idea where I could start looking to solve this problem? -
I have a problem with this NPC, this problem had not been for some time, in older versions of the game, but for several updates the error has arisen. When Glory talks to me, what is read in the text options does not match what she speaks with the voice, this is a real problem, because there are a couple of missions where you talk to her, and my selection in the 4 options, does not correspond to what she responds "speaking with voice". I don't know how to solve this, any idea where I could look? I have some handling with the CK and FO4Edit, but I don't know where to start, my language is Spanish. PS: It is not a problem of mods, this happens equally with and "without mods" (none installed).
It's silly, but ... could someone "clean" the aim of the weapons? all weapons have the glass of the "dirty" aim, nobody has done this, I imagine that for someone who knows how to edit textures this should be easy. I know there is 1 mod that changes the aim of the weapons, but some prefer vanilla weapons, but I do not understand why everything has to be dirty xD if I create a modification on a work table, it will be clean, it does not have to be dirty xD Would it be possible for someone to make the aim glass of all weapons look clean in a mod? (And if it is already possible, change the aim of the tube weapons by a normal aim similar to that of the 10 mm weapons for example, that is, that has a crystal in the aim and a reference point, instead of a tube with 2 screws hahaha) PS: The same goes for all clothes, I understand that there are NPCs that travel a lot and have dirty clothes, but a settler, once he is settled in a settlement, could clean his clothes, a script (to say something, I do not understand these things) that when a settler settles in one of your settlements, have an equal but clean clothing version. This is just an idea, my request is for weapons hehe
Could someone tell me where I can find information, a guide or a tutorial on how to add a suit of armor to the list of leveled list and how to add the ballistic improvement to the armor? I did some things with FO4Edit and the CK, but I'm still learning, and I can not find information for this, I've seen something by Google but the explanation was very summary and I do not understand xD Edit: I finally found the tutorial to add ballistic tissue xD 1. download F04Edit 2. Open F04Edit - on the Master/Plugin Window, Right Click on Any Mod and Click on *Select None* 3. on the search box type: Female Tactical Armor - now tick the box next to it - then click on ok, and wait for it to finish loading - as indicated by this text on the right pane window ([00:02] Background Loader: finished) 4. now on the Left Pane Window, click on the little *Plus* sign next to *Female Tactical Armor.esp* - then click on the little *Plus* sign next to *Armor* 5. Click on: XXX_Female_Tac_Armor - then scroll down on the *Right Pane Window* until you find "KWDA - Keywords", in this section right click on the blank box next to that word, click on ADD - then Right Click on the "Null Reference - 000000" and Copy And Paste This: *ma_Railroad_ClothingArmor [KYWD:0020DE40]* - (Paste this Keyword without the Asterisks or Hyphen) 6. now thats the first part done, now on to the second part: Scroll further down until you find this: *APPR - Attach Parent Slots* - again right click on the blank box next to this word, and on the "Null Reference - 000000" Copy And Paste This: *ap_Railroad_ClothingArmor "No Weave" [KYWD:0020DE3E]* - (Again Paste this Keyword without the Asterisks or Hyphen) 7. Now close the program, ensure that the box is ticked on Female Tactical Armor.esp, and now you have saved the changes to the mod 8. Success you have now added Ballistic Weave Support to Tactical Armor, do the same steps for the rest of the armor Note: it is easier to do in the Creation Kit, but will take much longer to do, for the same results. as such F04Edit is the way to go especially as it is quicker. Note: the above tutorial works on anything that can be equipped, such as helmets, hats, even glasses. I just need to know how to add the armor to the light list, so that for example, the NPCs generate with the armor that I want to add to the list.
It would be possible that the radiant missions that give you factions such as the brotherhood of steel, the railroad, etc etc, those that appear in the main missions menu, could be moved to the miscellaneous menu? You can not avoid receiving these missions, but at least I would like to hide them in some way, in the miscellaneous menu at least I would not have them in view xD Is there any mod like that? How could this be done? or maybe some way to hide missions in the mission hud? just hide them and make them visible when you want, a mod would be interesting, I would not have to see all my list full of radiant missions hehe
Recommended loading order for these 3 sound mods?
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I get the feeling that some sounds I hear ... rare, as with less quality, I hear more sounds with the 3 mods but some sounds are heard strange, the sounds that sound of the wolves for example, it is as if a person imitated a wolf, very shabby xD The sounds of raising the skill by some action, like raising eloquence, lock, etc etc, also sounds like in low quality, there are several sounds in which I notice this sensation. Do not use helmets, use speakers, could it be a bad order to charge? I do not think I have it wrong. -
Lucidity Sound FX SSE Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul Immersive sound compendium The recommended loading order for these 3 mods? I have put the names in the order in which I think they should go in the loading order, would this be the order of both folders and plugins? PS: Is there a way to solve the problem of the sliders? when you restart the game does not keep the position you have set of the sliders, this has a solution?
Nexus Mods Giveaway #15 - £35 (~$50) Steam Gift Card
davoker replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Site Updates
Good luck for me xD -
SKSE64 leaving save fragments in save folder
davoker replied to 7531Leonidas's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I updated my script to check all profiles for orphans. If you want yours to do that, use these instructions instead. Create a batch named delete_skse_fragments.bat in your Mod Organizer profiles folder. On my system it's W:\apps\SkyrimSE\ModOrgainizer2\profiles\delete_skse_fragments.bat @ECHO OFF cd /d "%~dp0" for /f "delims=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad') do if exist "%%a\saves" for /f "delims=*" %%b in ('dir "%%a\saves\*.skse" /b') do if not exist "%%a\saves\%%~nb.ess" del "%%a\saves\%%b" I use * as a delimiter instead of ; because no file or folder can have * in the name. Now there's no need to use a shortcut, so create a launcher to call this script directly and then start SKSE. <SteamPath>\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_launcher.bat @ECHO OFF CALL "W:\apps\SkyrimSE\ModOrgainizer2\profiles\delete_skse_fragments.bat" cd /d "%~dp0" start "SKSE Loader" /D "%~dp0" "%~dp0skse64_loader.exe" Add skse64_launcher.bat to MO executables menu, and use it to start Skyrim instead of SKSE. Working perfectly, thanks for taking the trouble! -
SKSE64 leaving save fragments in save folder
davoker replied to 7531Leonidas's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
This method may work for you. It deletes orphaned .skse files before launching skse64_loader, instead of after as you requested. SKSE launches a separate process, so I couldn't make my simple batch wait for it to finish. I use a batch instead of the vbscript above. <MO profiles>\<profile>\saves\delfragments.bat @for /f "delims=;" %%a in ('dir *.skse /b') do if not exist %%~na.ess del %%aCopy and paste a shortcut to delfragments.bat in <SteamPath>SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition. Rename the shortcut to delfragments. The shortcut file will have a .lnk extension which is hidden. Create a batch to launch SSE: <SteamPath>\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_launcher.bat @ECHO OFF "%~dp0delfragments.lnk" start /i "" "%~dp0skse64_loader.exe" Add skse64_launcher.bat to MO executables menu, and use it to start Skyrim instead of SKSE. I'll try to see, I guess it does not influence ram consumption start the game from MO2 open, because when you start the game MO2 is blocked and goes to the background and supposedly consumes nothing. I'll see how it works, thanks! -
SKSE64 leaving save fragments in save folder
davoker replied to 7531Leonidas's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
One question, can it be done in a way that when you finish playing (go to the desktop) the .skse files are automatically deleted? Is there any way of doing this? -
I have a question about whether this can be done, I am going to set an example for the NPC Karliah. Karliah, once the nightingale plot is over, she is always in the nightingales' room, but "she always wears a hood", removing the hood is easy, a simple edition in CK, but how can I make Karliah not have a hood just at a specific time? For example, when Karliah and Brynjolf accompany you on the mission to go and kill Mercer Frey, she is wearing a hood, the problem is that the hood no longer takes it off, she always takes it from there. Can it be done that Karliah once the story is finished with the thieves 'guild, do not wear a hood when she is in the nightingales' room? only there specifically, to wear the hood in the mission, but then remove it when everything is over. Can this be done? I hope I have explained myself well, I do not have good English xD
I was playing in third person, I do not usually do it, and I realized something that is a known error, the arrows and magic do not give in the same place as where you point, because of that, I also realize that in the camera in First person this also happens, but it deviates much less than in the third person. This mod solves in the camera a third person (but not the first person?): Https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1884/?tab=description It works well? Is there any better alternative? some INI configuration for this that also helps?
How to remove hood from Cricket
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Mm, weird, I changed the clothes in default outfit which was what I had done, but in your inventory it does not appear, save the change in a .esp file, and I put this one last in my load order to give it priority, I use a mod that changes its appearance but my .esp of change of clothes I charge it the last one, reason why it overwrites the other one. Should the clothes appear but it does not appear, use Mod Ogrnizer 2, I do not think it has anything to do but well, any other mod works for me without problems, and the .esp is well done with CK, I have changed the clothes and I have saved a new .esp file, it's simple, but it does not work. Something I'm doing wrong Edit: Ok, it was the other mod, keke-bu all in on, my loading order put it like this: keke-bu AIOMiMOD.esp (Cricket with other clothes) I assumed that when my mod had priority, but only changed the face, the clothes used the original, which is the one used by keke-bu AIO for Cricket. I deactivated keke-bu AIO to test it and in fact, it works, to see it at the moment I used "Disable and then Enable" in the NPC Cricket and I already came out with the clothes changed. I have to change the clothes of the other mod, and use mine only for the face, with that it works I think. -
How to remove hood from Cricket
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I have been watching the CK, I can change clothes, but in the game the NPC Cricket does not change, it has the same clothes in the game. Apart from changing clothes in the "inventory" tab, do you have to modify something else? PS: I prefer it in plugin, I want to do the same with Haylen, it would be a plugin to change the clothes (clothes without a hood) of these 2 NPCs. eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh...... si senór? Sorry! hahaha, I wanted to say: I have been watching the CK, I can change clothes, but in the game the NPC Cricket does not change, it has the same clothes in the game. Apart from changing clothes in the "inventory" tab, do you have to modify something else? PS: I prefer it in plugin, I want to do the same with Haylen, it would be a plugin to change the clothes (clothes without a hood) of these 2 NPCs. -
How to remove hood from Cricket
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Estuve mirando el CK, puedo cambiarme de ropa, pero en el juego el NPC Cricket no cambia, tiene la misma ropa en el juego. Además de cambiarse de ropa en la pestaña "inventario", ¿tiene que modificar algo más? PS: I prefer it in plugin, I want to do the same with Haylen, it would be a plugin that changes the roap of these 2 NPCs. -
I'm not sure how to do it, you have to change your clothes or can you just remove the hood? Could someone tell me a little please? Do I use the CK or can it be done with FO4Edit? Thanks.
Question - Edit .dds (with photoshop+nvidia texture tool)
davoker replied to davoker's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
I understand, then I have work hehe, theme solved then =) Thank you very much!