In response to post #24808104. #24814359, #24816149 are all replies on the same post. I'm interested in your statements: 1) (a) In many cases, the Painter (mod maker) did not remove their old work from the Gallery (Nexus), they made a newer version of their old work or entirely new pieces of artwork (mods). If the old is there for all to enjoy what's the harm of selling a new one? (b) I know some modders decided to remove their mods from the Nexus and put them up for sale only. But isn't everyone allowed to make a living doing what they want provided it's legal? 2) I think I see your statement for you this one. You're saying "we paid for the game and the right to be able to mod it", and "if we pay for mods we'll be; paying once for the game and to ability to mod the game, then paying again for the ability to use the mod." Kinda like the WoW and ESO when it first came out, buy once, then keep paying to be able to play. Correct? Although, I can't disagree that buying the game does give you the ability to mod it at will, why does that mean that modders don't deserve the option to make money? If (2) was your point I can kind of see why many mod users do have a problem with the pay-to-mod system. But that doesn't explain why people blame the mod authors... I personally disliked the selling of mods, however, what right do I have to force them that they can't make a living in that way? The common argument that they should have asked nicely for donations or setup a Paetron/Kickstarter account or something. And I'd agree I've got much more incentive to give money in that way than be forced, but from my interpretations of the events, before this became active, it was not common knowledge that such options were open, the only way I knew it existed was a list of donars on the Immersive Armours page (I think it was that mod), but I didn't know how to donate, and maybe I was a little cheap and hadn't gone looking for it. And because of modding being in a legal grey area and/or in accordance with the Nexus you couldn't just ask for money. People say modders were offered a chance to make money and all of a sudden they betrayed us and the spirit of modding, my second-best friend says a similar thing, but I disagree. To me, in the eyes of the modder it was "We've been given the green flag that we now have a second option, maybe we could make a side-career out of it and improve our work." I know there's always going to be some people who want to make a quick buck, but they're the minority. is that everything I wanted to say? I think so...