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About blento1

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  1. Have you checked these properties/settings? - Aim Model of the weapon (dropdown menu on Weapon form) - Has Scope (checkbox on Weapon form) - Mod Association Keywords (OMOD form, does the weapon has this keyword?) - Other Property Modifiers (OMOD form) - Zoom Data maybe (I'm not sure if it's relevant though) You can use vanilla weapons and OMODs as templates. Thanks for the tip LarannKiar! It looks like the scope OMODs in the troubled mods didn't have the fAimModelBaseStability modifier set up, or if they had it, it had a positive value, when it should have been negative. I missed that when first troubleshooting. Seeing to this seems to have solved the issue.
  2. This seems like a relevant topic. Does anyone know or have any idea why some weapons added via mods have no scope sway at all? Most other mod added snipers have regular scope sway, but a few don't have it at all, even though their scope OMODs are correctly set up with the aim stability (MUL+ADD / value1: -0.2). Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how to mitigate this and add some scope sway? Which files and parameters should I modify? Some examples of weapons with absolutely no scope sway: Russian Recon Pack Combined Arms Service Rifle
  3. I think the vampire royal armor (like the one Serana wears) would look great without those capes hanging from the shoulders and waist. I prefer CBBE. This mod would be a good start: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22239
  4. just tried fixing the save as if it was corrupt, but it didn't work... i'm giving up. thanks for your help guys :thumbsup: ...moving on to fallout 3... :nuke:
  5. my PCis an imperial. i'm using ren's hair, some face beautification mods and roberts male and exnem body replacers... i'm 100% certain it's not an armor issue and i can see all the other npcs normally (i used a cheat to create a clone of my PC and i could see it quite normally, everything was intact) i already tried switching to a different race; when i do so, in 3rd person i can only see the PC's head, without the body... and when i switch to 1st person and back to 3rd again, i return to the start, not being able to see my whole character...
  6. i don't know... all that i remember is the stuff i wrote in the first post... :confused:
  7. i already tried uncheking all my mods, but it was still the same... the only thing i messed around in the console was the "showracemenu" option, and that was way before my problem occured.
  8. i've just installed a fresh, clean oblivion and ran it unpatched and unmodded... when i start a new game, everything's ok, i can see the character, but when i put back my old saves, it's the same story as in my first post... and i just don't have the patience to start it all over and build my character to lvl30 again :wallbash:
  9. i'm quite new to the forums, so please excuse me if i posted this in the wrong group of contents, and if this topic already exists (if it does, i couldn't find it, sorry) i have a pretty annoying problem. :wallbash: my character disappeared... :ninja: it isn't an endless invisibility spell. every npc and creature can see my PC and know he's there. i can't see my PC in both 3rd and 1st person view. when i cast an invisibility spell, i see my PC's shape (as always when invisibility is cast), but when the spell expires, my PC turns completely invisible to me again... reinstalling the game and disabling all the mods i have (both official and unofficial) didn't help. i've been playing with this anomaly for quite some time, hoping it would return to normal, but nothing so far... if i remember right, it started just after i completed the main quest, started the hoarfrost castle quest (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14714) and went to the ancient towers (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16308) training room to practise hand to hand... thanks in advance!
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