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  1. YES, SPOILER ALERT - SERIOUSLY, A DEFINITE SPOILER ALERT !!! A glyph of repulsion combined with a glyph of paralysis can turn a group of enemies into a cluster of sitting ducks. A Rogue might actually be able to detect that a glyph of paralysis is a -magical- trap; and it can be disabled as one. Upon my quest on finding Jarvia, I'm in the Carta hideout where a group of casteless are waiting centered around a paralysis glyph. My Rogue stealths in a disables it. She backs up a bit and targets a dwarf with a scattershot. As she draws back on her bowstring, Wynne casts a repulsion qlyph on the obfuscated rogue, so she may be safeguarded from melee attacks once stealth is broken. Now, oddly enough, the paralysis glyph was disabled and dissolved into nothingness; Wynne's repulsion glyph touches the rim of where magical trap used to be -and, it triggers a paralysis explosion. What??? In my line of logic, that should not have been possible. Disabling the glyph, my party members can no longer suffer its constraining effects; and yet, the combined effect can still be triggered. So, is that a bug, an oversight, or the limitations of the game or how these enemy glyphs -the ones that are already in place when you stumble across them (they are not cast by an enemy mage during battle)- are implemented?
  2. I should learn to read first and -not- ask redundant questions. It's in the readme. Thanks again.
  3. Does it require a new game, a save before entering Lothering -or a save before entering the Lothering Tavern? BTW, thank you !
  4. A search of "Leliana" on the Dragon Age Origins Nexus came up empty for a mod that will add a second Enchanted Dagger to Leliana in the Lothering Tavern, where you meet the lay sister for the 1st time. It always seemed a bit of an oversight by BioWare, leaving the lovely Bard with a single weapon. Wielding two (Enchanted) daggers seems more probable. But when it comes to DAO modding, I'm completely lacking in both the Toolset and the -at the very least some rudimentary- knowledge to create a mod that would remedy this.
  5. As the title says; Ser Gilmore has a sword, but no shield -he cannot use his shield bash without it. It is just a minor annoyance of mine, but somewhat immersion breaking; one would expect a warrior who fights with sword and shield, to carry both. Going about his duties without a shield, it seems both sloppy and unprofessional. If I could add a shield through The Winter Forge, I would have done so, but Ser Gilmore's inventory is greyed out and thus inaccessible to me. (I thought I'd posted this request already, but my search for it came up empty).
  6. Cleansing Aura from the Spirit Healer Specialisation? "It can be used similar during The Attack at Nightfall, where it will heal the villagers and the knights, making it easier to earn the Helm of the Red." Source: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Cleansing_Aura
  7. If your Dwarven Warden -Noble or Commoner- survives the end battle (in DAO) courtesy of a dark ritual, does being declared a Paragon carry over into Awakening? Or is it something that solely exists in the End Slides of Origins?
  8. Not sure whether the following also applies to Oblivion, but in Fallout 3, a similar problem was resolved only when certain pre-conditions were met: "The editor will sometimes crash when editing dialogue infos. This seems to happen on Windows Vista or Windows 7 systems with Realtek audio cards and appears driver-related. A simple workaround is to plug a mic, headphones or speakers into the mic port."
  9. Complete "Tortured Noble" at the Ar lof Denerim's estate. Talk to Irminric in the Dungeons and help him. In the Gnawed Noble Tavern, talk to Arl Wulff and say you're sorry. Talk to Bann Sighard of the Dragon's Peak Bannorn; either ask for his support or say you don't require anything for an act of mercy. Talk to Bann Alfstanna and give her Irminric's ring; don't be too blunt with her. If you perform the full Trial of the Crows, you gain another vote; if Alstanna and the Dragon Peak Bannorn also support you, you do not need Vaughn -nor Anora. Just make sure you choose: 1. Orlais is not the problem, the Blight is. (Bann Alfstanna back you up; so does Arl Wulff) 2. Arl Howe was allowed to torture innocents (Bann Sighard will back you up) 3. Why did Loghain send a Blood Mage to poison Arl Eamon (Bann Alfstanna backs you up and a Revered Mother -or perhaps the Grand Cleric- backs you up as well) 4. You protected Anora from Loghain (even if Anora betrays you will get enough votes to win.)
  10. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=10240A441C266944&id=10240A441C266944%217248&parId=10240A441C266944%21119&o=OneUp Can the part between elbow and wrist/partial lower arm be fixed; it look's broken.
  11. Good to know; I'll give it a a try when I'm in the mood for some more Jade Empire -right now, I'm playing Witcher 3 exclusively. Thanks for your reply.
  12. When you manage to defeat Death's Hand -for the first time- in Dirge, Sun Li will appear and a dialogue ensues between the Glorious Strategist and the PC; somewhere near the conclusion of the dialogue tree, you get an Intuition persuasion chance. In all my playthroughs, I've always failed this one. Is there a possibility that you can actually make a successful check? Or will you automatically fail, regardless?
  13. I'm not sure I understand what it is you want; you want to loot vendor chests? Or to lock vendor chests?
  14. Hello, is anyone interested in creating an S&W model 41? Many thanks in advance. see attachments.
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