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Everything posted by ibazly

  1. Hey friends! I posted a while back asking if anyone was familiar with a certain mod file - still on the hunt. Does anyone know anything about it? The file was MPF_MMNPC.esp and expanded the options available for NPCs that could be followers, could be married, and could join the blades. It did so without needing console commands, matched voice actors, made sure to be lore friendly, and in the event that an NPC had quests associated with them - you generally needed to do the associated quests to become their friend. Any help you be appreciated! :)
  2. Hey friends! There is a mod I used to use that expanded the potential follower and marriage options in the game, but did so seamlessly by using shared voice acting, and did not require any console commands to initiate. I had it on PC, and I believe the actual mod file's name was MPF_MMNPC.esp . I found this because I tried to load an old save that had that mod and that was the only file I didn't still have. Does anyone have any idea what this is? Or if YOU have that file... can has? I like mods that seamlessly integrate into the game without me having to console command them in, so this one was perfect for me, but I just cannot find it. I might be wrong about what that mod file does so either way if anyone knows what that mod is, would love to know!
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