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  1. ok, question, to those who may hit these wall before me. What to do when you have a mod you wish to release, that uses another moddered assets and you can't get ahold of them for permission to release....over a long period of time?
    1. Lazysheepherd


      Using others content without permission would take you to BAN, you must understand that, firstly.


      If they do not want to give you the permission, only chance is to remove that content from your file, but if they do not respond you, write them one last PM tell them you're using their content and credit them as required. And keep PM's for in case of any "badness" to happen.


      This is minimal risky way. That's what I would do for sure.

    2. Naktis


      I'm in the same situation like you. Been waiting for a reply for about four months now. >:O


      Just like Lazy said you could always remove the content. You could always look for something similar. Maybe the author of that other mod will reply sooner.

    3. AsaRuth


      Good ideas! Thanks!
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