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Posts posted by BunnySnatcher

  1. there are no seasons...(winter spring fall summer) well atleast no weather for the seasons

    no children... its gotta hurt to be pregnant with a huge fully grown high elf.

    those daedric elevators in oblivion gates...

    there are demons but no angels

    why the ships dont move from the waterfront but in the trailer they do...

    how zombies, rats, and mudcrabs get along with bandits, marauders, warlords but yet attack you if you just look at them.

    why everything flies around like there was a hurricane if you touch it.

    why no one is fat, scrawny

    no toilets because everyone wares diapers

  2. scariest thing in oblivion was probably when i was walking in the ic market and all of a sudden

    the mythic dawn guys tried to kill me... but when they did the guards were all mythic dawn too!

    so i died under a horde of mythic dawn spys it was weird...

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