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About EdgeUK90

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  • Discord ID
    EdgeUK90 #3102
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4

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  1. Ingame model for the Cutlass finalized. Physics are set up so that the player can interact with the static vehicle by opening the doors, The vehicle is explosive with its own unique debris & Seperate Hulk model. Now just to work on some pre-set non explosive variants & Additional color schemes. More soon. - Edge
  2. Update on the Corvega Cutlass HD: The new design of this vehicle is now complete, with the ingame asset being finished as we speak. As for the Missile Launcher, This vehicle is already complete - Although I am currently unsure whether I will be releasing this asset in ASC or if it is going to be a Fallout Miami & Fallout Cascadia exclusive. More soon. - Edge
  3. So its official, I plan to be remaking the original 4 vehicles from ASC with better attention to detail. Also, maybe throwing a few extra vehicle in for the next release also - However progress will be slow due to my commitments both outside of the computer & with the Fallout Cascadia project. The first of the HD Remake's as im sure some of you will have already seen on the Nexus media pages, is the Corvega Cutlass - Redesigned to fit in more with both 50's conceptual beauty & Fallout. The main changes on this vehicle are: - Redesigned exterior bodywork - Completely New Fusion Reactor / Engine - Completely New interior - Completely New wheels & Tires Stay tuned for more progress on this & other vehicles. -Edge
  4. Thank you for the suggestions people, I will post a preview of my newest vehicle once I have made some significant progress - I have been tied down with Fo : London items recently. I have been informed by a user with a recent bug on the latest release of ASC - in the Prewar sanctuary area & Atom cats garage. With previs files acting up (Invisible walls and stuff randomly appearing / disappearing) Does anybody else have this issue? I need to establish if this is an issue with the individual users setup or if it is across the board. Many thanks, - Edge
  5. Thank you, Yes the Folon Ambassador is inspired from a mix of classic Jaguar's / Rolls Royce's & Bentley's. However, Folon are only going to be using the Post war or wrecked variant of this model - So whether I can re-use this asset in this mod one way or another I am un-decided. Trouble is ASC is designed around being lore friendly - The Ambassador is from England so does not really belong in Boston - This is not to say that someone couldn't have imported one. Just seems a long shot to me. Maybe as a workshop accessory only. We will see. As for your suggestion - when I do get around to doing London's militant vehicles I was going to make a Austin Gypsy / mk1 Land rover where already on the inspiration cards :laugh: The next militant vehicle coming to ASC will be the Fo76 inspired Jeep. More soon. - Edge
  6. Wow, this looks great! Very neat. Although abit too clean for an exposed outer building.. But a good layout. What are your desing idea's for the interior? A copy of the underground institute facility or a new design? Are you going to be regenerating the precombines after you have finished to help with user's fps? - Edge
  7. Thanks alot people. Adding European influenced cars would be interesting I agree - however I am not sure how well this would fit into the lore but an idea I will ponder on non-the-less. previews of the next military based vehicle will be displayed as soon as they are ready. On a side note - If you have a vehicle model that you wish to put into the game but have no idea how.. keep an eye on the first page of this topic - I am working on a small Youtube series documenting the implementation process, what you need to know & common faults & fixes. More soon. - Edge
  8. Well, I am thinkin' that you certainly taught yourself 3ds max VERY well..... There any good tutorials for doing anims?? Thanks :cool: Well truth be told I know how to do basic animation - And aware of the principal. However the structure, setup, method & application required to make it work properly within Fo4 is where I am going to struggle :laugh: Even for a simple raising of the Missiles - I would want the Hydraulics that are visible working properly also - this just complicates things even more. So ideally I am willing to learn - however I feel I would need to be walked through the process required to make it happen in this game. Although granted, this model is the perfect candidate to practice on. Maybe then I could actually get my VB-03 Attack Vertibird to function correctly ingame too :ohmy: - Edge
  9. I would love to - But that is out of my field I am afraid :laugh: This is where I need an animator to step in and collaborate with me - *HINT* :ninja: - Edge
  10. Possibly - Other than a static helicopter, I have not got my experimental Vertibird in the game yet so not sure if that would be a good option - Plus, thats not a 'Car' :laugh: Then again.. Neither is this I guess: More soon. - Edge
  11. Today's progress, Conceptual Missile Launcher model is now complete! Now just to finish condensing the texture files and get this beast into the game :cool: More soon. - Edge
  12. Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London. I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game! - Edge This is good news, good news indeed! I am intrigued by FOLON and its content. I was a fan of Doctor Who and Torchwood for the longuest time... I am eager to take a walk on London wild side...along with some of your contribution! Thanks dude, It intrigues me too - especially being a British Fallout fan :laugh: + I also used to live in London! I should have my first creation for them previewing in the following week :thumbsup: Todays progress, Nearly finished now! Top-side done. Once I finish the underbody we will be looking at ingame shots :ohmy: More soon. - Edge
  13. Yes, that is a possibility - I shall ponder on this thought as most of the land based rail tracks in Fallout 4 are all for industry rather than passenger commute. Todays progress - 90% there.. May have this one ingame soon! More soon. - Edge
  14. Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London. I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game! @Zopwerrty - That concept is stunning to look at, although unfortunately I cannot see anywhere in the game this may actually 'Fit' for lack of a better word without severe landscape modification. - Edge
  15. Yes I do intend to make a few more passenger based vehicles - although I am taking a break from those for the moment to focus on the military vehicles. I apologize I appear to have forgotten to answer your question - There will be more commercial / industry type vehicles on the way - including taxi's & Police cars. I aim to do these after the military package (I have had people screaming at me for militant vehicles so I guess now is the time!) I am not sure If I am going to be adding another tank - Although it does seem to be one of the things users want the most - So I may do, Thank you for the suggestion on the base model :thumbsup: Progress on the Missile Carrier / Launcher: [EDIT] Final progress images fot today: More Soon. - Edge
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