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Everything posted by YourInnerWolfe

  1. First I'd like to state that I wasn't complaining, just shocked I hadn't gotten any replies to my request due to it being an old post. Secondly, I'm not "throwing a tantrum". Do not confuse my disappointment as such. And lastly, I've only stated that the modding community was "dead" due to rumors and statements from other forums and sites. I recall MxR or JuiceHead saying something about modders leaving due to new problems and issues with Nexus. Maybe it had something to do with new changes? I don't remember why, but this is what I was going by. If I had a powerful enough PC, I'd try to learn mod creation, but not everyone has the money for a $1-2K system to handle Creation Kit. I'm barely able to make 2D animations with Photoshop as it is. But if I'm going to get rude responses, then there's no need for anyone to post on an almost year old topic (which I'll probably take down anyway.) So, thank you for the replies (despite not being what I was hoping to read) :sad:
  2. Wow, I requested this months ago in May and nobody even bothered to post or comment. Truly shows the modding community is dead
  3. Could someone please make a standalone Bomber Jacket that can be worn over anything? I know there is already one on Nexus, but I'd like to have one retextured in Black leather and black fur instead of vanilla colors, and still keep the "dirty look." I'd also like to wear the jacket over the armor chest pieces but have shoulder armor over the jacket (if possible) I would very much appreciate a response and help, thank you!!! :laugh:
  4. I second this, my only request is to not add the chest plate serial number (117) Master Chief NEVER had this in the earlier games, and this is the only thing that bothers me with his new armor.
  5. Bro, no joke, I thought I was the only one that wanted rain screen vfx! Honestly, I'd prefer to just have it regardless of wearing outfits/PA. Can someone do that? Please and thanks!!
  6. Just saw this, never had thought about it until now. Not sure if there is a mod out for this yet, but I will keep searching!
  7. Apparently there is already a "Typewriter Save" mod here on Nexus, and I also found an Alarm Clock one as well. But I would love it if there was a "Journal" (Overdue Book, etc.) as a settlement object I can place and save with that. If anyone can get back to me, I would very much appreciate it
  8. Hello, I was wondering if someone would be able to make a mod that adds a placeable book object in workshop mode that allows the player to save the game? I'm not sure if this is possible, but I've basically been wanting a "journal" I can place in my settlement that I can activate to save my game quickly but also has a writing sound effect when you activate it. And possibly a typewriter with a sound effect as well. I figured that this would be not only immersive, but easy for people to use. Thank you very much for reading my mod request.
  9. OK, so not long ago I requested a mod that allowed you to save the game by "using a journal." Unfortunately, I don't think making it will work. However, I just thought of this idea... Is it possible to make a mod that lets you save the game by "activating" any campfire in the world-space that allows you to save the game? This is basically how I want it to function (if possible) (Works with all DLCs and the mod "Conquest." (i.e. Conquest has a buildable campfire.)) Player looks at campfire and presses X to save game. Player sits on the ground (animation), the game begins to save and cuts to a black screen. Player automatically gets up from ground after game has been saved. When player loads saved game, the player automatically gets up and resumes playing. Is this possible to make? I was hoping to at least have some kind of alternate save method that has a survival or camp feeling to it. I'd really appreciate it if someone could make this or at the very least get back to me. Thank you for reading my request, and have a nice day.
  10. If sitting on the ground with a journal won't work, can we get a first person clipboard mod that's replaced with a custom made open overdue book as a save method? I don't want my idea to die out, so I'd appreciate a response soon thanks
  11. Oh, ok. Well, what if the mod was made by using the sit on ground animation combined with pull out clipboard, but the clipboard is replaced with the Overdue Book. Would that work?
  12. Wait, I just remembered that someone made a sitting on ground animation mod, and I've never seen any NPC do that in-game. So which means the mod creator(s) made the animation from scratch. So what I'm asking for (shouldn't) be impossible. I also know that when NPC's smoke, they take a cigarette from behind their back. So that could be replaced with the Book.
  13. Well I was hoping someone could possibly make the animation (if possible.) I mean, sure the clipboard could be replaced with the Overdue Book, but then the character would be standing...right?
  14. I love playing in Survival Mode, there are a few mods out there that allows you to save the game (And they're actually really cool.) Like the "APC: Home on the Move" mod with the Typewriter that lets you save. Or the "Cigarette Cards with Save" mod. Anyway, I've always wanted a mod that allowed me to save my game where my character would sit on the ground, take out a book from behind his back (or in this case, a journal) and begins to write in it. While the character is writing, the game would save, and then the character would put it away after the game saves. I was hoping to have it as a usable item. Can anyone make my dream mod a reality? I know what I'm asking for is not easily made, as it requires animation and sound effects (i.e. writing) but it would use original in-game assets. I'm aware there is a pen in the game (not sure about a pencil though) and there is the "Overdue Book" item. I would very much appreciate it if someone could make this, and get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you so much for reading my request, wishing everyone the best of health, and have a nice day!
  15. I understand that, but I don't want Child Shaun to fight. Realistically, kids wouldn't know how. They have to be taught. I just want a mod that makes child Shaun a companion with the same basic interaction you would normally have with him, but having him as a follower. I'd be okay with not being able to command or trading with him. (Although, it would be nice to see him wearing something other than his default outfit. But I can deal with it.) If there's no way to make child Shaun a companion, can we get a "copy" of him? There is a mod that replaces Dogmeat with a child, but the interaction with him is weird. Imagine walking up to a kid and saying; "Know any tricks boy?" I don't want to be Kratos :laugh:
  16. For future reference, I play Fallout 4 on Xbox One. So I know there are already a couple of mods out there for PC, but I was wondering if someone could make a mod that turns Synth Shaun into a companion. And I'm (painfully) aware that Bethesda has a big "no no" on child murder/violence. Which is why I wanted a mod that turns Synth Shaun into a companion that does not fight, immortal, and can't change clothes. When entering combat, I want Shaun to run to safety nearby like normal children do if you were to shoot up Diamond City. And when the fight is over, he'll return to the player. No trading, no weird menus, just "Talk." (And "Command" if possible.) I'm not sure how big this kind of mod would be, but I'm hoping to see this around 30 MB or smaller. I'm afraid I can't get rid of the mods I currently have, as I tweaked my Fallout experience almost exactly the way I want. (If anyone would like a list of the mods I have, feel free to ask!) Anyway, the whole reason I want this as a mod is because I love the movie "The Road" and have always wanted to recreate that kind of experience. I understand making mods isn't easy, but I would be so grateful if someone can make this, and I would very much appreciate it if someone can get back to me if they have time to respond. Thank you for reading my request, and have a wonderful day.
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