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About kamalktk

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  1. I am not involved in any way with the project, but they do make periodic updates on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BaldursGateReloaded/
  2. Dark0ne had already helped the Neverwinter Nights community after the main site for hosting mods for that went poof. This is just more indication Dark0ne cares about gamers.
  3. Play Misery Stone, which is set in Ravenloft (and is also awesome) http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=NWN2ModulesEnglish.Detail&id=411
  4. I will personally vouch for the fact that people who try to use that pack show up regularly in the official forums because it broke everything.
  5. Tchos is correct. The last post in a sticky thread is currently 29 days old, but there are 9-10 threads with more recent posts, they's simply below the numerous stickies. One reason for the slow posting, other than the age of the game and the size of the community of course, is most of the custom content issues are known about by the current modding community, so there is less need to ask questions.
  6. Thanks to legal wrangling over the license, you can currently only get it via the "DnD Ultimate pack", which includes a bunch of DnD games back to Baldurs Gate 1.
  7. I would try the DungeonEternal server. It's run by a long time community member, and it PvP. It's also technically highly advanced.
  8. 30 is the hardcoded max. Unless you use Pain's work to get around that.
  9. We already have dragonkin, and they look very, very good. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=nwn2hakpaksoriginal.Detail&id=285
  10. Try Neverlauncher http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/172/index/8618078 It has some camera controls preset by the community built in, so you don't have to try to find your own, you can just try some presets people have made.
  11. I've uploaded the fixes to the Nexus, http://neverwinter.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=101
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