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Everything posted by JohnGrimm

  1. Also having this issue. It looks like the OP , dasmart88, figured it out for the Wasteland Rugged mod so it must be fixable. Not sure whether he just rebuilt the thing from the ground up or what though. Edit: Fixed it thanks to Kikaimegami in this thread. The issue for me was subsegments that were still present after removing part of a mesh. Just had to edit the total segments to match the num segments and make sure the segment with the matching Tri count's num sub seg was 0. Check image for an example: Another backup of the image: https://i.imgur.com/2NdVw5R.jpg
  2. You could use Armorsmith Extended but personally I dislike it since it changes a lot of the base game objects and means having to deal with compatibility patches for the 90% of mods that don't require it. One option is to just edit one of the items you want to wear to have the overall stats you're looking for. So for instance let's say you wanted to wear a specific under armor. Modify that armor's stats to whatever you want. This requires at least having some familiarity with either FO4Edit or the CK though. If you aren't familiar with either of those the easiest thing to do would be to just add railroad ballistic weave to whatever under armor/clothing/armor you want to wear. There's a console command to allow you to attach the weave at a workbench without having to deal with the railroad if you want to skip that. type: "set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1" without the quotes into the console and you're good to go.
  3. I'm having an issue where the CK will hang, pop up the Windows "CK is not responding" thing and then crash. This only happens when the script selection window is opened after clicking Add Script for a quest. It will either cause CK to hang and crash as soon as the window opens or after loading the list of available scripts. This happens 100% of the time with both Fallout4.esm loaded and with nothing loaded. I tried looking for similar issues but they're all tied to Skyrim's CK with the solution being to extract the game's scripts because the user has set the BSA to load in the ini but failed to extract said BSA. I tried doing that with FO4, extracted all the scripts in Misc.BA2 but it had no effect. Has anyone else had this issue? I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what's causing this. Here's my CreationKit.ini and CreationKitPrefs.ini
  4. I feel like the time on this might be better spent focusing on just one thing. Huge sweeping gameplay mods like this tend to either take a long long time to be completed or are comprised of a lot of mediocre implementations rather than one good one. It's not like others aren't already working on the same ideas and changes and it seems redundant to have one person or a small team working on thirty different major gameplay changes for one mod. For instance a well made hunger/thirst/sleep/disease system is an entire mod in itself. You obviously know how to write a design doc and have spent a good of time working through these various systems but I'd recommend just focusing on one thing and doing it well.
  5. Ignoring the philosophical debate about mod quality; Whenever a Beth game comes out, a lot of the tools are still in the early early phases of development, and the CK has yet to come out you're going to see a lot of quickly done mediocre mods. You don't notice it for something like Skyrim but these kinds of mods are constantly being submitted. The difference is with Skyrim there's been almost 5 years worth of amazing mods and more coming every day. However with Fallout 4 less than a month from release the only things that are being submitted are small mediocre texture recolors and hacked together gameplay mods. Once all the tools are out and the foundation has solidified you'll start seeing some really impressive stuff. tl;dr: Modding takes time. High quality mods take a long time. There will be more than just quickly done recolors, just be patient.
  6. You're probably going to have to wait for a NCR salvaged style armor mod. If you just took the equipped power armor pieces and tried to make them regular armor there'd be a huge amount of clipping just because the power armor frame is a good foot or so taller than the male/female mesh so everything would be "squished" down. Not to mention if you wanted to be realistic you'd have to be a world class weight lifter to move around in a full suit unpowered and unframed.
  7. Does the in-power-armor model stay the same though? From what I can tell wearing it with the actual armor off and just the rig itself doesn't match what ever armor you're wearing underneath. It might be a stock 'in-armor' mesh that would fix the issues of body mods/armor conversions clipping through the power armor.
  8. The biggest hurdle I see is going to be fixing the dialogue. Removing the player's voice isn't difficult. There's already a mod on the Nexus that does it. Next step is completely restructuring the dialogue system. Removal of the Mass Effect style dialogue wheel of fortune and replacing it with the old UI. That will probably require F4SE being complete and possibly the new GECK being released. Still after that you're left with a terrible base mechanic of only having four options without many dialogue options in general. It should be possible to add in new voiceless dialogue but that would be a big undertaking and you're still stuck with having silent dialogue.
  9. For whatever reason you're able to rebind the standard activation key but this doesn't apply to actually looting anything. I've used the old Beth controls of spacebar for activate, E for jump for ages now but the new looting system throws me off a lot. Anyone had any luck finding where keybinds are actually stored? Or better yet a way to rebind the loot popup's take and transfer keys?
  10. I finally decided to make a dwemer focused character and downloaded the dwemer goggles and scouters, animated backpacks, helmets, etc. My issue is that for whatever reason if I equip any piece of body armor these items turn invisible. They're still equipped and still function the model just "unequips" when chest armor is worn. I don't know if it's an issue just with these mods and the item slots they use, other extra items that use larger itemslots such as shoulder pads or belts work fine. If it was an issue of an extra itemslot item conflicting with another that'd make sense but for whatever reason they're conflicting with chest armor. Here's my load order. LOOT's not popping up with any errors not that I would expect it to. Whatever conflict it is is small. And I've run a fresh reproc patch for Dual Sheath Redux. Edit: Just checked the actual item slots. The Goggles and Scouters and the animated backpacks both occupy slot 56 so they will conflict with one another. The animated headgear occupies slot 55 and shouldn't conflict with the others. For whatever reason though all of these conflict with the standard body slot 32 used by all chest/body armors. I have no idea why this is the case, has anyone else run into this?
  11. I'm concerned this is going to come back to bite the Nexus further down the road. Obviously if the Nexus is getting a paycheck from Valve every month they're not going to badmouth Valve or take a serious stance against the paid-mod system. The same would apply to the other "Service Providers". This is the most volatile time for Valve's new mod-monetization system. Keeping all the major players in the modding community from being a rally banner and crashing the train before it picks up steam seems like it'd be a high priority. Because once that train gets moving it's not slowing down let alone stopping. If DLC, freemium games, and microtransactions are any indication as time goes on they only become more and more exploitative. When they were new bright eyed and bushy tailed concepts people were concerned but people said "Just wait and see. It's too early too tell." and unsurprisingly they evolved to be as bad they are today. How long before we're in a similar situation with paid-mods? I'd love to be optimistic enough to think it won't get to that point but the past ten years have taught me it the capitalistic restraint with these things is loosened more and more over time. So the Nexus doesn't make any major waves in paid-mod's formative months and all is well. Then a year or two down the road Zenimax comes knocking at the door with an army of lawyers to shut it all down and the Nexus sings it's swansong of rage a year or two too late. I'm not saying the Nexus should be some figurehead against paid-mods, just be really careful getting into bed with Valve.
  12. For anyone that's having this issue of Vikki and Vance crashing when you try and go inside I fixed it by turning off the Moddable Unique Weapons mod.
  13. I honestly could not side with Ulfric. He just reminded me too much of every terrible rebellion leader who flaunts big ideals but is really only in it for power and control, and after getting it abuses it and then proceeds to slowly ruin the country. I hate that the Empire is so bloated with bureaucracy, but there's not much chance of Skyrim holding it's own in a war with the Thalmor. Not to mention all the Jarls under Ulfric are completely incompetent, where as the Jarls under the Empire are fairly good at ruling. I wish there was an option to lead your own revolt and rule Skyrim yourself, similar to choosing your own path in New Vegas though.
  14. Apparently it's one of my mods because I turned them all off and it loaded up fine. Which is bizarre because everything ran fine before I switched to windows 7. So now I guess I'll just need to go through and troubleshoot each one.
  15. So I made the switch to windows 7 back in January and since then I haven't been able to play Fallout 3, well not the Fallout 3 I know and love. Here's the situation. Windows 7 64-bit, nVidia 9800 GTX+ Quad core, 4gb ram. I put Fallout 3 and Oblivion onto my external hard drive because it was honestly just easier to run them off of there and it had a lot more space. So I figured when I made the switch to Windows 7 it wouldn't be a big issue. Well low and behold it's not unplayable :confused: I know there's an issue with FOMM and a certain version of .Net Framework, but I haven't found a way to downgrade my version of it. Any helps always appreciated.
  16. The best gaming experience I can remember is playing on RP servers in Garry's Mod. It was the sandbox freedom of GMod tied around an RP theme and it was just generally a lot of fun. Entirely player generated in every way, I don't think it'd possible to make develop a game that could replicate it the same way.
  17. I couldn't find a picture of Olga's version but I'd lean toward Grey Fox's version. It seems the most appropriate and most related to the armor itself.
  18. Well alrighty then. My problem is I can't find them to begin with. Is there some twilight zone Japanese Fallout3Nexus? That.. that man has girl's panties on his head...
  19. I've lurked around the Oblivion and Fallout 3 modding communities for a while, grabbing at what amazing mods I can. Yet one thing perplexes me, the Japanese Modding Community. It seems like it's all very hush hush and we're not allowed to talk about it. Some secret society brimming with bright florescent Final Fantasy armors and equally absurd bright and crazy hairstyles. So what exactly is the deal with the Japanese modding community? Why is it so outside our radar?
  20. One thing to note, don't make the weapons too large. An incredibly oversized lasgun is an crappy looking lasgun.
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