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About RaverDan

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    United States

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  1. so the CTD only applies to when you put the left handed weapon into a group but it won't crash if it's just in favorites?
  2. Hey, thank you for the reply. It turns out Steam had uninstalled my game and because of that, it slowly started deteriorating with every attempt. I didn't even think to check if my game was or wasn't installed since why would it be uninstalled if not by my hand? But supposedly, sometimes that happens. Also, scrolling through some of the forum here, I learned about verifying your data files through Steam. Now I'm looking into tutorials on Fallrim Tools and such. Kind of embarrssing to think it was just my game uninstalled though. I'm still confused on the clown face thing though.
  3. this is the clown face my game gave me randomly. Also, apparently my game uninstalled itself. But he normally looks like this
  4. Hey I have a question. I didn't about this until I read it here. What does it mean if the Local Files option is missing? Update: apparently my game wasn't installed. Not sure how that could be, I've been playing for years
  5. Hey I have a question. I didn't about this until I read it here. What does it mean if the Local Files option is missing?
  6. hello, I too have a problem. I was going really well for about a month. I was checked all cities before I started playing, no problems. A month in, I kept to the west, the Reach and Haafingar, then my story pushed me to Whiterun. I had been to Whiterun before with no problems, except...this time. I crashed at the stables. I thought it couldve been from script fatigue. I tried again an hour later. This time, and I kid you not, the game gave my character a clowns face. We're talking white face, clown makeup an it crashed again. Clown makeup, crash again. I deleted all my saves and started a new game. I have Realm of Lorkhan, while there, I uninstalled script heavy mods (Frostfall, Frostfall and Campfire Unofficial Update, Footprints, OStim and everything associated with it [dont judge], and thats it). From Realm of Lorkhan, I transported to Whiterun, instant crash! Tried again, instant crash. I had Dark's Whiterun Market, uninstalled that, tried again, instant crash. Surely it couldn't have been Fortified Whiterun? Maybe, uninstalled that too, tried again...no crash...I also had Convenient Carriages, used that to travel somewhere else. Ok, we're looking good. Went back to Whiterun, crash. Tried again, took a carriage from Whiterun to somewhere else, then to Riften. Crash. Uninstalled my beloved Convenient Carriages. Used the shards in the Realm of Lorkhan to travel. Transported to Whiterun, all good. Transported back to Realm of Lorkhan, crash. Wtf. Again, this is all on a new game. Restarted the game, crash on load screen. Uninstalled Realm of Lorkhan, tried Alternate Start, crashed on load screen. Tried vanilla start, crashed on load screen. Only thing I can think of is I updated SKSE64 before this playthrough and it's on the bottom of the load order but I use Vortex so Im not sure if it matters there. Do I have to shred the game and start all over? Here are my plugins Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawngaurd.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition.esp RSkyrimChildren.esm Survival Control Panel.esp Resources-The Great Cities.esp Legacy of the Dragonborn.esm BSAssets.esm BSHeartland.esm BS_DLC_patch.esp Campfire.esm Race Compatibilty.esm ApachiiHair.esm SkyUI_SE.esp SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp ICNs_ImmersiveCollegeNPCs.esp ChilledDogs.esp SkyrimSnowDogs.esp DBM_SMIM-Patch.esp Slof's Unique Frost.esp Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp EVG Conditional Idles.esp Shouts in Dragon Tongue Redone.esp Jump Height.esp Hearthfire MultiKid.esp Grounded Skyrim.esp Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp Amazing Follower Tweaks.esp Animated Eating Redone.esp WA_Bath Wiget.esp Immersive Interactions.esp More Draconic Aspect - Become the Dragonborn.esp P1FlyingRing.esp Blue Palace.esp Blue Palace. Terrace-Jks Blue Palace Patch.esp Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp Fort Dawngaurd Immersive.esp Proudspire Manor TNF.esp Cutting Room Floor.esp CRF-RSChildren Patch.esp RDO-iAFT Patch.esp IFDWACCFPatch.esp OCW_Obscure's_College of Winterhold.esp VHTNFSSE.esp Great Town of Ivarstead.esp Dragons my Way.esp No More Pesky Planter Message Boxes.esp RRSC_LotD-Patch.esp Race Compatibility USKPOverride.esp Dawn of Skyrim.esp JK's Understone Keep.esp The Great Town of Karthwasten.esp The Great Town of Shor's Stone.esp Civil War Aftermath.esp Great City of Falkreath.esp Great Village of Kynesgrove.esp HSTNF.esp Great Village of Old Hroldan.esp Winterhold Restored.esp BHTNFX.esp Great City of Dawnstar.esp JKs Arnleif & Sons Trading Co.esp JKs Mistveil Keep.esp JKs Palace of the Kings.esp OCW_ICNs_OE_FEPatch.esp Own Civil War.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor Compilation.esp JKs the Hags Cure.esp Point the Way.esp Whiterun Manor.esp JKs The Winking Skeever.esp Immersive Music.esp JKs Belethor General Goods.esp DBM_JKBelethor-Patch.esp JKs Silver Blood Inn.esp Blue Palace Terrace- Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch.esp OCW_LotD_FE Patch.esp DBM_Wintersun_Patch.esp DBM_Jaysus Swords_Patch.esp DBM_IA_Patch.esp Keep It Clean.esp Solitude Docks.esp Great City of Morthal.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Great City of Rorikstead.esp BSHeartland_Unoffical Patch.esp Riften Docks Overhaul.esp Great City of Dragon Bridge.esp JKs Candlehearth Hall.esp JKs Bannered Mare.esp DBM_JK Bannered Mare.esp Common Clothes & Armors.esp Winterhold College Communal Showers.esp OCW_WR2_FEPatch.esp Cold Regional Behaviors.esp Elysium Estate.esp Rayeks_End_SSE_1.0.esp Blue Palace Terrace_Dawn of Skyrim_Patch.esp Convenient Horses.esp DBM_CRF_Patch.esp DBM_WACCF_Patch.esp Killable Children.esp Sunhelm Survuval.esp DBM_Keep it Clean_Patch.esp All Geared Up Derivative.esp Castle Volkihar Rebuilt-RDO Patch.esp CHBRU.esp KSHairdos.esp Inigo Perk Point Giver.esp Face Masks of Skyrim.esp CYA_Choose Your Own Archmage.esp Guild Starter,esp SunHelm Campfire Skill.esp SunHelm OCW Patch.esp RSChildren.esp RRSC-Killable Children - Patch.esp KC-USLEEP Patch.esp Lowered Hoods.esp ASLAO- Front Porch (Breezehome).esp Skyrim Reputation SSE.esp Paarthurnax Quest Expansion.esp Unique Bows.esp DBM_Dawn of Skyrim DC_Patch.esp Black Mage Armor SE.esp OCW_BMA_FEPatch.esp SarumanStaffWepMod.esp HBetterBows.esp DBM_JKBlue Palace_Patch.esp Aymar and Friends.esp Realistic Elven Children Lore Friendly Heights Patch.esp Good Dog.esp Unlimited Shouts.esp A Matter of Time.esp THMeeko.esp Rayeks_End_SSE_1.0-Keep It Clean.esp Winterhold Bridge Fix.esp YOT-Keep It Clean.esp OCW_Music Patch_IM.esp Apocalypse-Magic of Skyrim.esp Become a Bard.esp RSChildren Patch-BS Bruma.esp Ursine Armor-Non HDT.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor-Ecksstra.esp zz_GDRAHoods.esp LadyKD Circlets.esp chfshPlayer Voicesets.esp AIO SE Tattoos.esp FNIS Spells.esp FNIS.esp RaceMenu.esp XPMSE.esp XPMSE Weapons Uncloaked.esp Race Menu Plugin.esp Athellor File.esp Belwen Rivervale.esp Gundien Hardwood.esp Aednat Sagewind.esp Moon's Bright.esp FNIS_PCEA2.esp CBBE.esp RaceMenu Morphs CBBE.esp Gwelda Dawnguard Armor.esp zzArmorMashups.esp Conditional Expressions.esp RDO-CRFtUSSEP Patch.esp Keep It Clean- Bruma Patch.esp Scout Armor.esp OCW_Cells Settings.esp Paper World Map.esp (Athellor, Belwen Rivervale, Gundien Hardwood, Aednat Sagewind and Moon's Bright are custom NPCs) If anyone has any ideas, I'm open for some suggestions. Thank you so much to anyone that can help.
  7. I found one that takes care of the tankards but still getting blue soup bowls (from iNeed Extended)
  8. Does anyone know what meshes Animated Eating Redux uses? I'm getting some blue chalices and blue soup bowls. I looked all over the description but cant figure it out
  9. I've been doing the same, testing my mods before I start playing and started never installing mods mid game. SSEEDIT I'm still new to. I also lose FPS in Solitude or anywhere that's around smoke so I make sure to restart my computer before every playthrough, seems to work. Also, I moved up to 189 mods now ( from 114 from when I first started this thread). Mostly from patches. I think a key thing is always to read the description lol
  10. I looked for the other one but didnt find it. Thanks so much for the effort! Very rare nowadays
  11. I've seen a few mods using this but what exactly does it do?
  12. no need to be sorry, we've all been there. You did more than enough, Ill look into that. Thank you
  13. Is there a patch for those two mods? I'm tired of seeing my followers dangler everytime we're about to go into town. It's embarrassing. I found this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11573?tab=description but it's pretty old now. Yes, I have read the description on CH and done this: Amazing Follower Tweaks: There have been few issues here and there and most of them have been prevented. It is important to have horse features disabled in AFT along with follower teleport on weapon draw setting.I can still see his twig and berries. If anyone has any ideas or knows of a patch I missed, please let me know, I'm sure others are wondering the same. Thanks guys.
  14. Just want to say, you're a damn hero, bro and we don't deserve you.
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