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Everything posted by SynthetiXxX

  1. Gentlemen and Gentleladies, the original post does not provide any context as to when and where this poll was hosted and is heavily cropped. While it's natural to assume it was hosted on the Nexus discord server, there is no direct evidence provided that it was. Please, everyone take a breather and try to remain civil. Spreading misinformation, outright lies, and/or slander toward Nexus and/or it's staff encourages more unruly behavior and ultimately wastes everyone's time at best, or your complete removal (ban) from the site if severe enough. Edit for clarification instead of a double post: By all means do what you want and what you will, I'm in no position of relevancy. I just want to encourage meaningful discussion and I would hate to see folk be punished for any reason regarding this thread.
  2. Which is baffling to think about. I'm assuming Nexus A)Hired and paid a team to make a new UI design for the site. or B)Had their own staff develop the new UI design In either case, I can understand the strong commitment to putting the UI to use, especially in Case A. Perhaps a sunk cost fallacy, etc, or etc. Making Nexus more mobile friendly is a GOOD thing, I despised browsing Nexus on my mobile device, would just wait until I was able to reach my desktop 9 times out of 10 if I wanted to browse something on Nexus. My question is, why does the new UI have to be site-wide instead of just mobile specific? It can't be a limitation, it has to be possible. Mobile gets the new UI and desktop has the old UI. Cosmetic and minor edits to both to bring color and theme consistency, but then the site is usable on both platforms. Win-Win. It's bonkers to me that the desktop experience should be restricted to a lower level of quality so that the mobile experience is the same and/or at least similar. I feel a lot of peoples, including my own, feedback will just be labeled "I do not like change" and be promptly discarded since this seems to be the go-to answer for a lot of feedback toward the new design. I'm not going to contribute my own thoughts any further to spare time.
  3. Nexus sure was quick to remove this little trick. What a shocker!! Holy Moly what a terrible statement from someone in an official position representing the site, assuming this isn't paraphrased or strawman'ed
  4. It's not going away, whether you/he/she/I/we like/s it or not. Nexus is going to Nexus. You can only recommend improvements and feedback based on what they bring forward on the site.
  5. 1. The New, Updated, Trending, and Popular mod category tabs on the main page no longer counts how many mods are in that category, so I have to click to inspect what mods are now present. If I check Witcher 3's page once daily for new or updated mods I no longer can just rely on the number statistic going up or down in the New/Updated category, I have to click that category anyway. I think people would appreciate a number statistic over an icon, or rather why not have both instead of one or the other? 2. Collections hot-bar wastes and obstructs too much space. Old Collections bar was better. Using the search bar actually brings up the mod I'm searching for now, so there's that. No longer will I get 10,000 translation mods or simply "No Results Found" and then have to go to Google to get the mod I want anyway - Kudos for actual search bar
  6. It seems every mod I've found that provided the feature to stash these items in the stash is horribly outdated. I tried to update one of these mods manually for myself - Copying over the official script from v1.32 and copying over the edits from this mod only to achieve a script error. I've heard storing quest items breaks the game and I don't want to store those in stash, only for the items mentioned above in the title. If anyone is willing to create an updated mod for this or point me to an existing mod that provides this I will greatly express my gratitude to you. Thanks in advance
  7. No, you only need Community Patch - Base About moving Witcher 3's directory, they likely mean out of program files. For little sense it makes it does give a performance boost to having the game installed outside of program files. I know there is an explanation for it but its too long and I'd rather not type it.
  8. What you're not telling readers of this is that CDPR had planned micro-transactions for the multiplayer version of Cyberpunk, not with singleplayer. With CDPR re-considering their goal with Cyberpunk multiplayer, their multiplayer micro-transactions are also being re-considered. I stopped taking MattyPlays seriously back in 2017 Mod authors don't haphazardly decide where their mod should be installed. Cyber Engine Tweaks went in Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64 because it hooks into the game and injects itself and subsequent add-ons dependent on CETs. Redscript does this too, however with a different method. Every other mod is typically an archive file that the game will only recognize and load in the archive\pc\mod folder, previously the archive\pc\patch folder. This weird projection you're going on about is just silly.
  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2134
  10. I've read multiple posts stating it does work, it doesn't work, but very few statements seem reputable. From what I've read, Arthmoor states it doesn't fix anything or he doesn't notice any improvement with/without the mod. What is the consensus?
  11. I've noticed my saves are accumulating non-existent form instances gradually but steadily. Are they trouble? Would they cause stability issues?
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