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Everything posted by crowtheone

  1. Okay..So... The only thing I see as inaccurate here, is that the game is re-coded through the DLC and THAT is the problem.. I have been using NMM and took a break for a while.. (few months ago) I got back on, without ever getting DLC... CBBE wasnt working, my raider overhaul skelly suit was invisible, and all my other texture mods went to s#*!... From what I have found, there seems to be an error with NMM installing meshes,textures, and materials.. THOSE posts were right.. They create a folder, but no files within... ALSO.. Dragging (or unzipping) and dropping the mods correctly mnually into these folders ALSO does nothing. ALL my mods were fine -pre NMM/fallout update. Bethesda, you needa piss off if your trying to lock people into JUST doing it your way, and see that we the people are tired of a faling operating paradigm. You DONT need to capitalize on people to make a sufficient, and even abundant ammount of cash.. Seriously. ALL things seem to point to it being on them. Nmm just says where to put s#*!.. BUT.. I mean.. If ya gotta move s#*! around to develope, and are trying to embrace the modding community, a little inside info between partners cant hurt at all.. Woulda saved a lotta people from just straight up saying "fck it" Anywho.. Been working on this for days, as the Jarl has, through deductive reasoning.. And nothing.. Just not enough people testing and posting sharing insight yet. But I'd be more than happy to hop aboard and figure this out with you guys today.. I got my caffeine.. Feel free to inbox me man. GL out there guys.
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