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  1. >two spaces %2f, which you drew a bunch of arrows at, is a forward slash.
  2. Answered on reddit before I saw your post here. I'll post the code here too: ScriptName Whatever Extends Quest Event OnQuestInit() RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame") EndEvent Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor ActorRef) ; stuff EndEvent Nothing fancy. Exactly what Reneer said. Put that on a quest set to automatically start. Using a quest actually makes adding your code to an already installed mod a non-issue. Assuming you add a new quest and don't stick your code on an already running one.
  3. :smile: Assuming you are speaking of something like this snippet of code (which IIRC you are the original author of): ;Checks if your plugin is still active. If not removes every none value from the vanilla formlists. Function checkForUninstall() ;we only want the loop once if (!uninstallCheckRunning) uninstallCheckRunning = true ;TODO - replace YourMod.esp with the name of your esp while (Game.IsPluginInstalled("YourMod.esp")) Utility.wait(60) ;waits 60 seconds until the condition is checked again endwhile ;The plugin is no longer active. Now we have to remove every none value from the edited formlists. ;TODO - Do this with every vanilla menu you edited removeNoneValues(VanillaWorkshopMenu) ;... uninstallCheckRunning = false endif EndFunction My suggestion to anyone attempting to merge a mod containing that (or something derived from it) would be to nuke it from orbit. It does not work as intended. Additionally, using the removeNoneValues function included in the same file will only clobber whatever formlist you call it on (it calls revert without adding anything back to the formlist). If this sort of "automatic uninstall" feature is the only thing standing between you and merging something, just throw it away. Nope, you assume wrong. Not to derail the thread, but MonitorMod in CWSS_Add_Categories_Script reads, roughly, as follows: function MonitorMod() if(!bMonitorLocked) bMonitorLocked = True if (bCategoryAdded) while (game.IsPluginInstalled("CWSS Redux.esp")) utility.Wait(10) endwhile formlist j = WorkshopMenu01Furniture WorkshopMenu01Furniture.Revert() int i = 0 while (i < j.getSize()) if (j.getAt(i)) WorkshopMenu01Furniture.AddForm(j.getAt(i)) endif endwhile MonitorMod2() debug.Trace("[CWSS]Mod has been uninstalled and the workshop categories have been restored.") bCategoryAdded = False bMonitorLocked = False endif endif endfunction I say roughly because the source wasn't distributed with it and that file was likely complied with caprica -- champillion wasn't happy decompiling it. A few minutes with the output of the disassembler gets us the above code, but I wouldn't be surprised if the the bCategoryAdded conditional is slightly wrong. My assumption looks to be correct.
  4. :smile: Assuming you are speaking of something like this snippet of code (which IIRC you are the original author of): ;Checks if your plugin is still active. If not removes every none value from the vanilla formlists. Function checkForUninstall() ;we only want the loop once if (!uninstallCheckRunning) uninstallCheckRunning = true ;TODO - replace YourMod.esp with the name of your esp while (Game.IsPluginInstalled("YourMod.esp")) Utility.wait(60) ;waits 60 seconds until the condition is checked again endwhile ;The plugin is no longer active. Now we have to remove every none value from the edited formlists. ;TODO - Do this with every vanilla menu you edited removeNoneValues(VanillaWorkshopMenu) ;... uninstallCheckRunning = false endif EndFunction My suggestion to anyone attempting to merge a mod containing that (or something derived from it) would be to nuke it from orbit. It does not work as intended. Additionally, using the removeNoneValues function included in the same file will only clobber whatever formlist you call it on (it calls revert without adding anything back to the formlist). If this sort of "automatic uninstall" feature is the only thing standing between you and merging something, just throw it away.
  5. I would say that this is the only right answer. Audit all of the code and, if necessary, rewrite some bits of it. If you aren't comfortable doing that you're out of luck.
  6. In a nutshell: SMM lets you make your script-injected menu categories automatically uninstallable. No more uninstall chems/holotapes for your users to forget to run. You just register your menu(s) with SMM, it adds it/them, and if it notices that your .esp has been disabled it removes everything associated with your mod from the build menu. I have the core functionality done, but it isn't quite ready for a full release yet. I'm looking for two different kinds of testers: users and authors interested in using SMM in their mod. If all goes well the PC release will be sometime next week with xbox coming shortly after. Until then you can find the code at GitHub (https://github.com/cadpnq/fo4-smm)
  7. I was pleasantly surprised by the interest everyone showed in MSM. You all seemed to have lots of ideas about components and how they should work together. I have some ideas of my own, but I'm concerned about how complicated using MSM might be. If you have seen Advanced Settlement Power (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11165) you know that I'm a big fan of complexity. The problem with ASP is that the learning curve is so steep that most people are too intimidated to try it. I'd like to avoid that with MSM. The attached diagram is a basic overview of how I'm thinking everything would connect in a simple nuclear power plant. The components are: Tank: holds water (...duh)Pump: pulls water from tank and produces pressure/flowReactor core: produces heat at some given rate. has connectors for water to flow through and heats said waterBoiler: has two sets of connectors. one set is the heat input and the other is for the feedwater/steam producedCooler: dumps heat from the water flowing through it into the environmentTurbine: turns incoming steam into torque. lowers steam pressure/temperatureCondenser: turns steam back into waterThe tricky part is how they all interact from a gameplay point of view. It needs to be interesting/fun but not too complicated for J. Random Gamer to actually use. I could go crazy and compute the resistance/pressure in each loop to determine the flow rate. Then with a little math you would pass some volume of water through every component each simulation tick, but I'm afraid that might make designing things with MSM too difficult for some people. So, given what I have said so far, how do you think everything should work together? Don't worry about how it will all be implemented. Figuring that out is my problem. Focus on the game mechanics edit: If you're not logged in and you can't see the diagram you can find it here: http://i.imgur.com/RrLE4uV.png
  8. The vanilla generators and water purifiers are rather boring. You just plop one down and forget about it. Modular Settlement Machinery (MSM) addresses this shortcoming by letting you build your own infrastructure from a collection of sub-components. I'm taking inspiration from the machinery in Dwarf Fortress and some game mechanics from Kerbal Space Program. You'll either build a masterpiece of post-apocalyptic engineering or stage a reenactment of the Chernobyl disaster in your settlement (meltdowns not implemented in the PoC). I'll be making the first proof-of-concept release this Friday. Right now it only includes a reactor, boiler, turbine, and a generator. There are two variants of each item: mk1 and a mk2 which is more powerful. The reactor produces heat which the boiler uses to make steam. You use that steam to power a turbine which spins the generator and makes power. The models I'm using were made by combining/translating/scaling some vanilla assets (stuff from machinekit). Since you can't scale collision geometry in nifskope none of them have proper collision: you can walk right through them. I have *lots* of ideas (different types of reactors, cooling towers, pumps, storage tanks, water wheels, pipes, axles, wood and oil furnaces, internal combustion engines, centrifuges, filters... you get the idea), but I won't be able to do the idea justice on my own. All of the code will be fun/easy to write, but an artist is really needed for the mod to reach its full potential. PM me if you're interested in joining the project. Is this something you'd like to use in your settlements? p.s.: I posted this on reddit yesterday, but I'm probably more likely to find an artist here. So, repost
  9. You probably could have pulled it off. Once you figure out where the snap points need to be it is just mindless repetition in nifskope. Good to hear! That might be the motivation I need to actually finish it.
  10. I think you'd need to poll the current weather every so often in order to detect when the weather transitions to the one you're after. You'll need: GetCurrentWeather http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetCurrentWeather_-_Weather GetClassification http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetClassification_-_Weather and a timer.
  11. After putting it off for ~2 weeks I have finally released Conway's Game of Life for Fallout 4. Sometime this weekend I'm going to upload a showcase video, but for now you can find usage instructions on the mod page. As neat as having a GOL display in your settlement is the interesting bit is the library which made it possible: Intelligent Snap Points. ISP makes it possible for you to detect when one object has been snapped to another. It is still a work in progress, but for now it sends OnSnapped and OnUnsnapped events. I'm working on two other mods (Modular Settlement Machinery and Modular Elevators) that use ISP, but I'd like to hear your idea if you have one. All feedback welcome Conway's Game of Life: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18259 Intelligent Snap Points: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18785?
  12. Are the equipment racks in Homemaker modular? As in build an empty cabinet and then snap panels onto it. I have been adding snap points to all of the cabinets and panels, but there is no sense in me finishing them if I'm duplicating something someone else has done. Edit: Here's a picture of what I have so far: http://i.imgur.com/UCDwPEz.jpg
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