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About lenora22

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim AE, 7DTD, Valheim, ESO, Conan Exiles, occasionally popping into UO when I'm feeling nostalgic (Death Knights of PaxLair unite! lol)
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim SE

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  1. Thanks AaronOfMpls for your reply. It doesn't seem to remember whether I'm walking or running on a save, which is weird if it's supposed to. I just tested it and once I load a game, if I continue to load saves from that character, it does remember. But if I go back to the main menu and load a save, or if I just opened the game and load a save, it always auto-runs. It only takes half a second to hit caps lock to walk at each time when I log in, but it's so annoying! Haha! Thanks again.
  2. Hi all! In my SkyrimPrefs.ini, I edited default run from bAlwaysRunByDefault=1 to 0 so that when I load the game, my character walks by default. It's the .ini in my Documents > My Games > Skyrim Special Edition folder. Is this the wrong .ini? I know I did this in the past on my old computer, and it worked. I've checked repeatedly that it's done correctly, but I still run by default. I don't see any mods enabled in MO2 that I think could be affecting it. Any ideas? What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Tested and it DOES work on a new game, but not when I load a save from before I made the edit. Is this the type of thing that gets baked into a save file?
  3. (searched for topic already in forums and didn't find it, so sorry if this is a duplicate) There used to be a torch animation variety mod that had two or three different animations in first person (maybe also in third? Don't remember, as I always play first). One was sort of over the head, another was further off to the side, etc. I can't seem to find it anywhere--searched all the keywords I could think of on the Nexus (incl. my previous downloads page), Google, and YouTube as well since I think that's where I first learned of it. If anyone remembers what this mod was called, lemme know. :smile: [edited for typo bc I can't help myself]
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